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TES3 Session 122 January 18, 1965 electrical field system force protrudes

To continue along the lines of the various fields of actuality in which the human body exists, these fields or systems, being open, are also fields with particular identity, within which certain inner and particular laws operate. Forces entering these fields, by the very act of entry, become transformed into the sort of data that can be accepted by the given field. The field is open then, but data passing into it is in a different form from the form it had before entry. There are electrical fields of actuality which are fields in which the dominating data is electrical, in the same manner that the dominating force or data within your plane is material.

Existence in this field has great importance, particularly as far as the physical brain mechanism is concerned, and there are far more connections here than your scientists have yet discovered. The nerve impulses leap and connect the two fields continually, and interrelate them in a most intimate manner. Only infrequently does the electric field protrude visibly in your field, yet in its own field it is indeed tangible, but not in terms of matter. This field is also concerned with what you call growth in your own field. Electric impulses within atoms and molecules are part of the structure of your physical universe, while matter is not perceived directly in the electric field itself.

This field projects itself, as should be obvious, into your own field of actuality, and as such the personality itself has its existence in both fields; and both systems, being open, are dependent one upon the other, and a failure to survive in one system threatens survival in the other. This particular electrical field is one of the most closely allied with the physical field; comparing the whole setup to your known physical universe, the electrical field would be one of the close planets of your own system.

TES3 Session 120 January 11, 1965 fields chemicals mankind bravo excess

Excess of chemicals within the body are drained off by the subconscious through its ability to act as a channel between fields of actuality. The chemicals are sent as projections into other fields which need such chemicals. Certain energies from other planes or fields are also projected into this field, where they are used.

We will speak this evening concerning the importance of the existence of planes or fields of actuality which are as yet generally unrecognized within your own field. Due to mankind’s present general insistence upon recognizing no other fields of actuality but his own, the advance of knowledge is curtailed. [...]

[...] Facts indeed that make such a universe possible, facts that would revolutionize science, and most of all the science of medicine, and the field of psychology. The study of so-called extrasensory perception is now considered an isolated bizarre domain, unrelated to other fields of knowledge. The reason for this is that the data that would connect such a study to all other fields of interest is not recognized. [...]

TES8 Session 376 October 30, 1967 table sitters field sensitive Sheryl

[...] A molecular bridge-field is therefore momentarily constructed. This field may be widened, including all those sitters. [...]

The field itself builds up toward a peak of activity, and then begins to weaken. Levitation of a table with this method is possible only when the entire table is drawn into the force field construction.

Levitation may also be achieved when the sensitive is in excellent condition, and at the apex of the force field coordinates. The force field has definite space-time coordinates and a dimensional affect that permits the manipulation of molecules from one system to another.

TES3 Session 131 February 10, 1965 electrical density denseness intensities field

[...] For all human beings are likewise so electrically composed, and everything else, with few exceptions within your physical field, whether or not it even exists as physical matter. Yet I tell you that this not only applies to your physical field but to all fields.

[...] At break she told me that as she spoke the word dense, and during the pause, she had a rather strong mental image of a field of points of light. [...] On a vast scale the myriad points of light compared to the density in the electric field, on a very tiny scale.

[...] This is a denseness caused by an infinity of electrical fields of varying ranges of intensity. Not only are no two of these electrical fields identical, but there are no identical impulses within them.

TES3 Session 112 December 2, 1964 tree field reflections stationary mental

These simultaneous actions, happening at once, appear in multitudinous fields of activity. And it would seem from within those fields that time as you know it is involved. [...] The appearance of this time is caused by the apparent changes or transformations of the action as it enters any given camouflage field.

The action is only apparent or visible in a particular field when it adopts the camouflage coloration of the field in question. [...]

[...] The impulse for such creativity within your field is mainly two-fold, although other elements may enter into it; there is the exuberant desire to express, the same desire exhibited by all energy. [...]

TES3 Session 128 February 3, 1965 electrical intensity shape dissection field

To be inside a concept is to be inside an electrical field formed by varying intensities, each intensity meaningful, distinct, simultaneous and separate, yet all taken together forming a particular electrical field. I told you, I believe, that it is an error to think at all in terms of size when fields are mentioned. In a way I cannot yet explain to you, these fields of intensity, while having mass in terms of intensity, do not have size.

It follows that the whole self has an actual reality and existence within many fields beside the physical field.

[...] If all of this sounds farfetched, then remember that the shapes that you perceive meaningful, many other species within your own field cannot perceive at all.

TES4 Session 149 April 26, 1965 action dots universe field apex

[...] It carries on according to the possibilities inherent within it, as you carry on according to the possibilities that exist within the physical field. The possibilities for action vary, however, within these two fields as they vary within all other fields. [...]

[...] You simply cannot bring them back into the limited perspectives of your own present field, and are left with but glimpses and flimsy glimmerings of images which are actually as actual, vivid, and more mobile than those in the physical field.

[...] There is, between the physical field and the dream universe, an interdependence that is not at all unusual, for all fields are indeed dependent one upon the other.

TES3 Session 118 January 4, 1965 organism fields influences planes actuality

The physical organism protrudes into many fields of actuality, and is to some extent perceived within these fields, and influences those fields as they influence the physical organism. It is because you conceive of the body as existing within one field only that you have not had more success in dealing with human illness.

[...] This is not to say that such planes or fields of actuality cannot in some manner be perceived, but they will escape physical perception or exploration. In dreams, when the self is somewhat free from camouflage, perhaps it is possible for the self then to travel spontaneously into such fields of actuality; but since they are as bizarre to the self as is the dream world itself, then there is no way, usually, for the sleeper to distinguish between the universe of dreams or other actualities.

The physical organism itself then, even as you know it, exists and moves and reacts and influences, and is influenced by, many fields or planes of actuality; and its existence as you know it in your universe is determined by and dependent upon its existence within other fields, of which man is still intellectually ignorant.

TES3 Session 125 January 25, 1965 electrical intensity distance Lee incense

I have also mentioned that the electrical field has its own variety of dimensions, with which you are not familiar. Now indeed this electrical field in which thoughts and emotions and dreams have an independent actuality, this field contains depths and dimensions of a sort most difficult to explain.

In the electrical field it is the intensity of any given actuality that determines this sort of duration, and the intensity can project such an actuality into many dimensions at once. The intensity of a given actuality within the electrical field, of itself, determines the other dimensions of the actuality. [...] Within the electrical system, intensity is also responsible for the potentiality, duration and electrical mass, which is a mass of a different sort; a mass that takes up no space, and is not made of matter as you know it, but mass whose thickness is one of varying electrical intensities which form a definite shape, a separate field more or less, an electrical coded counterpart for physical matter.

[...] I bring this up now since there is a connection here, if you will excuse a pun, but there is a connection here with the electrical field. You realize now that psychological conditions have their existence within electrical reality, and so certain frames of mind will then be duplicated within the electrical field.

TES3 Session 123 January 20, 1965 electrical emotions attractions climate independent

Its manifestations are greatly concentrated, and its patterns attract mass, but in different terms in the electric field. [...] The mind, as separate from the brain, the mind exists purely and simply in the electric system or field, and does not project itself directly into the physical field although its effects appear within it.

[...] Dimensions do indeed exist within this electrical field of which I have spoken, and it should be understood that I speak of an independent electrical field, and not of the weak, apparent electrical effects that can be observed within the brain or nervous system. The electrical reality of emotions and thoughts represents a thought dimension that has been completely neglected; and in it there are other dimensions; as within your field there is apparent space and time and height and thickness, so in the electrical system there is intensity and what I will call space reality, electrical mass and potentiality, which is different from intensity and polarity.

They are brought into existence in a subjective manner, but they then are independent action, and as such may continue to exist in duration within the physical field, according to their original electric potential. [...]

TES3 Session 121 January 13, 1965 telepathy intangible study elementary telepathic

[...] As such within your physical field the brain is subject to the laws of your field. The mind, having its existence within the scope of the physical field but independent of it, is a much more fruitful subject for study; and not of course study through means of physical instruments or of operations performed. [...]

These clues could lead to proper understanding, so that it would be known that the physical body does exist in many fields of actuality, and through the study of various portions of the body many glimmerings could be received concerning the various fields of actuality themselves.

This study alone would involve an introduction into a knowledge of other fields of actuality. Biology has made many strides, but it must finally be concerned with that intangible which is behind all organisms, and it will be forced to the initiation of an entirely new field, along the lines of basic organic psychology. [...]

TES3 Session 146 April 14, 1965 ego action field personality stability

[...] As the vitality of the universe forms, of itself, the boundaries of the various fields of activity, and as vitality itself takes on the coloration of the various fields and forms the camouflage patterns within them, so also vitality, in the form of emotions that the camouflage patterns of the personality, even while this vitality forms both emotions and personality for every individual, every consciousness, may be thought of as a separate field of activity; and all the data relating to fields of activity may be seen to apply to any consciousness as well.

We find once again a basic reality, that of the personality, which is accepted and recognized within the physical field, even while it does not appear there as a definite physical unit. [...]

[...] Personality, then, can be seen to operate as a field of action in identity; but identity that is conscious of its relation to action as a whole.

TES3 Session 126 January 27, 1965 electric psychoelectric system codes brain

First of all, let me make it plain that while I speak of separate fields and systems, you must remember that they are all one. Traces of each system will be found in each system, because no field or system is basically closed, although they may appear closed.

Personal identity, the basic “I”, is a product of the subconscious, and as such it exists as an actuality within the electric field; because of this it is basically independent of the physical field, held to it mainly by the ego. [...]

The ego does not exist within the electrical field. The ego is a product of the physical field, formed from physical birth on. [...]

ECS1 January 14, 1969, Tuesday Conversation Between Rachel and Ruburt Rachel wheat unfriendly group leave

[...] a wheat field.”)

(Ruburt.) “I sense somebody beyond that (wheat field) coming from the village that we talked about earlier; and I sense that you do not want to know that they are there.”

([Sue:] “I’m the one across the field. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 13 dream electrical rem intensities world

[...] This is a denseness that does not take up space, a denseness caused by an infinity of electrical fields of varying ranges of intensity. Not only are no two of these electrical fields identical, but there are no identical impulses within them.

This not only applies to your physical field but also to all others. Your field is contained within its own range of intensities, a tiny band of electrical impulses a million times smaller than one note picked at random from the entire mass of musical composition that has ever been written or ever will be written. [...]

One of the closest glimpses you can get of pure action is action as it is involved with the dream world and in this mobility as the personality passes into and out of the dream field. [...] In this way, you will be able to perceive the ways in which it is translated into other fields of actuality that do not involve matter as you know it.

TES2 Session 72 July 20, 1964 Pipers imposed constructions sea endure

[...] The world, or field, that you presently inhabit is real, definite on your level. The fact that its reality is only limited to your level, and does not extend to other fields, must not tempt you to discount it; and yet while you must behave in a large manner as if your universe were inherently and basically objective, you must still retain the knowledge that this apparent objectivity has great limits, even practically speaking; and a too-great dependence in a world of objectivity can lead to a psychic imprisonment which is unnecessary.

[...] There are of course different methods of construction suitable for various fields, and in some instances the same atoms and molecules can be utilized by inhabitants of more than one field.

In a distant future, even in your field, the limits of the so-called objective world will clearly be known and demonstrated, and a great freedom for mankind will result.

TES1 Session 25 February 12, 1964 duality phonograph recorder plane camera

If you will think (I hope) for simplicity’s sake of the whole self as it exists on your plane with its physical body, conscious ego and inner self as one field unit, which is also part of the larger or more complete entity as one field unit within another, then perhaps it will not be too much for you to imagine the connection, or one of the connections, between the entity field and the whole-self field, which is on your plane as being the inner senses—that is, the inner senses are one of the connectives between these two fields.

They are fields within fields. [...]

The present personality cannot travel to the complete entity, again because of these very real laws; that is, while caught in or under the influence of the field of your plane, the personality cannot travel to the entity. The personality can and should be aware of the whole self of which it is a part, and that part of the whole self which the ego ignores, is the one part which can enter into the field influence of the entity, though it cannot travel to the entity itself.

TES3 Session 133 February 17, 1965 frog seat burned electrical pond

Many sessions ago I used the analogy of air within your physical field, comparing it with the vitality of the universe, in that you are not as a rule conscious of air. Yet it is part of everything within your field. [...]

[...] Each field of existence merges into every other, and yet each retains its own identity. The subconscious layers of the self dwell also in many realities, and here I speak of actual fields and not fantasies.

[...] This vitality is the most immediate and intimate aspect that composes the camouflage appearance within all fields. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 888, December 10, 1979 neural sleepwalkers hinterland unit particles

3. Seth’s “fields of consciousness” sounds like an elaboration of field theory in physics. In physics, however, the field is called “energy and momentum,” not consciousness.

[...] (Pause.) The cell’s stability, and its reliability in the bodily environment, is dependent upon its innate properties of instant communication and instant decision, for each cell is in communication with all others and is united with all others through fields of consciousness,3 in which each entity of whatever degree plays a part.

TES3 Session 147 April 19, 1965 habit action smoking insulation exhausted

Action which is materialized within your plane appears within your field, and disappears from your field. [...] Action will change both within your physical field and outside your physical field. [...]

Any action that affects the physical individual also has its reality within many other fields, and its effects and its nature are felt within them. [...]

Action within your field may appear to be affected by your time, but only that part of action which is physically materialized will be so affected. [...]

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