Results 1381 to 1400 of 1884 for stemmed:was
[...] Jane talked to several people here today who reminded her that there was always a need to be filled regardless of location, about such things as reincarnation, dreams, etc; this also made us feel that we could work out here, in living arrangements and income, as well as anywhere else. [...]
[...] As you know, it does no good to worry about the time you may sometimes feel was “wasted” (in quotes) in the past. [...]
[...] Several portions of the personality have already helped in the release of repressed feelings; the conscientious self particularly, which was the greatest repressor. [...]
(This was a question we had discussed at break.)
I mentioned the Crucifixion once, saying that it was an actuality and a reality, although it did not take place in your time. [...] Its reality was felt by generations and was reacted to. [...]
I saw myself stretched out among the stars.
My skin, an open mesh,
Was hung with seeds and moons and fish.
Birds flew through my flesh
Which rose in continental mass
From seas of space. One arm,
A universe, was flung
Akimbo. My third left fingernail
Was earth, pearl tipped and turning
With the measured motion of my wrist.
The Crucifixion was one of the gigantic realities that transformed and enriched both the universe of dreams and the universe of matter, and it originated in the world of dreams. It was a main contribution of that field to your own and could be compared physically to an emergence of a new planet within the physical universe. [...]
[...] The beginnings of dreams reach back into ‘past’ lives of which you are not aware and beyond even this; the origins are part of a heritage that was before your planet existed.
(Jane explained that when I did this she was “already three or four sentences ahead” in the material, and the question forced her to look back at what she’d just said. Then, knowing it was late even though she was in trance, she suddenly decided to close out the session. [...]
[...] I clearly sensed that it was possible for him to improve his beliefs about life, and that the benefits from such a course of action would be great. [...] My father’s chosen withdrawal from the world was all too plain for everyone to see. In our imperfect understanding, Jane and I and other family members saw this process go on: We did not feel there was much any of us could do.
[...] Though consciously you were not afraid, there was a biologically pertinent fear that was acted upon.
(Jane’s birthday was yesterday, and a couple of events that made pretty nice presents revolved around that date. [...]
(The class was discussing the “other personality” (Seth II] when Seth entered the discussion.)
First of all, may I say good evening to you (Rochelle K.) and it is good to have you back (Rose) and I welcome you, and I welcome this one over here and I knew he (Doug) was coming. [...]
[...] Unfortunately, your world would fit in one of his Saturday afternoons—if he knew what a Saturday afternoon was. [...]
[...] And remember also that even these characteristics of mine are put on again as a garment that was at one time discarded. [...]
[...] Again Jane’s trance was deep; this time she was really out, she said, and remembered nothing until tile last line of the data.
[...] At break now Jane told me she had a “flash” that my “Uncle Ernie was, or would have been, the son that Dr. Pietra would have in this reality.”
Now Ruburt was correct in the impression he gave during your break, and this other portion of your personality also has a sister. [...]
[...] She was interrupted by staff giving her eyedrops and taking her blood pressure, and finished that session at 4:02. [...] This after I’d realized she was indeed doing very well reading.
(The temperature was only 18 degrees when I got to 330. [...]
(“Thank you, Seth,” I said at 4:32 p.m. His advice was as excellent as always. [...]
[...] At first I thought the dry air in the house during the winter was responsible, since for a while I thought I was having trouble hearing her—but this doesn’t seem to really apply. [...]
Therefore his relationship with Tam Mossman was quite valuable to him, for it took a good deal of the unpredictable nature out of free-lance writing; particularly where projects like books were concerned rather than short stories, and particularly in an area that was itself controversial. [...]
The sessions that Ruburt read this evening—that group—contain excellent material that was, at the time, used to bring about considerable understanding and improvement in Ruburt’s condition. [...]
The latest disclaimer issue simply falls into the same pattern, and therefore was added to it, but all of those issues involve his feelings and beliefs about work and creativity. [...]
[...] Jane had been to the chiropractor today and was very relaxed — so relaxed that I asked her if she felt like having a session. [...]
Through the anima and the animus, so-called, present personalities are able to draw upon the knowledge and intuitions and background that was derived from past existences as the opposite sex. [...]
Ideally, left alone, these operations would result in a balance individually and en masse, where aggressiveness was always used creatively, as indeed it can and should be.
[...] Dealing with this is not a simple problem, of course, for the original suggestion of dis-ease was in itself given because of another belief. Using formal hypnosis, and in the West, you may regress and discover where the suggestion was first given you. [...]
(No session was held Monday night. [...]
(“Honestly,” Jane said the morning after last Wednesday’s session, “I think I was doing book work in my sleep the whole night — only I kept hearing my own voice instead of Seth’s. I even thought of getting up and trying to write down the material, except that I didn’t think it would really work that way. [...]
(Jane was very active in ESP class last night, and especially so while speaking and singing in Sumari. [...]
[...] From childhood in your society, you were as children told in one way or another that it was healthy to enjoy sports and outside activity, to join in games, to be outgoing with playmates, and all of that is of course quite true. Children are also taught, however, that reading for anything but short periods was somehow unhealthy, that daydreaming or staying alone for anything but a brief period meant that the child was withdrawn, and that his activities—or hers—were somehow unnatural.
[...] It often seemed that there was no in-between point, and if you did not fit one mold, you must therefore take your stand and be the other.
[...] Your friends the Gallaghers inhibit their subjective natures strongly, both of them (as I was speculating about the other day). [...]
[...] Bates’s book, or rather philosophy, suggesting that the eyes were not made for reading, is an example of a different kind, implying that there were no books when the eye was created—and so therefore it is not natural for the eye to see letters—while it is natural for the eye to see, say, trees. [...]
[...] Jane’s delivery was quite emphatic and animated throughout. Her trance state was good.)
[...] Clumps of them (Jane gestured; her delivery was quite emphatic and animated) will be drawn together, literally sealed, only to drop away and disperse once more. [...]
(The rest of the session was devoted to Seth’s interpretation of one of my dreams—Robert Butts.)
[...] Another person might express the same dilemma through the body itself, so that “getting ahead” was equated with physical mobility — so that it seemed that physical mobility, while so desired, was still highly dangerous.
(4:33 p.m. Nobody, Jane noted as soon as she was out of trance, interrupted us for anything. I told Jane the session was again very good, like yesterday’s; it’s obvious that much of it fits our own situation. [...]
[...] I was ready to start on another session for Chapter 7 of Dreams, but realized I’d have to let that go. [...]
(The day was again extremely warm.)
[...] It would relieve the minds of families and friends, however, if they understood that the individual involved did not “fall prey” to the disease, and that he or she was not a victim in usual terms.
[...] Regardless of the circumstances, no one should judge such cases, for regardless of the way such a man might die, it would be because the thrust and intent and purpose of his life was no longer in physical reality.
[...] During break there was an outburst of heavy noise from one of the other apartments. [...] The racket was so loud and prolonged that I was surprised when Jane went back into trance. [...]
[...] I was only half joking in return. For some reason it was difficult to get my mind on the business at hand.)
[...] You will often become “allergic” to a drug simply because the body realizes that if the drug was accepted, all recourse to the solution of a particular problem would be cut off, or another more severe illness would result from the physical “cover-up” of the dilemma.
[...] “Wow,” she exclaimed as she put on her glasses, “I was so far out of it, and the material got so complicated, that I didn’t know what was going on. [...]
10:07 P.M. Once Jane was out of trance, I told her that most of Seth’s material since break can also be considered book work, including his hint about his own reality. He’d alluded to her notes a little more, but I was disappointed that he hadn’t developed two particular thoughts Jane had picked up from him today. [...]
Jane was so much at ease tonight that she thought of skipping the session, but she decided to try for it because she’d picked up material on it from Seth today, and made a few notes. [...]
[...] I also thought my intellectual hang-up over the concept of infinity was inevitably mixed up with the limitations of meaning that we usually assign to words.
At its poorest, communication between the viewer and the painting was lost, for a poor artist could not work that magic with lines or colors. A thorough knowledge of form was needed so that it could be represented by line or color. [...]
[...] I said it was clear enough, but that I was so busy writing that eventually I lost all sense of the meaning of the words. [...]
[...] The kitten was a way of bringing attitudes and problems to the surface, while incidentally helping a young animal. [...]
(“Not too well, because I was busy writing. [...]