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TES9 Session 451 November 25, 1968
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 451 November 25, 1968 9:05 PM Monday
The symbols that you work with will grow in depth and validity, for they will be symbols that will be recalled to some degree by all men. There may be a definite memory recall, a few curious moments when time dissolves, when even beneath a portrait you have painted you will see another face.
TES9 Session 430 August 22, 1968
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 430 August 22, 1968 8:41 PM Thursday
In the experience of personalities outside of your system, events are not recalled nor held in such a manner. A personality outside of your system does not therefore recall events from so-called previous lives in any serial form.
UR2 Section 6: Session 735 February 3, 1975
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 6: Reincarnation and Counterparts: The “Past” Seen Through the Mosaics of Consciousness
– Session 735: The Symphony of Your Being. Probable and Reincarnational Selves, Tragic Lives, World Goals, and History
– Session 735 February 3, 1975 9:12 P.M. Monday
(Jane and I were also interested in the fact that we’d seldom been on Foster Avenue, even though it lay within comfortable walking distance of the apartment house we lived in on Water Street; nor could either of us recall having noticed the “Foster Avenue place” before.
This included data on my starting to take violin lessons when I was eight years old — an event I hadn’t thought of for what seemed to be decades [it took place in 1927], but which I was able to instantly recall as soon as Jane mentioned it.)
4. I can note later that during the next few weeks we were to recall that creative insight more than once.
(I should add that those reasons do not involve any particular unwillingness on Seth’s part to do this, nor is it that those data we want may have evaporated beyond his recall.)
TES4 Session 184 September 3, 1965
– The Early Sessions: Book 4 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 184 September 3, 1965 10:30 PM Friday Unscheduled
Material I recall but vaguely is omitted.
(In this summary I give all the information I can recall on a particular subject at the same time, for convenience’s sake, although it may have been scattered throughout the session.
I do not recall more on this particular point.
(When Peggy asked him if the records pertained to Frank Watts being a teacher, Seth gave an answer I do not recall, except that I am sure it was not a direct yes or no.
TES5 Session 237 March 2, 1966
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 237 March 2, 1966 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled
It will be recalled that this asking of questions during experimental material, or immediately afterward, has been led up to gradually in very recent sessions.
As we recall he was not wearing his glasses on that particular evening.
This is very interesting to me personally; Jane also recalls these details.
TES2 Session 81 August 26, 1964
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 81 August 26, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled
(This car incident discussed by Seth refers to one I had forgotten already, though at the time it affected me strongly; and as I look back upon it, I recall it was the main reason for my own experiment with the car’s oil consumption.
She recalled parts of the material she had delivered, but was unaware of her surroundings, whether she smoked or not, etc.
SS Part One: Chapter 7: Session 531, May 25, 1970
– Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One
– Chapter 7: The Potentials of the Soul
– Session 531, May 25, 1970, 9:22 P.M. Monday
In the dream state you are much more aware of them, although there is a final process of dreaming that often masks intense psychological and psychic experience, and unfortunately what you usually recall is this final dream version.
To some extent, however, some people are aware of these activities, and there are also methods that will enable you to recall them to some degree.
NotP Chapter 10: Session 795, February 28, 1977
– The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 10: Games That Anybody Can Play. Dreams and the Formation of Events
– Session 795, February 28, 1977 9:33 P.M. Monday
Even if such dreams are not recalled, they circulate through the psychological system, so to speak.
Small amounts of ordinary stimulants, such as coffee or tea, taken before bed when you are already sleepy, have a beneficial effect in stimulating dream activity and aiding dream recall.
TES2 Session 46 April 22, 1964
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 46 April 22, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed
I experienced nothing that I could recall, but Jane received snatches of tinny music, as though it was being played on an old rickety piano.
I suggest that you take your break; and again, by all means, let me complicate matters further by commenting on the fact that Mark himself knew you, Joseph, twice before, and perhaps you will recall my comments upon your relationship with your son’s mistresses in Denmark.
It will be recalled that it was in the dance hall at York Beach that Jane and I saw the projected fragments of our own personalities, that Seth dealt with so extensively in the 9th session, of December 18, 1963.
(While Jane was delivering the material on Denmark and Triev, Bill said that he recalled quite vividly his experience with his “lost town” episode.
TES4 Session 195 October 4, 1965
– The Early Sessions: Book 4 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 195 October 4, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled
At first thought she recalled nothing involving herself as a 15-year-old. Lorraine then began to recall bits and pieces of events which, she thought, might fall within the pattern Seth had been producing in the rest of the data.
Lorraine agreed, saying that if it concerned an incident she was beginning to recall, it would have taken place in Asheville, NC.
NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 844, April 1, 1979
– The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part Three: People Who Are Frightened of Themselves
– Chapter 6: Controlled Environments, and Positive and Negative Mass Behavior. Religious and Scientific Cults, and Private Paranoias
– Session 844, April 1, 1979 4:01 P.M. Sunday
Even while it was, it also got the message across, though the inner drama itself was not recalled; and as the dream merged with historical events, and as it was interpreted by so many, its message also became distorted — or rather, it mixed and merged with other such dreams, whose messages were far different.
Even then, you might not recall the dream, but the situation itself as it comes to your attention might make you check your tires, decide to put off your trip, or instead lead you to inner speculations about whether you are going too fast in a certain direction for your own good at this time.
TES4 Session 192 September 25, 1965
– The Early Sessions: Book 4 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 192 September 25, 1965 11:45 PM Saturday Unscheduled
I will try to recall just enough to lead into the second half of the session, which I recorded verbatim in my homemade shorthand.
As nearly as I can recall, I recorded them accurately.