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[...] Our Lady from Florence has made some progress for, since I spoke to you last, you finally took me to heart. [...] I am speaking to our young merchant from Venice over here (to Daniel McIntyre).
Our Lady from Florence over here is filled with questions that she would ask you. [...]
Our other friend (Brad) is playing with his crutches—tossing them in the air a bit—practicing a two-step without them. [...]
[...] You still fear, as our Lady of Florence, that there is a cellar door—a cellar door to your mind—to your inner self. [...]
[...] Those among you who can follow, then hold onto these sounds and let them carry you with our trying an experiment at your Seth’s suggestion. Our energy is as vital, far more than you own. Our energy forms worlds. The excess of our energy spills over into other creations. [...] In your terms, our forms would be geometrical. [...]
There was such a relationship, and our friend took very sadly to a menial position for it followed one in which he was a great leader. [...]
[...] If so, do we do this frequently, so that our private fantasies have an inner coherence with those of our fellow human beings — and connections with them — that quite escapes our usual notice?
To me, this fact alone lends a credence to his visions that bolsters my own in the most meaningful way: I think our tower experiences of so long ago (in terms of linear time), plus our mutual artistic backgrounds now, with their corresponding social implications, are too closely allied to be explained as “coincidence” in the objective fact world. Peter’s surprising material, then, helps me tentatively recognize the physical connections those motionless visions of mine may have in our space and time.
(Our questions are without end, and Jane and I don’t really think many of them will be answered within our lifetimes. [...]
[...] At this writing, I think that I am living my only one hundred percent life now, with the privilege of occasionally being able to focus upon scattered portions of those other existences emanating from my whole self, which has its basic reality outside of our space-time concepts.10
[...] She looks surprised at our costumes, but I see a paper and pen on the kitchen counter and write a brief explanation. She glances at our flippers. [...] ‘Just like ours,’ she says, surprised. [...]
[...] Now, when she comes to our apartment, she senses this other Jane and Rob moving about just beyond the focus of our normal perceptions.
[...] One night, Rob asked Seth how our own egos had changed as a result of our sessions, however, and Seth used the question as an opportunity to give us more information about personality and probable selves.
[...] I said that the spectacular results obtained had seemed to come straight out of Framework 2. We also discussed the long essay on early man in Time for November 7, and I remarked that I’d like to ask Seth some questions about the state of our present “knowledge” about our heritage.
(It’s of further interest to note that no sooner had I mailed a letter to Ms. O’Keefe this morning, asking her help in locating an address in London, than her letter was delivered at our door upon our return from the post office. [...]
Remind me, however, of your question about early man, and I will give you some material for it at our next session.
[...] We will hopscotch back and forth and with our friend Ruburt, for this is also one of his main lines of interest, but your own experience can be used to benefit by the class at large for you must be led to see that you can alter physical events in such a way. [...]
Tell our friend, Ruburt, that Nassair should not set up what he is thinking of setting up, his offshore fund; and tell Ruburt that that is the only message I have for Mr. Nassair at this time. [...]
[...] We will get to all of your dreams in our class sessions, this was simply a particular point I wanted to make to you. [...]
(To Florence.) I have another point to make to our Lady of Florence though not the point that you particularly want me to make. [...]
We will probably not have a full session this evening, since really I treated Ruburt so poorly during our last two sessions. [...]
[...] Our negative intervals do indeed have something to do with antimatter, except that I prefer to call it negative matter. [...]
If you will now remember that there are negative intervals, or intervals between the pulsations of energy into matter, if you will remember that your physical universe then is nonexistent for the same number of intervals that it is existent, then you will see that this gives us our antimatter.
Remember however our universe that fulfills itself yet takes up no space, and our imaginary painting in which distance appears ever further in the background, while never touching the back of the painting, and this may give you some intuitive understanding of our spacious present that has duration, and yet takes up no space.
I am pleased that you are so pleased with our last session. [...]
[...] This should be considered along with our material on the expanding universe, since dream locations represent, certainly, a reality, even a framework that has no existence in your space; and measured purely along the lines used to measure your space, you would receive no hint at all of their existence or reality. [...]
[...] You must understand here that your idea of space is something quite different from the reality of our fifth dimensional space. [...]
You can, as our friend here (Sally) calls and then falls back. [...] That spirituality is as dignified as brother Theodore’s idiot flower is dignified, or as dignified as a wasp, or as our beloved monster here (Willie the cat). That it does not need a dour face nor long dark thoughts, and that it speaks like our friend over here. [...]
([Ron:] “You asked us about the meaning of our own lives. You wanted candor and truthfulness on our part, and I would like to ask you the same question. [...]
(To Bette.) And for our friend over here, Richelieu’s cousin, neither are you supposed to know what each word of Sumari language means. [...]
But remember, all of you, that your reality is structured not in logical terms as you think of logic, but that your most chaotic dream, our redhead over here (Sheila), the most important symbolic episode and experiences that you have that seem so unstructured to you, and you do not understand them; that these have their own inner structure that is intuitive and you understand that structure very well whether or not you consciously admit that recognition. [...]
(Evidently our concentration on increased sales is working. [...] Naturally we want to see much more evidence of our concentration; this should automatically come if we are indeed on the right track.
(“Our sales have increased but our mail has dropped off quite a bit. [...]
[...] The dream actually reviews the whole of Jane’s and my life together, our motives and actions, fears and beliefs, etc.)
Now in the second half of our next session I will go into the other material that our good friend requests. [...]
(Before the session this evening I spent some time blowing off steam about a variety of large issues that we see reflected in our daily news media—such things as corruption, pollution, inflation, the destiny of the race if it persists in its present ways, etc. [...]
First of all, (to me) do not lose your sense of perspective, that larger perspective, that our work should give you. [...]
Now, my welcome to our friend here, and we will for now continue with our discussion. [...]
For our friend here (Jane pointed to Emolene), an existence in the land called Greece before it had that name. [...]
[...] As far as our accepted history goes, there wouldn’t have been any Spanish speaking colonies or groups in South America in the 1200’s. Latin America was opened up to Spanish settlement in the 1500’s, of course, after the voyage of Columbus in 1492...)
(We did not know whether the session was over now, so resumed our places after Emolene left. [...]
[...] He has told us we could never cover even a portion of the numberless fields bordering even our own; some will be explained as they impinge upon our own in various ways; Seth also has mentioned his own ability to travel through a few other fields. [...]
We had better take our break, for our Dr. Instream material will begin shortly.
(The session tonight was held in our large front room. [...]
First of all, you understand from our discussions concerning planes and fields in general, that these are more multitudinous than you can imagine. [...]
(After several sessions involving various kinds of personal material we hoped to get back to the theoretical kind. The session was held in our living room as usual. [...]
[...] They violate the known laws of physics; although at the limits of our observable universe they are much too bright, and their energy is much too fantastic.)
[...] When the ball goes out of sight, so to speak, you could say for our analogy that it goes into the future.
Not only are you blind beyond a certain arbitrary point, so that the straight line seems cut off and the action completed, but you are blind to all the other directions, you see, that our ball could and does take.
Let me tell you that only now, with this material, will we really begin our leap into real understanding of things as they are. [...] You have hereby completed the preliminary lessons of our course; and I mean preliminary.
[...] Our cat Willy was also very quiet.
I would like to continue our discussion on matter. [...]
[...] The inner senses are the carriers of our fuel, that is, they can be likened to the various cars of our imaginary train. [...]
Almost but not quite, our invisible fuel carried to us by our inner senses could be likened to the air which you breathe, and which on a calm day is so difficult to perceive.
[...] It is fuel to your physical body and the idea of it comes very close to this fuel of the inner senses, which is not a camouflage effect and which is our vitality unsolidified, or the little wires which make up our imaginary universe. [...]
[...] And you must remember that the tragic possibilities discussed in our previous session represent but one sample of such possibilities that are occurring constantly with every individual and every family.
Gramacy was a psychologist and a magician, and he came to our house because he was a scientist looking for some real magic. [...]
“That’s why we don’t bother with effects that can be duplicated,” Seth suddenly said, “but with this performance and our books, which cannot be duplicated. [...]
When we wake up
in the morning,
the world is always there
We never catch it
coming or going,
and no smallest part of it
before our eyes,
but stays intact.
from it’s magical bag
of tricks,
one marvelous form
of life after another,
(not just one dove
or rabbit)
with a skill and swiftness
so astute
that our wise men think
one turns into the other!