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TES5 Session 220 January 5, 1966 4/116 (3%) Marine coat uniform disturbance slips
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 220 January 5, 1966 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(For this evening’s envelope test I used two sales slips stemming from Christmas shopping Jane and I did. They are on paper the weight of this page. I put them down between the usual two pieces of Bristol, and enclosed them in the usual sealed double envelope.

[... 77 paragraphs ...]

(See the tracing of the two sales slips on page 179. The data contain references to both slips, although Seth or Jane did not identify them as such, or refer to the fact that there were two test objects, as I had hoped. Jane said that during the test she was not sure of the source of information, Seth or herself.

(“An engagement, as of an appointment or meeting,” applies to the S.F. Iszard sales slip. On December 21 last, Jane and I went Christmas shopping; we parted to get each other gifts, after making an appointment to meet at a certain restaurant downtown when our shopping was over. “A scramble” can apply to either or both slips, since when we went shopping on December 18 and 21 we found the stores very crowded. Some aisles were difficult to get through, there was waiting necessary to get into dressing rooms, etc.

(“A dark or darkish brown coat, the color of some uniforms,” is a reference to a sports coat of corduroy that Jane bought me for Christmas; this is indicated by the Penny’s sales slip for December 18. The coat is a close approximation of the color of the winter topcoat for the everyday U.S. Marine uniform. The Marine connection here will be apparent shortly.

[... 33 paragraphs ...]

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