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TES1 Session 34 March 11, 1964 fluent outer camouflage plane error

[...] Jane was resting briefly in preparation for tonight’s session, as she usually does. [...] Jane then received the following from Seth:)

(Jane believed she received more, but she was in a dreamy state and could recall nothing upon awakening. [...] We thought it too late to explain much to him by then, but by 8:35 the feeling was so strong that Jane knocked on Leonard’s door.

(Once again, as soon as this subject came to my mind, Jane began to immediately deal with it. The optimistic remarks had come through the Ouija board in the first two or three sessions; none of them had materialized, and in the light of Seth’s recent material on distortions Jane and I had thought distortion the reason for this failure.)

UR1 Section 1: Session 686 February 27, 1974 neurological selectivity carriage pulses corporal

[...] Jane had been speaking for Seth for three-quarters of an hour, and showed no real inclination to stop. As in the other sessions of this book, I was aware of an extra charge or impetus, an added determination on Seth-Jane’s part. Now in trance, Jane was going through these complicated sentences without trouble, even indicating punctuation.)

(Jane’s trance had been very deep. Now she was bleary-eyed: “I feel as though I don’t want to think for two weeks …” Seth hadn’t said so during the session, but Jane told me she’d “picked up from him” that she should eat an extra meal a day for a while — usually late at night, as, say, after a session. [...] Jane’s comments before tonight’s session about possible instructions from Seth are given in Appendix 5.

(“Can I ask a question?” As Seth, Jane nodded. [...] Still in trance, Jane nodded again when I had finished — and I had the distinct impression that I shouldn’t have interrupted her delivery.)

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 869, July 30, 1979 onchocerciasis evolutionary leathery disease Dutch

[...] I added that we expected the Dutch translation of the same book to be published later this year, but that we didn’t know just when this would happen — so Jane and I were understandably surprised last Thursday to receive a letter from a reader in Holland, informing us that he’d just purchased a copy of the Dutch edition of Seth Speaks! [...] Jane called her editor at Prentice-Hall, Tam Mossman, who had no knowledge of the Dutch Seth Speaks being marketed either; he’s to check with Ankh-Hermes and let us know. Jane and I are pleased, though, since if Seth isn’t available yet in two foreign languages, he soon will be.

(On the same day we received the letter from Holland, Jane also heard from Eleanor Friede, her editor at Delacorte Press: Eleanor sent the first color proof of the jacket design for Emir. Jane really likes it, since it conveys very well the feeling of her little story “for readers of all ages.”

(9:56 P.M. “Boy, how he got all that out of me, I don’t know,” Jane laughed, for she had been very relaxed before the session. [...] Jane reported that when Seth gave the material on onchocerciasis she “really felt that the people’s skins were trying to turn into some sort of leathery protection. [...]

TES1 Second Malba Bronson Session January 25, 1964 Malba Decatur Dakota husband farm

(I began to ask Jane questions, about anything. [...] Jane talked in her own voice all evening, although the choice of words, the rhythm and phrasing and inflections seemed not to be hers. [...] Malba’s voice on the whole was not as strong as Jane’s, and more petulant. [...]

[...] Jane spent much time staring at her hands. [...] Jane bent her head low to examine her hands, and she paid much attention to them for the rest of the evening; the session lasted until about midnight.

[...] Jane and I wore black clothing; our little table was draped in a dark red cloth, which we used because we had forgotten to obtain the black.

TES8 Session 419 June 26, 1968 entity prisms coordinates limp transparent

(Jane was fairly well out of it by 10 PM, although she still felt some effects. [...] There was more of Jane’s regular voice in it, a touch of sleepiness.)

[...] Jane didn’t know whether Seth, or his entity, would speak. [...]

[...] Jane began speaking now while leaning back in her rocker, eyes closed, her voice again high, very clear but distant, very distinct but rather emotionless, ending sentences often again on the upbeat. [...]

TES4 Session 152 May 5, 1965 subconscious resiliency pendulum layers ego

(Jane called the store Monday, and was told the package had been found. [...] Jane tells me that she now has little talks with her subconscious, requesting its help. [...]

(This morning Jane had an experience that pleased her greatly. [...]

(Her dentist was so puzzled by her exceptionally good reactions that in the middle of the session Jane had to explain her apparent insensitivity to pain; usually it takes two trips for her to achieve the same results, with the use of Novocain. [...]

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 873, August 15, 1979 idealist ideals impulses condemning geese

[...] Jane plans to write an introduction for Mass Events next month, as summer draws to a close. In the meantime she’s occupied with her own latest book, The God of Jane: A Psychic Manifesto, which she started last May under the Heroics title [see the opening notes for the 854th session]. [...] Now she reminded me that “a lot of God of Jane is written as my own response to stuff Seth gives in Mass Events.” Jane’s editor, Tam Mossman, hasn’t seen any of her new book yet, although he’s well acquainted with it through a series of lengthy telephone exchanges. Jane thinks she may sign the contracts for it later this year — before Christmas, that is. [...]

(Yesterday, with two good friends helping us move all of the furniture, Jane switched rooms. [...] Jane has been restless lately, and looking for a change. [...]

(Since holding last Wednesday’s 872nd book session, Jane has given two more sessions. [...]

TES1 Session 41 April 6, 1964 spacious camouflage plane Willy quantitative

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] Jane said she thought Seth would say something to the effect that on this plane we use ideas for protection from a true reality that might be too much for us to handle. [...]

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. The small amount of material obtained between breaks resulted from the very measured and deliberate manner of Jane’s delivery. [...]

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] Jane also said she was not now as tired as when the session began. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 20, 1979 fundamental Vallee repudiation alternatives upsurges

(Seth probably refers here to a letter Jane received today from a fan in Ohio, who enclosed a copy of a letter he wrote defending her to Jacques Vallee, who evidently had mentioned Jane in one of his books. [...] Vallee had his facts wrong, it seems, ascribing Jane’s work to automatic writing, etc.

(Jane received about 50 letters, forwarded from Prentice-Hall today. [...] Jane didn’t want to feel that she had to get material tonight from Seth on such a project.

[...] I ended up discouraged, I’m afraid, for much in it about Jane’s symptoms, and our joint reasons for allowing them to linger, still applied. Jane read it before the session. [...]

TES5 Session 238 March 4, 1966 Peggy Wilburs unscheduled circulation witnesses

[...] Like Jane, she works out with yoga each day, but rushes the exercises in the morning while dressing for work. Jane did not know this, and Peggy said she had never mentioned it. [...] Peggy agreed that she ended the exercise in this manner; and again, she had not thought to mention this to Jane previously.

(Since the conversation revolved around matters psychic and nonpsychic, the stage was set rather effortlessly for Seth’s appearance, although as stated neither Jane nor I actively encouraged the session. [...] Soon after she began speaking for Seth, in a quite low and pleased voice, Jane launched into the reasons for Bill’s response to the painting. [...]

[...] This account is written the following morning after a review of the main points with Jane. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 31, 1977 Cézanne firewalker Trafzer Waldo Framework

[...] His secretary wrote Jane on October 13. After the show, Jane wondered about Framework 2 immediately responding to the efforts shown by some of the gifted people on the show—those doing the firewalking, moving objects, fogging film, etc. The results were obtained without delay, evidently from Framework 2. Of course, Jane wanted these results for herself, also. [...]

(2. Did Cézanne “himself” have any sense of awareness, or of completion, connected with Jane’s book and the New York City show happening at the same time? Seth had said that William James did, in connection with Jane’s book about him, and his interest in gifted mediums. [...]

[...] Jane suggested I write them down for tonight.

TES8 Session 394 February 19 1968 sculp cross wife Pitre hanging

(This material had been on her mind for the past few days, to the extent that some physical symptoms of her [Jane’s] own had shown themselves. Questioning on my part, and Jane’s use of the pendulum, told us these symptoms, somewhat annoying and at first puzzling, were related to the above material. [...]

[...] It was brought on because our cat Willy, decided to jump up in Jane’s lap as she spoke in trance. [...] Jane now found this somewhat distracting, and gestured to me to remove the cat. [...]

(The first part of this session was held for John Pitre, who telephoned Jane about a week ago from Franklin, LA, on behalf of his ill wife, Peggy.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 13, 1984 massaged sweet unrolled Rita boulders

(4:30 p.m. I’d had to ask Jane to repeat several words, so quiet was her dictation. The session Seth had referred to was that for last Saturday, August 11, when he’d first mentioned that Jane would be able again to sit on her back porch. [...]

(Jane didn’t call last night. [...]

(Jane said she did motions at times during the night and this morning. [...]

TES9 Session 504 September 29, 1969 Otis fetus father units stationary

(At last break I asked Jane if Seth could discuss two points: Who would be waiting for Father at his death?; and the situation surrounding a letter Jane recently received from a professor at Cornell, who works in remote sensing and asked Jane to deliver an ESP presentation to his graduate class.)

(Sunday, September 28, Jane and I and my mother visited Father at the county home. [...] I didn’t tell Jane this.)

(“Why did Jane and I find his photograph so striking?” Sunday at the family home in Sayre, I found a copy my father had made of a very old picture of Otis. [...] Otis’s photograph exerted a most peculiar fascination for Jane and me. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 937, November 19, 1981 Floyd raccoon chimney genetic coon

Jane held Session 900 for Chapter 5 of Dreams, in Volume 1, some 20 months ago. [...] Floyd is an extremely generous and caring individual who has helped us many times over the years; he’s the contractor who converted half of our double garage for the hill house into Jane’s writing room.2 Jane and I have each shared a number of psychic experiences with him.

(Jane hadn’t operated well yesterday.1 She did tell me that she was somewhat surprised to realize Seth might be closer to completing his work on Dreams than she’d thought he was. [...]

I pushed Jane in her chair out on the porch, as close to the hemlock as we could get behind the floor-to-ceiling glass; we looked up at the chattering animal from only three feet away. [...]

TES3 Session 111 November 30, 1964 universe threefold correlations systems distortive

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] And I said I hoped Seth would say something about the “group” Jane contacted Saturday night. [...]

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] We sat quietly for a minute or two in case Jane resumed dictation. [...]

(Jane was somewhat tired before the session began, and had no idea of the material that might be covered.

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 896, January 16, 1980 suffering adults sick deadening pain

(Jane has been taking time off from God of Jane and If We Live Again to work on the Introduction for Sue Watkins’s Conversation With Seth. [...]

Next, Jane quickly went over my recent batch of “Sayre-environment dreams,” as Seth called them. [...] I’d recently asked Jane if Seth would comment.

Jane added that her group of playmates hadn’t engaged in the same sort of games that mine had. [...] In fifth-grade history class, in the convent she’d been sent to because her mother was hospitalized for treatment of severe rheumatoid arthritis, Jane learned about Marie Antoinette, queen of France, who had been guillotined in Paris in 1793. [...]

TES8 Session 413 May 29, 1968 trace structure image coordinates retain

(Jane paused. [...] Jane’s eyes opened briefly. [...]

(Once again Jane began the session speaking in the new voice: higher in pitch, clear, formal and somewhat distant. [...]

(Jane said that now she is starting to get “little glimmerings before a session,” telling her when it is to begin, with the new voice. [...]

TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964 camouflage Callahan cube hypnotism Miss

(Both Jane and I have lately begun to practice psychological time regularly, if only for a few minutes each day. For myself I have nothing yet to report; and as previously noted, Jane has had some success at various times with what are usually quite brief flashes of insight.

(During the day Jane called the hospital to try to verify the information [...] To me this implied that Miss Callahan was in better condition, but Jane said she felt otherwise, that Seth’s material here was not distorted.

(This time Jane really pounded upon my desk, smiling as she did so. I replied that I was glad we were all in fine form; and instead of breaking, Jane once more pounded the table, then continued in a most vehement and pleased manner. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 19, 1984 Leonard Duper reader edition Lumsden

(I told Jane of my dream of the night before last, in which she and I and Leonard Yaudes — who had been our downstairs neighbor at 458 — moved into an apartment together at 458. [...] I told Jane I suspected the dream grew out of my meeting Leonard at the new Super-Duper market the other night, when he’d joked around and repeated several times how good he felt physically, after his heart operation. Jane said she thought the dream meant that the three of us were all embarked on a journey into better health, a better outlook on life.

(Jane ate a good lunch. [...]

[...] Jane began reading yesterday’s session, and did quite well. [...]

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