2 results for (book:ur1 AND session:686 AND stemmed:puls)

UR1 Section 1: Session 686 February 27, 1974 neurological selectivity carriage pulses corporal

These became more and more biologically prominent, so that man’s consciousness rode them, or leaped upon them. These particular pulses or messages became the biologically and mentally accepted ones. They were clued into sense perception, then. These pulses or messages became the only official data that, translated into sense perception, formed physical reality. This selectivity gave an understandable line of reference from interior to exterior existence.

(10:10. Deliberately but intently:) Other quite-as-valid messages were ignored. They became, while present, biologically invisible. The cells still reacted to these otherwise neglected pulses, as they needed data from both the past and future to maintain the body’s balance in “the present.” The necessity for immediate conscious exterior action at a “definite” point of intersection with events was left to the emerging ego consciousness.

Other pulses, carrying messages, are quite as valid as those that you perceive and physically react to. Again, the cells respond to those constantly. The body, as mentioned (in the 685th session) is an electromagnetic pattern, poised in a web of probabilities, experienced as corporal at an intersection point in space and time.

UR1 Appendix 5: (For Session 686) appendix neurological leap messages vocabulary

“I almost feel that if you asked me at any time of the day, ‘Jane, what are you getting now?’ that I could tune into any of these areas of information, and tell you … As the messages leap the nerve ends they form certain pulses; we recognize these as messages and ignore all the others. I feel as though I’m learning to jump in between the recognized pulses and pick up usually inaccessible ones. [...]