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TES3 Session 120 January 11, 1965 8/37 (22%) fields chemicals mankind bravo excess
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 120 January 11, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

First of all, on a jovial note, may I remark upon the new furniture arrangement, adding that for your purposes the second room divider will prove most advantageous.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

The clues which he does not look for would lead toward not mere dry generalized facts, but facts that are at the basis of the universe as he knows it. Facts indeed that make such a universe possible, facts that would revolutionize science, and most of all the science of medicine, and the field of psychology. The study of so-called extrasensory perception is now considered an isolated bizarre domain, unrelated to other fields of knowledge. The reason for this is that the data that would connect such a study to all other fields of interest is not recognized. The study of the inner workings of the self is closely connected to the study of the universe as it exists in all its levels of reality.

The pieces to the puzzle are at mankind’s fingertips, but he has put together an awkward, ill-fitting miniature model universe of a puzzle with which he is afraid to part. If the physical universe existed on a physical field only, indeed this would be the greatest miracle of all, for it would be impossible. The inner vitality of which we have so often spoken, and whose ways I have described, this inner vitality is the force which itself forms the physical universe, and without which no such manifestation would be possible. Yet this inner self, this inner vitality, is one of the main clues which man refuses to recognize, calling it an unreasonable assumption, but not willing to examine it for those characteristics which show it to be the most reasonable and logical of phenomena.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

In all instances of ill health, the psychic inner forces are being misdirected. The aim of medicine should then be to aid the inner self to direct its own energy along other lines. Now. With the above, the psychic forces may be misdirected in several main ways, and with several resulting malfunctions. Energy may not be properly directed toward releasing from the physical field of the body excess chemicals into other fields. A buildup of such chemicals can be deadly, leading to among other things forms of insanity, schizophrenia, and other disorders which show themselves in mental or personality symptoms.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Existence within any field is more complicated than you dream either possible or reasonable. It depends upon simultaneous actuality in so many fields, and delicate balances and communications, the balances in all cases being determined by the efficiency of the communications.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Successful experiments along these lines appear as disconnected happenings merely because the context in which they have their existence, and which makes their existence possible, is not known or recognized. Telepathy goes on constantly, my dear friends, in all fields of actuality. Telepathy goes on within the body between the cells. Telepathy exists because no systems are truly closed systems.

Clairvoyance exists and is possible because of its basis within the spacious present, and this is not known because man will not accept the available data. Clairvoyance exists because matter and energy are one and the same thing. There is clairvoyance within the organs of the physical body itself, because the organs of the body are not, quote, “just” matter, but energy which has composed itself into matter. Such inner data continually and automatically is accepted by every other portion of the human framework except by the outer ego. Even this outer ego, however, acts all unknowingly often on the basis of such information, which it will not admit it has received; and often such action saves it from dire circumstances.

As you know, at one time it was necessary for the ego to focus exclusively upon outer data, but the channels never closed between the inner self and the ego. The ways for communication between the two have been left open. If they had not been left open, man would have no knowledge at all, nor any hint, of his basic inner existence. There is no real dual state. The inner self will make itself known. For the species this present period is transitory, but the length of this period, if drawn out, could bring about results most unfortunate.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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