Results 461 to 480 of 562 for (stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
On the one hand, our work and yours is largely devoted to poking holes into the official one-line consciousness, and on the other you find yourself financially responsible to contribute to its policies.
[...] When you thoroughly understand what is meant by the entire safe universe concept, then the physical, cultural climate is understood as a medium through which the ideal can be expressed—can be expressed. [...]
Your feelings, however, are based upon personal and cultural background—the unsafe universe, in which inspiration must be guarded and protected. [...]
First of all, you have both been living in your own isolated universes, and this applies to my friend over here with the bare feet on the couch. [...]
(Humorously:) I am not done with you yet, but I do not want him (Carl) to feel left out over here, and while you are recovering I will speak to him: for you were also in your own isolated universe, and if hers had fears in it, then yours was a valley of desolation in which your emotions were like unruly animals galloping around in there; and you were so frightened and worried about your own worth that you could not consider hers, and you were so insecure that her sensing insecurity, when you were aware of it, drove you to anger.
[...] Would you have preferred not to be consciously aware of the information I gave you tonight?
We will also discuss a matter which will be of extreme interest in the area of therapy, for we will be concerned with health and its relation to the dream universe. [...]
In future sessions, in the immediate future, we will deal with the dream universe in relation to many new aspects which we have not considered in the past.
Now basically, consciousness itself is a type of barrier, and anything that has consciousness experiences time to some degree. [...] Self-consciousness presents a larger barrier, therefore the sense of time is greater. [...]
[...] As I have mentioned you can in a dream or daydream or through conscious use of psychological time experience many hours in a few clock minutes. [...] If you will remember again our imaginary experience through the inner senses as we looked down at the street, you will remember that I spoke of sensing not only the present essence of the living consciousnesses within a certain scope, but I also mentioned sensing their past and futures.
The inner ego or the inner self-conscious self directs such experiences and uses the inner senses in much the same way that you use the outer senses, except that the inner ego knows all of the mechanics involved in the use of the inner senses, and you know little of the mechanics involved with the outer senses.
On a conscious level, and with your conscious reserves alone, you could not keep your body alive an hour. [...]
[...] We will call that vast “unconscious” mental and universal studio Framework 2.
[...] When you are in other than your normally conscious state, you visit that creative inner agency in which all physical productions must have their beginning. [...]
[...] Yet that larger inner system of communications is far more powerful in scope, and each mental act is imprinted in the multidimensional screen of Framework 2. That screen is available to all, and in other levels of consciousness, particularly in the sleep and dreaming stages, the events of that inner reality are as ever-present and easily accessible as physical events are when you are awake.
(9:23.) It is not just that each person has his or her source in a “magical” dimension, from which his or her overall life emerges, but that the private source itself is a part of the very energy that upholds the entire planet and its inhabitants, and the overall construct that you understand as the universe.
[...] The free association is valuable because it helps to point out those conflicting feelings and beliefs, brings them into consciousness, and into the present moment, where they can indeed be understood in the light of knowledge that has been acquired since — but not been allowed to act upon the old conflicting beliefs.
[...] He should indeed give himself suggestions that the necessary insights will come to him, and that the proper connections be made whether consciously or unconsciously. [...]
[...] He must realize that he is free to express his poetic, psychic nature, and to follow wherever it leads — since it is indeed his natural pathway into existence, and his most intimate connection with the universe, and with All That Is.
Cellular consciousness itself straddles, so to speak, various levels of sleep activity. [...] This consciousness is constant, whether you wake or sleep. [...] In sleep cellular consciousness often intrudes into the dream process, appearing in the form of dream images. Cellular consciousness is highly codified in actuality, much more emotional than visual, and the visual dream images are but translations of inner comprehensions. [...]
Now, the future is also present in cellular consciousness. The ego, again, simply censors dreams from the cellular consciousness level when they deal with time that is not yet physical in your terms. Cellular consciousness is usually considered as simply a repository for past knowledge having to do with personal or racial existence. Because of the spacious present however, cellular consciousness also contains blueprints of the future.
Cellular consciousness is a part of the consciousness of the inner ego or inner self. Very loosely speaking, cellular consciousness is to the inner self what the subconscious is to the outer ego. [...]
[...] There is generic imprint stamped within the cells, and at various levels of cell consciousness. [...] The reptilian images do not represent maturity nor immaturity, but are simply designations natural to a particular level of cellular consciousness.
[...] As far as we could tell, the existence of telepathy and clairvoyance had been scientifically proven time and time again by Dr. J. B. Rhine at Duke University, and demonstrated by others such as Croisset, a psychic, working with Professor Wilem Tenhaeff at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. [...]
Seth told Dr. Instream that he would be moving to a Midwestern university by the end of the year, for example. I have no idea if Dr. Instream had any indication of this ahead of time, but he did move when Seth said he would, and to a Midwestern university. [...]
“In the smallest detail they managed to suggest the reality of the spiritual universe of which that detail was a part and through which the energy of the universe spoke. [...]
Here are a few excerpts from that session: “In a portrait,” Seth said, “do the same exercise as given earlier: [that is], imagine the individual as the center of all life, so that when the painting is completed, it automatically suggests the whole universe of which the individual is part. [...]
(Pause.) At the time, Christ united man’s consciousness in ways that reached out into history. The Christ consciousness was not isolated. [...] The same consciousness gave birth to all of your religions, therefore; the various frameworks through which the peoples of different times could express themselves and grow. [...]
In terms of time — evolution as you think of it — emerging consciousness had come to the point where it delighted so in distinctions and differences, that even in small geographical areas multitudinous groups, cults and nationalities were assembled, each proudly asserting its own individuality and worth over the others. In the beginning in those terms, man’s emerging consciousness needed the freedom to disperse itself, to become different, to originate bases for various characteristics, and assert individuations. [...]
[...] True humility is based upon this affectionate regard for yourself, plus the recognition that you live in a universe in which all other beings also possess this undeniable individuality and self-worth.
In a certain way the Christ personality was a manifestation of the evolution of consciousness, leading the race beyond the violent concepts of the times, and altering behavior that had prevailed to that time.
[...] The kind of reality that you understand forms the least active portion of their actuality, and would represent, for example only, a relatively defective or “inferior” state of consciousness and comprehension, a state like (underlined), perhaps, senility. [...]
Now: you are yourselves alive in the heroic dimension, and there your existences here are consciously-embarked-upon journeys. [...]
Ruburt is acutely sensitive then to your own inner purposes and questions about the universe, as you are to his, and these propel you jointly into areas most difficult to travel otherwise.
[...] The solutions asked for may not appear to the conscious self in the fashion that it expects. The conscious self may not even recognize that it has been given a particular solution, and yet it may act upon the solution.
[...] These separate states of consciousness, these multiple levels of awareness, these seemingly unrelated personality aspects, are not unnatural artificial productions, brought about through hypnosis. [...]
In such a case it is not necessary that the conscious self recall the dreams which it requests. [...]
According to the intensity of the projection and to the systems visited, the body may become more or less rigid when consciousness returns to it. This is simply a reaction to the returning consciousness. [...] However, the sugar is important in fueling the consciousness on its journey. It also aids in connecting the consciousness to the body.
[...] Here the critical consciousness can be fully alert while the body sleeps. [...] It is beneficial that they be carried out by the conscious wish of the projector. You learn, therefore, to manipulate your own consciousness and to experience its mobility. [...]
[...] With the dream projections, I was more intrigued by the manipulations of consciousness involved (the trick of staying between hallucinations and physical reality) and the methods. These tell far more about how consciousness works, and I was always intrigued by trying to continue normal awareness throughout dreaming.
These chemical excesses are a natural by-product of consciousness that is bound up in physical materialization. [...] Consciousness itself, when physically oriented, burns up the chemicals. [...]
I am not de-emphasizing consciousness. I am trying to teach you to focus your consciousness in many directions, even to carry a portion of egotistical consciousness into the dream state.
[...] It is not necessary for Ruburt to adopt the deep trance state for our sessions, since I am able to speak through him without shutting out most aspects of his consciousness.
(See the sessions on the electrical universe in Volume 3.)
[...] Since psychologists deal with psychological activity, it is all the more amazing that they have not concentrated upon psychological activity, observing it first hand as it exists in their own various stages of consciousness.
[...] Long before you are consciously aware of the circumstances, your body might leap out of the path of an approaching car. [...] Though consciously you were not afraid, there was a biologically pertinent fear that was acted upon.
[...] Few of my readers possess such conscious knowledge, yet the majority speak quite well.
[...] Your conscious mind, however, directs your temporal perception and interprets that perception, organizing it into mental patterns. [...]
[...] Such a climate depends, however, upon many ideas not universally accepted — and yet the species is so formed that the biological importance of ideas cannot be stressed too strongly.
The very fact that you breathe and dream and perform countless other activities without any aid from the conscious ego should of itself convince even the most stubborn scientific skull that more is involved than science is willing to admit. The idea of the subconscious mind is merely a grudging, hedging, partial admission that man is more than the conscious ego, more than the sum of his parts, and more than a mechanism.
[...] Once you take this first step of spontaneity, you will actually receive evidence that even your conscious mind will be forced to accept. [...]
[...] You utilize it constantly and yet consciously you will not accept its existence.
The emotions belong to the personality, that is to the present personality, and are strongly connected both to the conscious ego and to the inner self, which is so often ignored. [...]
[...] Jane and I think that both situations, furnishing as they do large-scale frameworks for the almost endless convolutions of consciousness, may persist for many years, with no formal resolutions materializing. [...] I speculated that the overall revolutionary and fundamentalistic consciousness of Iran is like a creative vortex, surrounded by other great national consciousnesses that are strongly resisting its policies for their own creative religious and political reasons. [...] That whole area in the Middle East, then, is a stew of emotions, actions, and consciousnesses.
And: “Today now I feel that acceleration that tells me that my intent is traveling out into the unknown, or out into the universe to bring in answers to my questions, even questions I’m not consciously aware of. [...]
And yet the embattled consciousness of Iran persists, and will, I think, survive for a long while. Many consciousnesses in the Middle East have much to work out yet.
[...] In that regard, Ruburt’s response before such a session is natural, and to an extent magical, because he knows that no matter what he has been taught, he must to some degree (underlined) forget the questions and the mood that accompanies them with one level of his consciousness, in order to create the proper kind of atmosphere at another level of consciousness—one that allows the answers to come even though they may be presented in a different way than that expected by the rational mind.
[...] Once again, let me quote Seth from that private session Jane held just a year ago, on April 16, 1981: “Your kind of consciousness, relatively speaking, involves some intrinsic difficulties along with spectacular potentials. [...] In that larger picture (underlined) there are no errors, for each action, pleasant or not, will in its fashion be redeemed, both in relationship to itself and … to a larger picture that the conscious mind may not be able presently to perceive.”
I resent the designation unjustly given to me, for if I have believed in the phenomenon of sin and sought—apparently too rigidly—to avoid it, my intentions and interests always were not the avoidance of sin so much as the pursuit of eternal truths; the alliance with universal goals, the unity in spirit at least of self, whole self, and universal mind. [...]
For all of your complaining (Seth told us with some humor at 8:56), you understand in rather good measure the decisions and actions that motivate your lives, so that Ruburt is more than usually aware of the manipulations that psychologically and physically lie just beneath the material usually carried by what is ordinarily called the conscious mind. [...]
[...] Ironically, then, in the midst of my own half-conscious withdrawal I’d been giving birth to not only Seth’s Dreams, but several other intriguing long-range concepts. [...]
In several lives I was consciously aware of my “past existences.” [...]
[...] I hope to illustrate the function of consciousness and personality through writing this book and enlarging your concepts.
[...] Jane has often told me that whereas she feels Seth come to her in a very warm and alive and friendly manner, she feels her consciousness going out of herself to meet Seth Two — “up the invisible pyramid like a draft up a flue.” [...]
[...] That work must then be “brought down” from that stage of consciousness to the ordinary one, and to the people of the world—an enterprise—
The offer of contributions is also partially the result of your own changed attitudes, and is meant to inform you that the universe is indeed inclined in your direction. [...]