Results 1 to 20 of 94 for stemmed:recept

TES7 Session 328 March 22, 1967 weekend vibrations attuned reception Crittenden

One point. When you turn on a radio to a particular station and find that it is distorted by static, you realize that the distortion is in the reception. This same idea should be applied to projection experiments. There is nothing wrong with the station, but with your reception of it.

TES4 Session 171 July 21, 1965 Instream taped harsh extralong July

[...] She also was uneasy in that she felt Seth was too harsh at times; she worried about the reception Dr. Instream would give the tape, since Seth spoke in no uncertain terms. I thought that Dr. Instream’s reception would be perfectly fine, and that in this tape Seth, and Jane, had made their points just as they wanted to.

UR1 Appendix 7: (For Session 689) outline Health Illness Sunday contents

(In this appendix the emphasis is more on the circumstances surrounding Jane’s reception of the outline for the new possible book, than on its contents. In reverse order, therefore, I’ll present first the statement she wrote describing that process of reception once it was completed, then return to the outline itself.)

[...] Yes, she had been in an altered state of consciousness during her reception of The Way Toward Health “on a real high” — both while the outline for it was coming through and while she wrote her description of the process. [...]

UR1 Appendix 4: (For Session 685) sidepools neurological bypass Saratoga linear

[...] But first the material: She regards its method of reception, as well as its content, as representing breakthroughs of a kind for her, and because both that reception and content are related to “Unknown” Reality we’re presenting considerable portions of the statement here:)

[...] That afternoon, after we’d discussed her second statement of the day, I asked her to write a description of the circumstances surrounding her reception of it. [...]

TES5 Session 202 October 27, 1965 astral gallery seesaw tassel exhibition

[...] The errors in introduction made by Jane at the gallery reception were humorous, but also so obvious that their significance could be hardly missed. One involved a cousin of mine whom we hardly see; the other involved the director of the other gallery in town, the Arnot, for whom Jane had worked until a couple of months before the reception at Bill’s gallery, which we now believe did take place in February.

The unpleasant event had to do with several errors in introduction, made by Ruburt at that location during a reception.

(Jane and I encountered her ex-employer at the reception at Bill’s gallery last winter. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes Feb. 5, 1981 unwelcoming rewards rectify dishonor feb

[...] It involved a cold unwelcoming room which represented I think the reception of my work or writing. [...]

TES9 Session 486 June 9, 1969 passageways Pietra guests Ernie drugs

[...] Your state of mind and the receptivity will be communicated to him and serve as a beckoning area that he will recognize. [...]

[...] He has made some errors, and your receptive state of mind will give him more leeway.

The receptivity is of a creative nature, you understand as if you were clearing land so that a primitive airplane could land, or setting a beacon in a window. [...]

TES1 Session 6 December 11, 1963 Gratis levitation board aggressions Fragment

[...] You aren’t receptive enough. [...]

Be receptive and answer further.

TES1 Session 35 March 16, 1964 outer tree inner ego senses

[...] Jane had called them earlier because our reception had been poor ever since the falling tree limb of March 6 had ripped down the line. Servicemen had been to the house several times in an effort to improve the reception. [...]

[...] He spent several minutes checking reception on our set while we talked with him. [...]

[...] Ruburt’s chemical makeup is such that he should be somewhat even more receptive during that season in these sessions.

TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964 camouflage Callahan cube hypnotism Miss

I am actually quite honored by my reception. [...]

Ruburt in many ways was more often than either of us, more receptive to what could not be seen or touched. [...]

[...] You will do better when you focus inwardly in a receptive manner, but without any inhibiting factor. [...]

TES7 Session 281 August 29, 1966 Barbara Dick Andreano wedding poem

(“A distant connection in the past, with a gathering that was formal, I believe… not certain here… with dancing as at a wedding reception perhaps. [...] This was a formal occasion for which Jane and I were dressed formally, and at the lengthy reception afterwards there was much dancing, etc.

A distant connection in the past, with a gathering that was formal, I believe… not certain here… With dancing (gesture, eyes closed) as at a wedding reception perhaps.

The interruption did cause poor reception for the envelope data. [...]

TPS4 Jane’s Notes Friday, April 7, 1978 scorn career approbation highpoints libvary

(My personal problems developed in force when I began to be overly concerned with my creative “work” as work, as it applied to the world, as it would be received and interpreted; when I tried to compare its reception to other officially accepted activities—that people understood—when I tried to look at my “work” through their eyes, and when I began to expect the kind of honor and approbation given to others—who conformed.

TPS1 Session 267 (Deleted Portion) June 13, 1966 expansion outdoors balance disturbances riotous

In some ways you see you must both operate as a closed unit against the world, but you must also operate as an open unit, receptive to the world. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session April 15, 1969 buyers intelligence infinite subconscious perfect

[...] She is now open and receptive to the healing currents which are flowing through her like a river, restoring her to perfect health, harmony, and peace.

TES8 Session 355 July 26, 1967 Ferd Australia Madonna Halfway Pete

[...] You must have patience while these abilities develop, while Ferd learns to perfect his own communication process, and while you learn to perfect your receptive abilities.

[...] Halfway measures will not give you clear reception, nor reliable material. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 24, 1978 precepts worry crossword puzzles reinforced

[...] Worrying impedes your reception of Framework 2 activity.

SDPC Part One: Chapter 1 constructions Cunningham idea entity amoeba

[...] The scope of their receptivity is so large that the simple autonomic nervous system is not enough. [...] He has such a range of receptivity that it is impossible for him to construct all of his ideas physically. [...]

[...] Slowly, within its range of receptivity, it is given some choice in the actual construction of ideas into physical reality.

TES5 Session 232 February 9, 1966 photo Ezra twisted table envelope

[...] There is indeed a tuning into, a reception of frequencies. [...] It is difficult for Ruburt to maintain steadily that particular reception of frequency, and within certain limits there is sometimes a slipping in and out, so that now and then Ruburt’s personal subconscious is allowed to intrude. [...]

[...] The publicity may include adds in the New York Times Book Review; surveys taken by the publisher show the book should have a good reception and sale. [...]

TES9 Session 458 January 20, 1969 uncle bridgework available teacher accidentally

When it seems to you that there is a difference between the focus in sessions, then it is simply that the reception conditions are poor. [...] Sometimes there are small errors, so that the reception does not come as clearly.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 24, 1970 crossroads Derek soul Rachel flower

[...] You must be receptive and yet alert and it is that point of alertness that you sometimes lose. [...]

(To Natalie.) To our friend in the corner, if you are receptive, you will know who the personality is who has been speaking to you, and he is a good friend of mine. [...]

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