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UR1 Appendix 7: (For Session 689) outline Health Illness Sunday contents

(As quickly as she could once she became aware of what was happening that Sunday morning, Jane typed a 3-page summary or outline of the contents for The Way Toward Health, including chapter headings, then wrote a very condensed statement about how the whole thing came to her. We’re presenting the statement below, and a few examples from the outline, in order to show some of her other activities while producing “Unknown” Reality. Thus, everything she’s received so far on the health book is on file, ready to be used should she choose to follow this new idea any further.

(In this appendix the emphasis is more on the circumstances surrounding Jane’s reception of the outline for the new possible book, than on its contents. In reverse order, therefore, I’ll present first the statement she wrote describing that process of reception once it was completed, then return to the outline itself.)

(Jane had some other insights into Seth’s multiple channels as she continued dictating Personal Reality after that session,1 yet we continued to think of the new development as one of mostly theoretical interest. Close to 18 months passed. Then on the morning of March 10 — the Sunday before last — we learned that we may have to rethink the idea of Seth-Jane producing more than one major work at a time; for on that day Jane received the outline for another book, along with the knowledge that she’d need Seth’s help in producing it. The book’s title is The Way Toward Health. Jane wrote at the time, then told me, that she almost felt “the book could be Personal Reality Number Two.” She added that her experience in “getting it” was related not only to her ability to sense that sometimes more than one stream of material was available from Seth, but to the way that she herself had tuned into the information on neurological speeds late last month. That episode had taken place just before she delivered the 686th session for this volume of “Unknown” Reality, and is described in Appendix 5.

UR1 Section 2: Session 689 March 18, 1974 million animal toolmaking epochs totem

(See Appendix 7 for an account of Jane’s accomplishment of a week ago Sunday, when, in an altered state of consciousness, she received the outline for a potential new book, The Way Toward Health.