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No two actions are ever identical. We must mention here also a little regarding pulsations and the appearance or semblance of continuity. Every action involves a pulsation; you will recall we spoke of the pulsation of atoms and molecules.
(For some material on pulsation see the 60-65th sessions, among others.)
(While speaking tonight, Jane said she has within a definite “feeling of a pulsation”; it might be likened to the perpetual opening and closing of a fist, she said, with each opening and each closing creating a new reality, and thus moving itself perpetually on.
(Jane said that at the end of the session she felt a definite, although not very strong, sensation of pulsation within her head. It was as though her head moved physically in a pecking motion, she said, demonstrating for me. Of course I had observed no such movement as I watched her while she dictated.
[...] The fact is, material on your field is composed of constant energy pulsations; and while to you the appearance is one of permanence to a fair degree, and while I have said that the pulsations are constant, nevertheless they are completely distinct, separate and new pulsations that are not continuous in the terms that you apply to one object that is continuous.
[...] The illusion of rigidity is the result of your own outer senses, a perception which is too slow to catch the constant pulsations, as bits of energy that compose material constantly disappear entirely and are replaced.
Therefore, there is what I will call the negative interval, when one pulsation has vanished from your plane and another is about to take its place. [...]
If you will now remember that there are negative intervals, or intervals between the pulsations of energy into matter, if you will remember that your physical universe then is nonexistent for the same number of intervals that it is existent, then you will see that this gives us our antimatter.
[...] The atoms and molecules have a pulsating nature that you do not usually perceive so what seems to you to be a continuous atom or molecule is, indeed, a series of pulsations that you cannot keep track of. [...] You cannot perceive the series of pulsations that make it up. [...]
[...] Also Theodore Muldoon told of returning to his Great Hall, of the new tapestry and the new pulsating sensation of feeling.)
([Theodore:] “That pulsation effect that I felt?”)
[...] There are pulsations of consciousness, though again you may not be aware of them.
[...] Your sense of continuity therefore is built up entirely on every other pulsation of consciousness. [...]
[...] In these terms, what you call death is simply the insertion of a longer duration of that pulsation of which you are not aware, a long pause in that other dimension, so to speak.
[...] The atoms and molecules have a pulsating nature that you do not usually perceive, so what seems to you to be a continuous atom or molecule is, instead, a series of pulsations that you cannot keep track of.
[...] Electricity as you perceive it within your field, is merely an echo emanation, or a sort of shadow image of these infinite varieties of pulsations, which give reality and actuality to many phenomena with which you are familiar, but which do not appear as tangible objects within the physical system.
[...] Each new psychological experience opens up a new pulsation intensity, and therefore gives greater actuality within the electrical field.
[...] There are only various electric pulsations of varying intensities, from strong intensity to ever stronger, to weaker, to fading and again to stronger ever stronger. [...] Yet within your physical field, and with physical time, you ride the waves of these pulsations, so to speak.
When the pulsation is weak you call it past, when it is strongest you name it present, and the one that seems to you not yet as strong as present, you name future. [...]
(“What was that feeling he had today in his chest, back and body, like an electric pulsation?”)
The pulsating that I mentioned earlier as extension and contraction involves the use of certain frequencies inherent in the tissue capsule, and to some small degree represents or is a limited aspect of the ability of the inner self to change frequencies and pulsations in an even freer, less limited manner. [...]
[...] This can be compared most clearly to a pulsation, or really a beat that can follow a more or less regular rhythm.
[...] The “transportation” (in quotes) of the inner senses consists mainly of what you might call a changing of frequencies or vibrations or pulsations, a transformation of vitality-form from one particular pattern or aspect to another.
It is almost impossible to detect an individual unit, for in its dance of activity it constantly becomes a part of other such units, expanding and contracting, pulsating and changing in intensity, in force, and changing polarity. [...]
Now: the intensity of the original emotional energy controls the activity, strength, stability, and relative size of the unit; the rate of its pulsation, and its power to attract and repel other units, as well as its ability to combine with other units.
[...] There is, for example, a part of you who is very aware of these pulsations, and who is aware of pulse sense of memory. [...]
Now I am going to close our session, but I would like you all to read carefully a copy of what I have said, and now and then, where you have nothing else—nothing better to do—then try, try to sense that lapse in the pulsation of your consciousness. [...]
It is almost impossible to detect an individual unit, for in its dance of activity it constantly becomes a part of other such units, expanding and contracting, pulsating and changing in intensity, in force, and changing polarity. [...]
[...] In the past I spoke briefly of pulsations, as atoms and molecules were transformed from one energy plane to another, becoming visible to the material field. Such pulsations, expansions and contractions also operate as far as energy in the psychological structure is concerned.
Therefore, this is an interval between each pulsation of energy, when one pulsation enters and forms a physical object and almost instantly leaves, and an interval before the next particle arrives.
[...] Matter is caused by pulsations of energy, taking a formal pattern that is already formed by means of the consciousness inherent in the energy itself.
[...] There is however, what we will call an interval between the entrance of each energy pulsation into the physical field, and its replacement by another.