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During our next session I will go into this much more thoroughly, for the matter is not only interesting but extremely informative, and we shall spend a good part of our next session dealing with it.
All of this material concerning fields and systems will be most valuable when read in connection with our fifth dimension material.
[...] While she was delivering the material our cat, Willy, jumped up on her lap and began to playfully pull and tug at her wool sweater. [...]
Tonight’s material, taken with our last few sessions, should add new dimensions to much of the knowledge that you had previously. [...]
Our material will give Timothy something to sink his teeth into, in ways that suit his particular fashion. [...]
[...] He will be known as an excellent writer in his own right, and as one who produces our material, which he will be in a position to give freely to the world.
Part of our message of course involves the use of all abilities, and Ruburt’s own writing ones serve to make that point. [...]
And our book will really take off, and that is all I will tell you now. (Emphatically.
These impressions will apply to our friends, the Jesuit and the cat lover.
([The Gallaghers:] “There was a green modernistic chair with wooden legs in our room. [...]
([The Gallaghers:] “The number 12 may be significant in that one night Bill spoke very loudly in his sleep, saying we had to make our way to 12th Street. [...]
One day while we were still up to our necks in tests, I saw an Associated Press article that really surprised me. [...]
On May 3, 1967, Peg and Bill Gallagher dropped in for our regular Monday night session, and as we sat around chatting, I told them about a letter I’d just received that amused me—and sort of outraged me at the same time.
[...] Our session, the 339th, started shortly afterward, and almost immediately I left my body, though I had little sensation of doing so. [...]
When our Wilford dramatically cries out to his mistress: “I am afraid my wife will learn of our affair,” then the symphony playing on another station becomes melodramatic, and the sports program shows that a hero fumbles the football. [...] The crowds then cheer, and our grocer in his soap opera may smile and say: “But it will all work out after all.”
“3. Our experience of the present is enriched by our memory of past perceptions. [...]
[...] The 32 people crowded into our living room enjoyed rich, active, loud, and even profane exchanges among themselves, with Jane, and with Seth. [...]
Now: Dictation (still whispering). Never as dramatic as our noisy class sessions.
(I’m not interested in knocking our technology, however, but in pointing out coexisting inner factors that I’m sure are just as important. After all, our technology is responsible for the very existence of this physical book, thereby making it possible for Seth, Jane, and me to communicate with many others.
“The idea of the priestess used to fascinate me, before my own involvement in our sessions. [...] Wherever we live is significant to me; a privileged place; our domestic platform in the universe.
[...] As in the Introductory Notes, I want to stress Jane’s role as the creative artist, disseminating her personal view of a larger inner reality, and her intuitive and conscious comprehension of at least some aspects of that reality; for such understanding can easily elude our Western-oriented, materialistic, technological outlook.
Even in his poetry, before our work, Ruburt’s energy led him way beyond “himself” at certain times. [...]
[...] There is on her part a block, that operates in much the same manner as Ruburt’s ego on occasion, as far as our sessions are concerned. [...]
[...] Our thought has been that if Lorraine kept coming to sessions, sooner or later Seth would speak to her.)
I am speaking of these matters since I have intended to do so personally to you, and also because they tie in very well, as you will see, with some of our own discussions. [...]
(A note: While taking my usual walk on Crestwood Avenue at about 10 PM last night, I saw a herd of eight deer cross the street; they moved into a small patch of woods that I judged to be just below Stamps’ house on Pinnacle; if they continued on that course they might have ended up crossing Pinnacle right by our own house. [...] There was a very light dusting of snow, typical of our winter this year. [...]
(Jane called Leonard Yaudes this morning while I was painting [I thought she was talking to Peg G.], and said later that she was picking up from Seth a good deal of excellent material on the body consciousness, our social mores re illness, and my own recent panicky hassles after Leonard’s operation a couple of weeks ago. [...] This is our first daylight session in some time.
[...] the methods are extremely important however, and should be definitely included in our material. [...]
We may organize our material for a while now around one or another of these projects, though in the past months, on a rather free-flowing basis you have received excellent material; and regardless of the organization or order of delivery, the material has its own form, and what I have in mind to say will be said. [...]
(Our dog Mischa died in 1963. [...]
And good evening to our friend, our empire builder.
Our friend here (John) spoke of communications, and their effect upon you. [...]
[...] If you will forgive me, I will for a moment continue our discussion, or if you prefer monologue.
[...] He has heard of John, our Philip here, and met him at a meeting or conference, perhaps in 1964.
(This time we had our windows completely shielded by curtains, as Malba had requested we do in the first session with her. Jane and I wore black clothing; our little table was draped in a dark red cloth, which we used because we had forgotten to obtain the black.
(Gradually our eyes became adjusted to the very dim light. [...]
[...] She remarked quite often that Jane and I were not at our best tonight and that she wasn’t either. [...]
(Our road atlas does not list a town called Decatur in either North or South Dakota, nor any town or city of 12,000, for that matter. [...]
Now, before I let my friends very sweetly and nicely rush to my defense, let me mention that Ruburt also when classes began, made an effort, as our friend over here remembers, to give spontaneous readings which worked very well. [...] And now I return you to our friend and we will switch channels. [...]
[...] I hope to give you the confidence to grasp the freedom then to explore yourselves, easily, freely and joyfully as one of our friends, the flowers, might suddenly choose to explore itself in all its uniqueness. [...]
(Jane suggested we find our own symbol.)
(To Bette.) Our friend over here who insists on relating, not from the Richelieu experience but from another, did a very good job of realizing that the energy originates not from this form but from each of you. [...]
[...] Again, Jane said this referred either to the schedule of instructions given in the article on table tipping, or to our own working at the table last Friday evening; our rubbing our hands, chanting, etc.
[...] There were quite a few lying about our living room Friday evening. Our candle was not lit until late that evening. [...]
(There are more details to our evening’s fun, and these will develop as we go through the data. Seth helped us out a little after break, but Jane and I made most connections on our own.
[...] Both items came from a gathering of friends at our apartment last Friday evening, October 7. The dark color on the end of the tab is carbon black from a candle flame. [...]
[...] One of these limbs arched up over our lawn toward our living room on the second floor, and the jutting-out bay windows of the apartment beneath us on the ground floor. [...]
[...] Fortunately, it had broken off halfway up, and its tip barely missed our house. [...] Our television cable has also been ripped loose.
(This afternoon at 2 PM a very large tree limb fell just outside our living room windows, where I type up these sessions.
[...] What I am is difficult to explain because of the limits set not only by your own knowledge but by the present method of our communications.
[...] We will benefit greatly through various experiments within our sessions however, and some of these should be quite important to our overall progress.
[...] It seems that we should supplement our lectures, at least now and then. Also, if Ruburt is experimenting as he is with the trance state in psychological time experiments, it is a good idea that some of this experimentation be carried on by him under our excellent supervision; and after consideration I think that you will agree.
[...] She felt this way because of our rather long rest, and the recent developments in the presentation of the sessions themselves. [...]
We have left many loose ends since our last session. [...]
[...] I do think that Seth’s material on the “origin” of our universe can be termed an “ideal point,” embracing our mathematical systems, and that his concept of All That Is has no “limits” in mathematical terms. [...]
Your stated universe emerged out of that kind of interval, emerging from a master event whose true nature remains uncaptured by your definitions—so there will be places in our book where I may say that an event known to you is true and untrue at the same time, or that it is both myth and fact. [...]
[...] She recalled that back in her 20s—some 15 years before she initiated the Seth material—she’d written a series of poems about our species returning to the earth from space. [...]
[...] So far this year our country’s consumption of electricity has increased less than 2 percent, and it is now expected to actually decrease next year. [...]
Now I am going to close our session so that our Lady of Florence and our Alison, over here, can view the premier pictures. [...]
[...] You were in what our friend, Ruburt, would call or will call next week Alpha II. [...] Now, that clearly will not do when our friend is trying to introduce you to Alpha I.
(To Gert.) Now I thought my pictures were very good, and our movie-taker over here, if not expert, most acceptable. [...]
(To Arnold.) And for our friend here, some concepts that you can understand in Alpha I and II because you will be able to experience their reality. [...]
Our last session was an extremely fruitful one, and much of that material will be important in our future discussions.
[...] Now in our last session I told you that our imaginary sender “A” does not transmit a given thought. [...]
(This session was held in our bedroom. [...]
[...] In our earlier discussions concerning the nature of matter, we made it plain that each individual created any given material object, through use of the inner senses, and following certain rules which were mentioned.
[...] Our Lady from Venice has made some progress, for since I spoke to you last, you finally took me to heart. [...] I am speaking to our young merchant from Venice over here. [...]
Our other friend is playing with his crutches...tossing them in the air a bit...practicing a two-step without them. [...] You still fear, as our Lady of Venice, that there is a cellar door... [...]
Our Lady from Venice over here is filled with questions that she would ask you. [...]
I tell you now—and for the sake of our guests—that death is not sober and it is not death. [...]
[...] “Cowboys and Indians” was our gang’s favorite game back in Sayre in the late 1920s, and as we roamed the nearby fields all of us made believe we killed our enemies and/or were killed ourselves. [...]
We were a bit surprised, then, to realize that for both of us at least some of our “willful” experiences had revolved around our early school days.
A continuation of our discussion (begun in the last session) on suffering.