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ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 27, 1970 Florence puzzle leash degradation segment

We do not have too many comments but one I am bound to make. [...]

[...] This is unfortunately one of the main distortions that have come down through the centuries and that is the only point I felt strongly enough that I should interfere with your fine rendition. [...]

(To Florence.) And I would like you, dear Lady of Florence, to be aware of the questions asked by your inner self and not follow the intellect around like a puppy following its tail from one circle without answer to another for you limit the extent of your imagination in such a way. [...]

[...] In one respect, you see, and in a very important respect, the basic answers cannot be given to you, they must be experienced by you. [...]

TPS6 Session 937 (Deleted Portion) November 19, 1981 approach unerringly momentum prescribed possess

What we want is an altered approach to life itself, to one that follows the kind of natural approach to living that children unerringly possess, but to one that is also enriched with experience that a child does not possess. [...] This is perhaps no easy task in usual terms, yet he is indeed learning on his own part to use his consciousness in a different fashion than the one prescribed by man in one way or another for centuries. [...]

TSM Chapter Sixteen action professor identity students dilemma

This episode and a few similar ones have made me wary of such encounters with so-called objective academicians. [...] Last year one of my students was taking a psychology course in the local college night sessions, and with the professor’s encouragement, she frequently discussed Seth and our ESP classes. My student wanted to do one of her required papers on the nature of personality as explained by Seth. [...]

Seth agreed, and devoted one entire class to the session. [...] In a way, it is not the kind of in-depth discussion Seth would give in one of our private sessions, but it contains an excellent thumbnail description of his theories on personality, for those who have no previous knowledge of the Seth Material. [...]

“It is true that there are no limitations to the self, and in one respect you can say that the self reaches out to encompass the environment. [...] What you have, in effect, is a one-dimensional psychology. [...]

[...] Take a fairly simple one—Psychological Time. [...] You will discover your whole selves, peeping inward and outward at the same ‘time,’ and find that all time is one time, and all divisions, illusions.”

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 569, February 24, 1971 Speakers dreamers eeg rules foods

It is very possible for one dreamer who is a Speaker, to go to the aid of another individual who is having some difficulties in an inner reality within the dream state. [...] A good Speaker is as effective within one reality as he is within the other, creating psychic frameworks within physical reality as well as within interior environments. Many artists, poets, and musicians are Speakers, translating one world in terms of another, forming psychic structures that exist in both with great vitality — structures that may be perceived from more than one reality at once.

[...] Two areas of activity are involved, one very passive and one acutely active. In one state this portion of consciousness is passive, receiving information. [...]

[...] The symbolisms and frameworks of religion, therefore, had to exist not only in the physical world but also in the unconscious one. [...]

[...] On occasion they also serve as mediators, introducing to each other two incarnations of one personality, for example.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 19, 1984 Norma Joe segments schizophrenic chocolate

On other levels, however, each one is well aware of the other’s presence, and on those levels they do react to each other’s activities. This means, of course, that the entire amnesia process, regardless of how perfect it seems, is a surface one. [...]

[...] One portion of the personality might be whole-heartedly in favor of good expression of personal power, and be stimulated to express and use his or her energy and strength. [...]

Instead of developing physical complications, in usual terms, sometimes one portion of the personality actually does act with assurance, power, and energy, while another equally valid portion refuses to use energy or power in any way whatsoever. [...]

In such cases, while one portion of the personality is expressing itself, and in command of the usual conscious abilities, the other portion lies acquiescent, latent, and unexpressed.

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 911, April 28, 1980 genetic Iran rescue defective hostages

[...] Actually, our forces hadn’t come close to reaching the prisoners: Responsible were mechanical failures and two dust storms that the American helicopters had to struggle through before joining a group of transport planes at a remote airfield, code-named Desert One, in central Iran. [...] Since six of them were considered vital for a successful rescue, the mission was canceled at that point—but eight crewmen were killed when one of the remaining helicopters collided with a transport plane during a refueling attempt. [...]

[...] Now dreams also provide you with another universal kind of language, one that unites all peoples to one extent or another, regardless of their physical circumstances or nationalities or alliances.

[...] It is highly important, then, that the species retain flexibility, and not become locked into any one pattern, however advantageous (intently)—and I am referring to physical or mental patterns. [...] They may appear as superior characteristics of one kind or another, but they must be biologically stated as the variations from the genetic norm.

[...] The survival of the species is far more dependent upon your subjective activities than your physical ones—for it is your subjective behavior that is responsible for your physical acts. [...] Its thoughts are merely mental mirages, so if one of its parts is defective then obviously it is in deep trouble. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 6 Tuesday, April 20, 1982 candidate joints hospital surgical replacement

[...] When they spoke to Rob and me I tried to listen, but my hearing was still so poor that it was nearly impossible to make out one full sentence at a time. [...] But one doctor soberly told me that I’d never walk again, or even put my weight upon my feet again, unless I underwent a series of joint-replacement operations—if, he cautioned, I proved to be a “proper candidate.”

[...] True, the amount of money required for such surgical possibilities was staggering, but insurance of one kind or another could be found to carry the cost. (We didn’t have nearly enough money, but could qualify for adequate insurance by fulfilling the terms of an 11-month waiting period.) But regardless of cost, one orthopedist saw me staying right in the hospital—now that I was there—until the entire procedure was finished. [...]

(A one-minute pause at 9:13, eyes blinking, then closing.) One doctor told me that my body’s mobility would be bound to change for the better as my thyroid gland …

[...] What does one do when the insert begins to wobble? [...] (One can always claim that being able to walk for even four years is a lot better than not walking at all!) Jane and I also read that through experiments with animals medical designers are working to perfect an artificial knee joint with porous surfaces, to promote better bonding of bone to metal; it could last 15 years or more. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 720 November 13, 1974 shadows hallucinations oak cast camera

In waking life you experience certain events as real, and generally these are the only ones that can be captured by an ordinary photographer. [...] Many [events] may later appear as physical ones, while others just as valid will not. [...]

[...] No one picture alone tells the entire story. You should write down your description of each dream picture, therefore, and keep a continuing record, for each one provides more knowledge about the nature of your own psyche and the unknown reality in which it has its existence.

[...] You may make one particular decision in physical and waking consciousness, and that decision may bring forth certain events. [...]

[...] No one would deny that shadows are real, however.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 29, 1970 fish violence cannibals tribe kill

[...] You hear the words and yet you do not understand what they really mean, but basically, you do violence to no one. [...] No one, therefore, could hurt our friend’s fish, even if it were a live one, in your terms. [...]

[...] You must remember that in this case we were not thinking of a hypothetical question but of one individual and one individual incident, and there lies the difference for we cannot really generalize in that area. [...]

The cannibals, in one way, were far more discerning, far more religious, and far more sacred in their attitude than many of you here in this room. [...] They were at one level, and you are at another level. [...]

Animals consume one another, and in that consumption also, and at their level, there is again the innate knowledge of a sacrament, and animals understand this among themselves. [...] Now as you consume the animals so one day will your physical body return to the earth and help form other animals. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 586, July 24, 1971 Christ Paul historical Saul zealot

[...] The three men were a part of one entity, gaining physical existence in one time. [...] There are reasons why the entity did not return as one person. For one thing, the full consciousness of an entity would be too strong for one physical vehicle. [...]

[...] It will not be oriented in terms of one sex, one color, or one race.

[...] The historical Jesus knew who he was, but he also knew that he was one of three personalities composing one entity. [...]

[...] One of these contained the personality that most stories of Christ refer to…. [...] There was constant communication between these three portions of one entity, though they were born and buried at different dates. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 10, 1980 villages Roman soldier Nebene peasants

[...] They dealt with a different framework of consciousness—one that is somewhat now out of character with your kind. [...] Those Italian villages exemplified really a kind of consciousness, or an orientation of consciousness, that existed before modern psychology and Darwinian belief: a framework of consciousness and experience that was overall similar in the recent past and in the time of the Romans—one, in other words, that existed up into the present. [...]

[...] But I found that I thought an earlier one, for June 30, 1973, to be even better, more basic perhaps.

[...] They and the land seemed one, sharing the present seasons, the daily work—but more than that, their fathers and their forefathers and usually many past generations of given families came from the same area. [...]

This provided them with a different kind of time framework psychologically—one that any peasant could relate to. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 867, July 23, 1979 portraits species disease inventions perplexity

[...] Each one interacting with each other one helps form the psychological and physical reality of the species, so you are somehow involved in the formation of a multitudinous number of portraits. [...]

Using the intellect alone, man did not simply learn through daily experience over the generations, say, that one season followed the other. [...] In one season he dreamed of the others, however, and in dreams he saw himself spreading the seeds of fruits as he had seen the wind do in daily life.

[...] Then: “I seem to get things that are different toward the ends of books, like where one is leading into the next one. [...]

[...] In that regard, every person paints his or her own portrait in living color — a portrait that does not simply sit in a tranquil pose at a table, but one that has the full capacity for action. [...]

TES8 Session 402 April 1, 1968 John chess grab promotion bag

[...] One man appears to have the advantage, but another will take it from him, and your best interests will lie with this second man. The first one now has the ascendancy. [...]

The changes of which you know are initial ones, that will not affect you as directly, or rather as beneficially as you might suppose, but will initiate changes that will affect you beneficially.

[...] He is one of the pawns.

[...] Jane’s trance had again been a good one, her pace fast, voice fairly strong, eyes closed for much of the early part of the delivery.

TES9 Session 430 August 22, 1968 Emolene apple Spanish Frazer America

[...] One personality can therefore be a portion of more than one entity, and still retain its own identity, its own individuality. [...]

This is also responsible for the fact that it is difficult to understand how one personality, while retaining its individuality, can be a portion of more than one entity, and we will have more to say on that subject as we continue with the time concept.

An over-insistence upon sticking to one subject imposes limitations. [...] Such artificial ones may make neater paragraphs, Joseph... [...]

[...] The term, identity, like many other terms, is limited, for you think of identity as being one indivisible unit. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 15, 1984 fetuses offspring cart born deficient

In a basic way, it is possible for present beliefs to actually modify the beliefs of a life that is seemingly a past one. [...] Your conventional ideas of time make it simpler, however, to speak of one life as happening before or after another.

(3:23.) As I said before, the reasons for most physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional problems can be found in this one lifetime, and because of the nature of simultaneous time, new beliefs in the present can also affect those in the past.

Again, no one is punished for crimes committed in a past life, and in each life you are unique. [...]

[...] You may be born in excellent health in one life, with a high intelligence and great wit, while in still another existence you may be born ill or crippled or mentally deficient.

DEaVF1 Quotations from Seth heresy quotations boon r.f.b globe

[...] One is from a private session, two are from “nonbook” regular sessions, and one is from Dreams itself.)

[...] That one sentence is basically scientific heresy, and in many circles it is religious heresy as well. [...]

[...] If that were the case, it would take more than a world-sized globe to contain the consciousness of simply one cell”

TPS1 Session 267 (Deleted Portion) June 13, 1966 expansion outdoors balance disturbances riotous

[...] You are then tempted to see trivial disturbances as large ones, and to cut off all heads indiscriminately, in order to get rid of one or two main disturbances, because you can no longer tell one from the other.

[...] When the balance is a good one, then the outward expansion leads to inner expansion.

[...] Most of your personal recommendations were valid ones. [...]

Now if I gave a note to Rob, I give one to you. [...]

TPS1 Session 593 (Deleted) August 30, 1971 helper black realms habits lag

[...] The ideas seem to be very good ones, and I remember that when the session was held we had high hopes. For one reason or another—or several—they have been set aside; finishing Seth’s book contributed of course. [...]

[...] In one way they are formed from you, but considerable work of one kind or another is done often before they are released, and set free to work within these other realms for you.

[...] Very positive ones, initially set into motion by Ruburt’s desire to help others, and attempts to do so. [...]

[...] This sort of phenomena occurs in one way or another with those who have the capacity to draw upon great energies, but the manifestation, you see, can be beneficial or detrimental.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, August 20, 1968 classes sic choosy sailing withdraw

[...] And you will see that while you are aware of simply one room and one time, and one evening and one class in your present moment, there are other rooms and other classes and you sit in them all. [...]

[...] One thought sends out ripples that change and alter. One of your own dreams rising out from you as its center, it touches and changes these other realities. There is no feeling that you have, there is no word that you utter, there is no thought hidden in the deepest environment of your brain that does not have a reality different than the one you know. [...]

[...] There is no one reason, there is no one answer to any such question. [...]

[...] We shall give you better ones. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 10, 1977 relaxation shoes suggestions inequalities inoculation

[...] I’ve given Jane suggestions twice since then, the last one being at naptime yesterday. [...] Jane has also given herself one such period of suggestion.

[...] One disease may actually protect you from a stronger one, or from a detrimental course of action that you might otherwise follow. [...]

(Today Jane’s right leg “definitely felt straighter this afternoon,” on two occasions, one of them being after her nap. [...]

[...] You can generally expect two kinds of response—one dealing with relaxation, and the other with better functioning or performance.

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