Results 1 to 20 of 55 for stemmed:neurolog

UR1 Section 1: Session 686 February 27, 1974 neurological selectivity carriage pulses corporal

(Pause, and slowly:) The cells’ basic innocence of time discrimination had to be bypassed. At deeply unconscious levels the neurological structure is more highly adaptable than it appears. Adjustments were made, therefore. Basically, the neurological structure responds to both past and future data. Biologically, then, such activity is built-in. The specialized “new” kind of consciousness in one body had to respond pinpoint fast. Therefore it focused upon only one series of neurological messages.

It would have been quite possible for you as a race to have chosen any other “series” of neurological pulses, or messages, as the “real” ones, and to structure your experience along different lines. The biological structure and the mental consciousness together, however, chose the most comfortable sequence in which a present area of activity, brought about by neurological recognition, would be backed up by unconscious mental knowledge and other biologically invisible neurological connections.

The child was himself in the past on the one hand, and yet he was a probable future self in that past. (Pause.) From the standpoint of Ruburt’s official mental focus, and from the standpoint of the neurologically accepted present, that past environment had to remain off-center, or blurred. He could experience it only by sidestepping officially accepted neurological activity. He visited a store that is not at that location “anymore,” and here the sense data were somewhat clearer. He had no conscious memories of the store’s interior, yet it was instantly apparent to him — the dark oiled floor, spread with sawdust. Even the odors were present.

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 904, February 27, 1980 choices Eden neurological free Garden

(9:02.) Speaking in terms of your time, early man still had a greater neurological leeway. There were alternate neurological pathways that, practically speaking, were more available then than now. They still exist now, but they have become like ghostly signals in the background of neurological activity.

[...] His experiences must be neurologically structured. [...]

He has free will to make any decisions that he is able to make (intently). This means that his free will is contained, given meaning, focused, and framed by his neurological structure. [...]

UR1 Appendix 4: (For Session 685) sidepools neurological bypass Saratoga linear

“The ghostly, off-center Saratoga adventure bypassed and blurred usual neurological processes, allowing him to slip through. [...] He was tuning into probable neurological materializations … that are ghost images inherent in the normal nervous structure … latent connections biologically part of the cells’ realities. [...]

“Usual memory is as much a sifting process as it is anything else, in which experience’s intensity varies — sometimes ‘alive’ neurologically and sometimes not — just to focus our consciousness in one probable action or series. [...]

[...] Usually we experience it through neurological connections; that’s when it seems vivid or alive, but actually it’s that way all the time. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 23, 1981 pk target microscopic displacement micro

In that fashion, as you mature from infancy you become neurologically responsive to certain pathways of activity, while ignoring other quite valid neurological phasing. To an extent you develop habitual patterns of reference in that regard, so that certain cues in the environment automatically trigger the familiar neurological activity. [...]

(Pause at 9:20.) This opinion is backed up, you see, by the habitual use of accustomed neurological activity, and even while such an individual may agree that PK is possible at certain levels, there is a kind of neurological prejudice built in. [...]

[...] In that material I quoted Jane’s own material on other “sidepools” of neurological activity. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 687 March 4, 1974 probable neurological shadowy geese race

[...] Whether or not you have any great success, the exercise will begin a neurological reorientation that will be most important if you hope to glimpse realities that are outside of your present neurologically accepted sense-reality.

In your terms, until now your consciousness has specialized in neurological patterning. [...] Your consciousness and neurological prejudice blind you to the full dimension of physical activity. [...]

Now: Such experiences as Ruburt’s Saratoga episode are valuable because they begin a process in which other neurological pulses are to some degree recognized.

UR1 Appendix 5: (For Session 686) appendix neurological leap messages vocabulary

[...] Because our mental habits automatically block out such material, we only recognize one series of neurological happenings — it takes time for the message to leap the nerve endings [the synapses]. [...] By altering our consciousness in the way I’m learning to do now, though, we can line up our focuses with these other ‘ghostly’ messages, that are quite as real as the neurological validity we usually accept.”

[...] I’d say that her own awareness of multiple channels has grown out of her initial sensing of the channels available from Seth, as described in the 616th session in Chapter 2 of Personal Reality; and that her material on neurological speeds is related to the observations of Jane that were noted by Sue Watkins in Seth Speaks; see the 594th session in the Appendix of that book. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 915, May 12, 1980 particles intervals invisible sequences neurologically

[...] (Pause.) You are usually conscious of events that are significant neurologically, and that neurological timing is the end result of an [almost]2 infinite series of sequences. [...]

[...] They are conscious in other times, though you are neurologically equipped to perceive your own interval structures. [...] But between the moments that you know, and neurologically accept, there are other kinds of moments, if you prefer, other versions of time, and other kinds of accomplishments and fulfillments that are not dependent upon your usual ideas of, say, growth through time.3

TES9 Session 426 August 5, 1968 thread agony neurological conceive traversed

[...] Obviously such personalities need far more than the neurological systems with which you are presently equipped. [...] Now your neurological system is physical but it is based upon your own inner capabilities as of, quote, “now.”

[...] Your idea of space and time then is definitely determined by your neurological structure.

[...] The psychedelic drugs alter the neurological inner workings, and therefore can give some slight glimpses into other realities.

UR1 Section 2: Session 688 March 6, 1974 cu dolphins holes cell neurological

The physical universe serves then as a threshold for probabilities, and all possible species find their greatest fulfillment within that system, each of them neurologically tuned into their own reality and their own “time.” So the body itself, as it presently exists, is innately equipped with other neurological responses that to you would seem to be biologically invisible. Nevertheless, your consciousness and your beliefs are what direct this neurological recognition. [...]

[...] It immediately begins to learn to accept certain neurological pulses which bring results, and not others, and so neurological patterns are early learned. [...]

[...] All of this, once more, is tied in with your accepted neurological recognition of certain messages over others, your mental prejudice that effectively blinds you to other quite valid biological communications that are indeed present all of the “time”.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 656, April 16, 1973 loneliness robbers age convictions unhealthy

[...] During your life, any event must come through your creaturehood, with the built-in time recognition that is so largely a part of your neurological structure; so usually there is a lag, a lapse in time, during which your beliefs cause material actualization. [...]

There is a steady even flow in which conscious activity through the neurological structure brings about events, and a familiar pattern of reaction is established. [...]

[...] For you, because of your neurological organization, the present is obviously the only point from which past and future can be changed, or when action becomes effected.

UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974 planet beam space clusters speeds

[...] In class last evening Ruburt “picked up” messages that seemed to be too slow for his neurological structure. [...] He experienced some strain, feeling that each vowel and syllable was so drawn out, in your terms of time, that he must either slow down his own neurological workings to try to make some suitable adjustments. [...] Messages, therefore, perceptions, “came through” at one speed, so to speak, and he managed to receive them while translating them into a more comfortable, neurologically familiar speed.

To some extent you have neurologically blinded yourselves. You accept only a certain range of neurological impulses as “reality.”8 You have biologically prejudiced yourselves. [...]

[...] Biologically, your own physical structures are quite able to operate at those same speeds, though as a species you have disciplined yourselves to a different kind of neurological reaction. By altering such neurological prejudice,10 however, you can indeed learn to become aware of other realities that coincide with yours. [...]

TES9 Session 462 February 3, 1969 mathematical perception clairvoyant medium pessimistic

Any perception of any kind instantly alters the electromagnetic and neurological systems of the perceiver. In your terms, physically, that is what perception is—an alteration of neurological structure. [...]

[...] The ego will simply be bypassed, but the other layers of the self, the neurological structures particularly, will continue to operate as always. [...]

[...] (Pause.) Now in some way that you are not ready, or should I say able, to understand as yet, I help Ruburt to perceive clairvoyant information more clearly, in that I help to direct the kinds of alterations that occur within his neurological structure.

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 806, July 30, 1977 memory events past floating future

[...] There are neurological pockets, so to speak, so that biologically the body can place events as it perceives activity. Those neurological pulses are geared to the biological world you know.

[...] To some extent you allow other neurological impulses to make themselves known. [...]

Your memories serve to organize your experience and, again, follow recognized neurological sequences. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 654, April 9, 1973 reprogram past neuronal present biologists

In the current pivoting of its experience, therefore, your conscious mind directs not only the present, but future and past experience of deep neurological events.

[...] It then directs the activity of the body, and is to that extent dependent upon neurological activity.

During certain stages in sleep states you short-circuit the neurological structures, and perceive experiences of a multidimensional nature that you then attempt to translate, as best you can, into stimuli that can be physically assimilated — hence you often convert these into symbolic images that can be understood, and to some extent reacted to, by your bodily structure.

UR1 Appendix 6: (For Session 687) ancient pathological article Appendix parallel

[...] We were both tired, but I wondered if this could turn out to be an episode like the one she’d experienced before the last session, when she dictated material on the various neurological actions, or speeds, that she sensed. [...]

[...] Yet they shape our neurological history.”

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 664, May 21, 1973 earthquakes unstable chemicals storms excesses

First sentence: Your reality exists independently of your physically oriented consciousness, but while you are a creature your awareness must be interpreted through your neurological structure and your corporeal aliveness. [...]

[...] The growth of feelings, sensations, I am-ness, concepts and beliefs was paralleled by the resulting exterior manifestations of animal species, and mineral and vegetable emergences; with these came the growth of complementary neurological structures, and the precise physical formations, such as mountains, valleys, seas, and so forth needed to sustain them.

(Slowly:) Feelings are still dependent upon your neurological structure and its impact with physical reality. [...]

UR1 Appendix 7: (For Session 689) outline Health Illness Sunday contents

[...] She added that her experience in “getting it” was related not only to her ability to sense that sometimes more than one stream of material was available from Seth, but to the way that she herself had tuned into the information on neurological speeds late last month. [...]

Illness and Neurological Prejudice
Thoughts and beliefs as stimulating and directing probable cell reactions.

UR2 Appendix 21: (For Session 721) counterparts Florence Maumee androgyny Appendix

[...] You are neurologically tuned in to one particular field of actuality that you recognize.2 In your terms and from your viewpoint only, messages from other existences live within you as ghost images within the cells, for the cells recognize more than you do on a conscious level. [...]

[...] You have several time and space tracks in operation at once, then, but you acknowledge only certain neurological messages physically. [...]

[...] (To me:) Neurologically, you crossed your messages. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 715 October 28, 1974 library models Politics Unknown Roman

[...] I told you that the physical body itself was able to pick up other neurological messages beside those to which you usually react.8 Now let me add that when a certain proficiency is reached in alterations of consciousness, this allows you to become practically familiar with some of these other neurological messages. [...]

[...] Your whole physical situation will be geared to it, and your neurological structure will follow the habitual pattern. [...]

8. See the 686th session in Volume 1; then see Jane’s material on other- than-usual neurological messages and speeds in appendixes 4 and 5. And (later) I add here a paragraph from the private session Seth held for us on May 1, 1974 — 10 days after he’d finished his work on “Unknown” Reality:

TSM Chapter Eighteen thread agony God gestalt yearning

“Obviously such personalities need far more than the neurological systems with which you are presently equipped. Your own neurological system is physical, but it is based upon your own inner capabilities as of ‘now.’ It is the materialization of an inner psychic framework. [...]

“Your idea of space and time is determined by your neurological structure.

[...] The psychedelic drugs alter the neurological workings, and therefore can give some slight glimpses into other realities.

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