3 results for (book:ur1 AND session:687 AND stemmed:probabl)

UR1 Section 1: Session 687 March 4, 1974 probable neurological shadowy geese race

According to the intensity of the situation, now, another also desirable solution may be worked out in a probable reality. On an unconscious level you are aware of your probable selves, and they of you. You share the same psychic roots, and your joint yet separate dreams are available to “all of you.” This does not mean that you are dreaming someone else’s dream, any more than it means that twins, for example, do. It does mean that your probable selves and you share in a body of symbolism, background, and ability. The multistructured nature of the dream state allows for dream dramas in which probable selves do appear. They may appear as symbolically representing strong characteristics upon which they have focused, though you have ignored them.

(Slowly:) The dream state, however, does operate as a rich web of communication between probable selves and probable existences. All probabilities spring from inner reality, from the psyche’s own inner activity and structure. (Long pause.) The consciousness that you know can indeed now emerge into even greater realization of itself, but not by obsessively defending its old position. Instead it must recognize its power as the director of probable action, and no longer inhibit its own greater capacities.

This does not mean that some biological confusion might not result in the meantime. It does mean that even in those terms, and consciously unknowing, mankind is experimenting with a probable species and working out quite spiritual issues. Your probable futures and your probable pasts, in larger terms, exist at once. I will begin by explaining your history to you, at least to some extent, in the historical terms you recognize. To that degree, I hope to make your unknown reality consciously known.

UR1 Section 2: Session 687 March 4, 1974 hawk worm giblets wren brain


(12:01.) Now: Section 2: “Parallel Man, Alternate Man, and Probable Man,” colon: “The Reflection of These in the Present, Private Psyche.” [...]

[...] As an analogy, the innate knowledge of probabilities that Seth postulates here may be related to the brain in the same way that memory evidently “happens” throughout its parts, instead of being localized in just one of them.

UR1 Appendix 6: (For Session 687) ancient pathological article Appendix parallel

3. Probable Man 1

[...] Many individuals show variations that actually represent future developments of consciousness; we’re experimenting with these probabilities … There are actually species of consciousness, but we don’t recognize them as such. [...]

(12:19.) “Some of the experiments with man-animals didn’t work out along our historic lines, but the ghost memories of those probabilities still linger in our biological structure, and in our terms can be activated according to circumstances.