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TPS2 Session 602 January 5, 1972 cordellas sound language sh onomatopoeia

(10:50.) As absolute manifestations of energy, one of their characteristics is the astonishing rapidity with which they can appear multidimensionally, simultaneously showing themselves in different guises while maintaining the basic integrity from which the guises spring. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 582, April 19, 1971 evolved portraits Mrs Speakers evolution

[...] The fragment elements directed outward by you as a species also add of course to your physical reality, for without the fine balance maintained, and without this cooperation, your particular kind of environment would not be possible.

UR1 Section 2: Session 694 May 1, 1974 Markle Joseph Mr probable atoms

[...] While the body’s integrity must lie in a constant reiteration in one probability, and maintain within that probable system a certain “constant,” and while physically perception is largely directed there, the basic integrity of the body system and consciousness comes from outside the system into it. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 738 February 19, 1975 hill Foster house Avenue privacy

[...] The sunny nature [of that house], regardless of what Ruburt thinks now, will help him creatively and physically — but the hill house represents a decision to face the world while maintaining certain necessary and quite reasonable conditions. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 844, April 1, 1979 nuclear Harrisburg Island Mile smarter

[...] 1 had already been shut down for refueling.] By now the situation is much more serious, however: There’s a chance of catastrophic “meltdown” of the uranium fuel rods in the damaged reactor’s core — the worst possible accident that can occur in such circumstances short of an explosion, and a kind that proponents of nuclear power have long maintained “almost certainly cannot happen.” [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 846, April 4, 1979 Jonestown cult fallout reactor Island

[...] And above all, our energy experts maintain that the United States has traveled too far along the nuclear path to turn back now.

TES1 Session 13 January 6, 1964 enzymes chlorophyll solidified mental wires

[...] It is simply impossible for the ego as you know it to maintain conscious dominance at this time. [...]

TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964 camouflage Callahan cube hypnotism Miss

The outer personality must be a strong yet resilient framework, able to dispense with its boundaries and allow the inner self its freedom, and yet strong enough to spring back and maintain its control over outward experience. [...]

[...] He is extremely receptive, open to and even appreciative of inner data, and also possesses an ego strong enough to maintain necessary discipline. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 652, March 28, 1973 unconscious sleep waking evil behavior

[...] There is within the innate characteristics of the mammalian brain, then, a great balance in which complete physical relaxation can occur in sleep, while consciousness is maintained in a “partially suspended, passive-yet-alert” manner. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 666, May 28, 1973 flood Pigs Joseph Cuba Bay

[...] Quite as a matter of course, household habits were such that those procedures were maintained almost automatically. [...]

TES3 Session 134 February 22, 1965 aggressive explosions regularity meek scratching

[...] Overall our schedule will be maintained, but we do not want rigidity, merely the spontaneity that comes, and the freedom that is achieved within discipline.

TES3 Session 145 April 12, 1965 hate evil ego roles assimilate

[...] And again, maintaining your discipline, nevertheless allow yourself freedom, for within you will find spontaneity, added dimensions and even new discipline.

TES4 Session 157 May 24, 1965 resistance bunch unbalanced pendulum smooth

We have discussed the ways in which telepathy operates in this respect, and we have to some extent discussed the ways in which the appearance of cohesiveness is maintained. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 1, 1981 Werner Jim Adams muscular difficulties

[...] All of these issues are responsible for the bathroom difficulty, and once again I maintain the steady attempts of the body to recuperate. [...]

TES2 Session 72 July 20, 1964 Pipers imposed constructions sea endure

[...] She maintained these attitudes for the whole session, although where indicated she took rather long pauses while delivering the material.)

TES3 Session 107 November 16, 1964 dimensions perspectives censure camouflage inhabitants

[...] When she began dictating again she maintained her deliberate and rather determined manner; at the same time she spoke a little faster. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 25, 1977 future compliment equated confidence uncreative

[...] Some of this is almost impossible for me to explain to you, for you move through probabilities so transparently while still maintaining your identity.

UR1 Section 1: Session 684 February 20, 1974 units fluctuates poised blink selectivity

(A one-minute pause at 11:22.) Such behavior even causes a certain corporal dishonesty, for the cells’ freedom from time means that on certain levels the cellular structure is aware of probable future events, as mentioned (just before break). The body, therefore, is reacting to future and past activity as well, in order to maintain its present corporal balance.

UR2 Section 6: Session 739 February 24, 1975 hill house trees neighborhood fireplace

(We’ve also discovered that several other professional people who live near the hill house maintain offices in the old near-downtown neighborhood surrounding the apartment house.)

TES4 Session 172 July 26, 1965 Lorraine wings voice deep louder

[...] Her voice maintained its deep tones until the end of the session. [...]

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