Results 41 to 60 of 1124 for stemmed:form
All of these forms, however, are you understand spontaneous and instantaneous. In the same way that an idea may appear within your system as a thought, a mental image, a dream picture or as a physical object, so does any action-event appear in many forms.
Now: All creation is constant, and physical reality is formed and maintained in mental realms, sparked by psychic (pause) experiences. [...]
[...] This action-event will then affect all other events, spiral inward and outward in all possible dimensions, and may be perceived in these dimensions in quite a different form from its original nature. [...]
This physical room and this particular moment within this room all exist simultaneously in other systems, though they may or may not appear in the same form. [...]
[...] As your own universe was formed by entities that you do not presently understand, so the discards of your own consciousness form realities for entities that are scarcely aware of your existence.
Its sense of identity spontaneously goes beyond the change of its own form. [...] Creatures without the compartment of the ego can easily follow their own identity beyond any change of form. [...]
[...] They will only perceive the shape and form that your own mental acts—thoughts and dreams—take within their own system.
[...] Within that context, those inhabitants dream—in turn—their own dreams, and form electromagnetic realities. [...]
[...] Form is not a characteristic of energy, any more than it is a characteristic of matter. As a rule no form imposed upon energy can long endure. The form cannot long endure. The consciousness behind the form, that imposes the form, does endure; because while energy continually changes and does not retain imposed form, it is in itself conscious, and its consciousness endures.
It can be shown, and we will go into this, that form is not a characteristic of matter. You will have to look elsewhere for durability and form. [...]
Form is not a characteristic of matter, despite appearances. [...]
As a continent does not exist alone, but also in relationship to other physical formations, so in your terms you form events so that they fit into a mass framework. You form your own reality. You do not form it isolated and alone, however. [...]
[...] In the predream state you participate in such organizations, although you bring back home to your physical self — in the form of dreams — only data that can be recognized and used in physical terms. [...]
Please understand: I am not saying here that you have no conscious control over events, for they are formed by you in accordance with your feelings, beliefs, purposes, and intents.
[...] You still take advantage of that level of being, however, using that immeasurable data as a basis to form the reality that you know.
The constant interchange that exists biologically means that the same physical stuff that composes a man or a woman may be dispersed, and later form a toad, a starfish, a dog or a flower. It may be distributed into numberless different forms. [...] Reminiscent within each form is the consciousness of all the other combinations, all of the other alliances, as identity continually forms new creative endeavors and gestalts of relatedness. [...]
(10:00.) Give us a moment … Cells compose natural forms. [...] It is a unit of consciousness ever itself and inviolate while still free to form other organizations, enter other combinations in which all other units also decide to play a part. As there are different shapes to physical objects, then, so identity can take different shapes — and basically those forms are far more rich and diverse than the variety of physical objects.
[...] Atoms and molecules will sometimes form trees; sometimes they will become parts of couches. They will form people or ants or blades of grass, yet in each of these ventures they will also retain their own sense of identity. They combine to form cells and organs, and through all of these events they obtain different kinds of experience.
First of all, in your terms “pure” identity has no form. [...] You suppose that all personhood in one way or another must have an equivalent of a human form, spiritual or otherwise, to “inhabit.”
[...] I am no poet but then thinking of one of Ruburt’s poems, then think of the brain, indeed, as a web you form about the inner self. [...] You form this and then perceive the world, but your viewpoint is very small and the garden you perceive very intimate, but within yourself you have far greater abilities of perception and you are not limited to Wednesday or Thursday. [...]
[...] You cooperate together to form the physical reality that you know telepathically, through ways and means that are unknown to you. [...] Once you realize that your thoughts form reality then you are no longer slave to events. [...]
And when you realize that you form the events of your life, in the same way that you form the events of a dream, then you learn to grasp a hold of your entire consciousness and to take a hold of the life that is your own in whatever aspect it shows itself. [...]
Another inherent ability of energy is its own innate recognition of potential form. [...] No one atom or molecule within the fetus will exist within the adult, and yet the bits of energy that have formed together to form the pattern of the fetus know the capacity and limits of their own nature, and know therefore the potentialities and limits of the pattern which they have made.
[...] Therefore, if you will for a moment think of bits of energy, or consciousness, initially without definite form, entering your physical plane, then according to the innate strength and capacity of any given particle it will, on entering your plane, on its own subconscious level already know how small or large a physical pattern it can form.
[...] But the growth, so-called, is not of itself a property of matter, in that the same matter does not grow, but energy completely forms the pattern ever anew, as far as the particular strength of the energy itself can carry it, and knowing the limitations and capacities of the pattern which it has formed. [...]
[...] The forms then build, one within or upon the other, in the manner in which I explained that the gestalt of a human body was maintained. [...]
(Pause at 10:15.) Much later and on many levels you will finally learn to take many forms, as you choose, consciously. [...] You may find that when you imagine yourself as a child — after death — that you suddenly have the form of the child that you were. For a certain period of time, therefore, you can manipulate this form so that it takes any appearance that it had when it was connected with your physical form in the immediately previous physical life. You may die at eighty and after death think of the youth and vitality that you had at twenty, and find then that your form changes to correspond with this inner image.
[...] Others choose instead to take the form they had at the particular point when the greatest mental or emotional heights were achieved, regardless of the beauty or age that characterized the form. [...]
You will feel comfortable with the form that you choose, therefore, and you will usually use it when you want to communicate with others you have known; though for such communications with the living, you may instead adopt the form you had when you were known to the individual you want to contact.
[...] This is the same kind of form in which you travel in out-of-body projections, and again let me remind my readers that each of them leaves the body for some time each night during sleep.
When you first learned to write in school, you had to be taught how to form the letters. [...] Finally, however, you could form the letters quite easily. [...]
You could not only copy sentences, but—important development—you could form your own sentences, and express your own thoughts in that form. [...]
[...] But these front gates represent our subconscious and the signal to open, the permission for the construction of matter and its form, are dependent upon these subconscious gates. Even as incipient matter flows through, the final form is given by the way it brushes through these subconscious gates. [...]
This capsule comprehension I call capsule comprehension, since innate comprehension of itself and its workings is part of what you may think of as the fiber or makeup of all energy, regardless of any given particular form that it might take, or regardless of the camouflage it might form of itself.
[...] These are in some respects a different sort of camouflage, a self-formed, artificial and only partial enclosure, a beneficial psychic device within which the inner self momentarily and temporarily gathers and holds and collects as much psychic energy about it as it is capable of receiving, utilizing, and also withstanding. [...]
[...] This holding back, this gathering and collection without instant outlet, is one of the natural and constant processes involved not only in the construction of energy into matter, but in the construction of energy into any other form, and it is closely allied to the pause and pulsation that I have mentioned, as atoms and molecules appear and disappear imperceptibly, even while they seem to give continuity to any particular object.
These body forms however are necessary camouflages, for you cannot yet think of identity without some kind of physical body. Therefore you project yourself in a body form. [...] The form itself is not important, but the form can tell you something about the dimension in which you are having experience.
When you enter a different dimension the abilities of the body form change, and for all intents and purposes it is a different body form, which we will call a mind form. It still seems physical in shape, but you can walk through physical matter with it, and you can truly levitate with it within your solar system, but you cannot go beyond in this mind form.
The form that you use does not dictate the various abilities. You don the particular form in line with your abilities. [...] (Smile.) It is possible to begin an experience in one form, and change to another, or to go from the first to the third. [...] The forms do merely represent various stages of consciousness.
[...] In the first form it is possible to perceive the past, present and future on a limited basis. In the second form this perception is on a larger scale, the scope of consciousness being further opened. Now this is the form that you will use if you meet appointments with others within the dream state.
[...] There are subtle variations, as you know, in your known self from one instant to another as you affect your physical environment and form it, and as it in turn forms you. [...]
[...] You form the reality, the shape, of thoughts, for they have shape, in much the same way that you breathe; and you have as little control of them, once you have created them, as you have of your breath.
[...] You form your image and the physical matter of your environment, and these, being action, are perceived as reality in other systems. [...]
(Pause.) Some years ago, Ruburt had an experience in which he glimpsed in the center of the living room a strange form. He sensed that the form was composed of energy that was definitely predisposed to come to his assistance, or to do his bidding.
[...] He called this “Helper,”1 and he never saw the form clearly again. The form represented (long pause) the personified, accumulated positive energies that were working to his advantage at that time, that provided him protection, but that also automatically worked to the benefit of his life and projects.
[...] It was not necessary for Ruburt to see the form again—merely to sense the reality of that powerful energy, and realize that it worked on his behalf. In a fashion the form also represented the innocent and powerful inner self, or spontaneous self, or naturally magical self—the terms are synonymous.
Ruburt knew that Helper could be sent out to others, to their advantage, and in that regard the form stood for the great power of natural, positive desire and thought patterns. (To me:) You have the same kind of “form.” [...]
[...] If our environment seems unstructured to you, it is only because you do not understand the true nature of order, which has nothing to do with permanent form, but only appears to have form from your perspective.
[...] This does not mean that its reality exists in that form in any more basic way than it exists in the form perceived by the microbe, insect, or bird. [...]
[...] These perceptors operate quite independently from those that might be assumed when a given consciousness adopts a specialized form, such as a physical body, in order to operate in a particular system.
[...] You would see an uncamouflaged situation, in which events and form were free and not stuck in a jellylike mold of time. [...]
The paintings already exist however as definite potential forms, already created by your whole self. [...] You can only fail in not giving them physical form, and you can only fail to give them physical form by refusing to open up your inner channels to the intuitions of the whole self.
[...] To the extent that you fail to materialize your potentials in physical form, you have failed in a given physical existence. The knowledge that the forms and the paintings are there, however, is all-important.
You have a wealth of painting material, of potential forms to draw upon. [...] They are paintings that no one else can materialize in physical form but you. [...]
[...] As your own universe was formed by entities that you do not presently understand, so the discards of your own consciousness form realities for entities that are scarcely aware of your existence.
Its sense of identity spontaneously goes beyond the change of its own form. [...] Creatures without the compartment of the ego can easily follow their own identity beyond any change of form. [...]
[...] They will only perceive the shape and form that your own mental acts, thoughts and dreams take within their own system.
[...] Within that context those inhabitants dream in turn their own dreams and form electromagnetic realities. [...]
[...] They form physical matter as it exists in your understanding and experience. Units of consciousness also form other kinds of matter that you do not perceive.1
(Long pause.) They take certain forms, then, when they operate as particles, and experience their reality from “the center of” those forms. [...]
[...] Basically the units move faster than light,2 slowing down, in your terms, to form matter. [...] Metaphysically, they can be thought of as the point at which All That Is acts to form [your] world—the immediate contact of a never-ending creative inspiration, coming into mental focus, the metamorphosis of certainly divine origin that brings the physical world into existence from the greater reality of divine fact. [...]
“Nothing in the universe is ever lost, or mislaid, or wasted, so the energy of your own thoughts, while they are still your own thoughts, helps to form the natural attributes of physical realities that you do not perceive. So is your own world formed by units of consciousness. [...]
[...] You are on the threshold of forming your own helper. [...] In one way they are formed from you, but considerable work of one kind or another is done often before they are released, and set free to work within these other realms for you.
[...] This is a form built up by him unconsciously in a realm other than the physical, and it is gaining in strength and expertise.
That was his black thing, formed by him.
It goes without saying that dream images certainly have form to the dreamer, even as physical objects have form. The astral body also has a form. These forms do not take up space in the way that physical objects do. There is less density, but there is still observable form. The images that appear in dreams exist as forms in another dimension. [...]
Dream images, not astral projections, operate within certain electrical limits, limits that form the boundaries of the dream universe. [...]
They exist within the cells, or I should more properly say that the cells form about them. These electric coded signals then form electric counterparts of complete experience, as it has been felt by any given individual. [...] In other words, each individual from birth on forms his own counterpart from built up, individual, continuous electric signals. At physical death his personality then exists in its complete form, and of course escapes the sort of ending that it would suffer if it were an integral part of the physical system.
[...] Therefore, within the electric system, dreams, thoughts and emotions exist as actualities, and in what you may call a tangible form, though not in the form of matter as you are familiar with it.
They are closed enough to retain identity and separateness of characteristic natures, but because they are all formed from inner vitality, they are actually interrelated; and when I describe fields or systems I describe many portions of one reality, many faces of one reality.
[...] Thoughts are initially psychoelectric patterns in pure form, productions of the inner self that must be translated in order to be used by the physical self.