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TSM Appendix: Session 453, December 4, 1968 6/24 (25%) void stars system awhile Consciousnes
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Appendix
– Session 453, December 4, 1968, 9:06 P.M. Wednesday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now: The planetary system of which we spoke in our last session was the first one within your universe, when you are speaking in terms of time. It is very difficult to explain to you that the universe that you see, the stars and planets that you view, are one-dimensional, comparatively speaking. You only perceive the portions of them that are apparent within your own system of reality.

The heavy hydrogen molecules had a large part to play in the birth of that (earlier) system. Consciousnes had first to create the void or the dimension in which the system could exist, and also to endow that void with all the probabilities for development that have come about in your time and are to come about. The void, in other terms, can therefore be compared to a mind, and who can predict what images or thoughts will be given birth there? There are, as I have told you, countless such systems, and yet within them all there is identity and direction.

This vast void, this infinite mind, came out of another that was greater than itself. (Seth smiled.) The possibilities that have come to reality within this universal system have each given birth to other systems and realities, as one tree bears a thousand seeds. You, yourselves, through your own mental actions, create realities of which you are unaware, and you give birth to more than physical children.

You do not understand the dimensions into which your own thoughts drop, for they continue their own existence, and others look up to them and view them like stars. I am telling you that your own thoughts and mental actions appear to the inhabitants of other systems like the stars and planets within your own; and those inhabitants do not perceive what lies within and behind the stars in their own heavens. Though they probe their own universe, they will not wander into your reality. They will only perceive the shape and form that your own mental acts—thoughts and dreams—take within their own system.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Remember, when we speak of the beginnings of your system, we speak only in consideration of your ideas of time. All, obviously, then exists at once. To your way of thinking, some lives are lived in a twinkling (in various systems), and others last for centuries. The perception of consciousness is not limited, however. I have told you, for example, that trees have their own consciousness. The consciousness of a tree is not as specifically focused as your own, yet to all intents and purposes, the tree is conscious of fifty years before its existence, and fifty years hence.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

The system spoken of earlier, the sun and original nine planets, in your terms have long ago passed into and formed other universal systems. The whole cosmic structure, however, was the materialization of one original thought, for the thought, the basic reality, must always exist before its representation. There was intelligence, therefore, within that first system. Now, you may take a break and we shall continue, and my heartiest wishes to our friend (Sue).

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

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