Results 1 to 20 of 127 for stemmed:divers
They are all interwoven and yet separate, and if you look closely at your own physical universe you will see that here also matter is interbound with matter. You see but one form of matter. There are diversities within each system as there are diversities within your own, that are chemical universes where thoughts are patterned in ways that would be incomprehensible to you.
You do not understand the diversity of life-forms within your own reality. Their scope escapes you. You perceive them stuck like living specimens on the glass of present time, with no comprehension of their multitudinous expression elsewhere.
Basic reality cannot know itself without creating diversity. The diversity is the various forms that reality takes, the various systems within which it expresses itself through projecting itself into infinite individualized experience. [...]
[...] There is no alternative between diversity and nothingness.
That which is, is constantly aware of its growing, surging existence, through the diversity of experience which it creates constantly and simultaneously. [...]
[...] This is her first day home, and she has begun to paint our apartment by way of diversion.
They will then think that there is no real comparison to be made between the two, since each individual dream world would be a conglomeration of diverse individualistic symbols, even if they were projected into a type of universe of which the conscious mind was ignorant.
First of all, the physical universe is indeed a conglomeration of diverse individualistic symbols, none of which mean precisely the same thing to any two individuals, and in which even so-called basic qualities like color and placement in space, cannot be relied upon or agreed with.
Their dream worlds are not then so diverse in some ways as you might have supposed. [...]
(9:10.) A concentration upon painting, or developments about the home, with as many diversions as possible will also help, again, so that the entire personality can activate the entire system for healing processes. [...]
[...] Quite creative solutions of course happen at other levels, arising into your usual consciousness sometimes by very diverse routes. [...]
(Long pause.) The more stimuli, thoughts, desires and material of a diverse nature brought into the system—within reason—the greater the amount of material the inner self has to work with and put together in its own creative fashions—but do remember those sessions given that remind Ruburt that his body can indeed recover, that he can indeed trust his body’s processes, and that he should not compare his life with anyone else’s, but trust in the entire fabric of his existence, and you indeed should trust the entire fabric of your own. [...]
[...] This is not only understandable but in many instances profitable, in that it allows for a diversity of subject matter.
[...] And I also most strongly suggest that three times a week in a very quiet, disciplined but positive manner, he makes it a point to express himself when any matters arise where he holds a diverse opinion from the one being presented.
[...] There is a difference in the overall health patterns in men and animals because of the quite diverse nature of their physical experience. [...]
[...] There are as many luxuriant and diverse kinds of psychological movement as there are species, however. [...]
A human being, however, has another dimension to deal with, a new area of creativity, a diverse mixture of beliefs. [...]
[...] There never was any real division, but only a seeming one in which you played various roles, developed different abilities, learned to create in new and diverse ways. [...]
When the time of choosing comes, therefore, the choices available are far more diverse than those offered or possible to personalities who must still reincarnate. [...]
[...] Yet in this prime gestalt that is unitary, there is again an infinite diversity and literally numberless personalities. [...]
[...] You will perhaps recognize a certain similarity between this concept and the Christian concept of a Trinity, except that the Trinity concept, while hinting at diversity within prime unity, was nevertheless distorted by man’s own sense of his own adopted and unfortunate delusion of duality.
[...] The mental enzymes are the tools, and the vitality is the actual material that forms the universe as a whole, the apparent divisions within it, the apparent boundaries between the systems and the diverse materials within each division. These diverse materials, again, are only camouflage formed by the inner senses upon the ‘material’ itself.
[...] There are many diverse examples along this line.
[...] The enzyme part of our little equation permits vitality to operate successfully under diverse mental and physical situations and forms the basis for each particular system of existence.