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TES9 Session 466 March 10, 1969 17/109 (16%) Tom Virginia Milligans banking merger
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 466 March 10, 1969 9:05 PM Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The session was witnessed by Virginia and Tom Milligan, both of whom are members of Jane’s ESP class. They had no questions for Seth prior to the session; Tom said he had been giving Seth questions mentally earlier today, and also earlier in the week. The Milligans have known for some days now that they would witness the session tonight.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

([Tom and Virginia:] “Good evening, Seth.” )

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

The psychological understanding of yourself is hidden within the reincarnational data that you have. You must still however learn to interpret that material, and look behind for its implications. Now much of the stability in your endeavor is also being provided by our other friend here (Virginia), for without the bedrock you would not find it as easy to lift one spiritual toe from the barren ground. You did not trust the ground, seeing that it was not always so fruitful, but at last you felt you could trust it.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

Now our friend here (Virginia) is telepathically aware of most of your inner activities, and it is in a large part through her also that there is an expansion of psychic activity from the two of you outward. This is not immediately obvious. She does not have her guard up as high. Also however she is not as adventurous, for it is after all your endeavor: you carry the main issues and personal involvement. The symbols will give way to other symbols. There are roads within the roads, and rooms within the rooms, and wholes within the wholes. But we do not want you to get lost within the mazes, and so we are giving you maps, and when you get where you are going you no longer need the maps.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(To Virginia:) There seems to be on your part a relationship with another woman, either an older woman or a woman you feel to be older. A relationship that can stand some clarification, and further application on your part. I would say an aunt, but I am not certain here, and that does not seem to be correct. Yet a relationship that has a family connotation certainly; an overexertion on your part that can lead to tensions. (Pause.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Virginia and Tom verified Seth’s data concerning the family relationship, tensions, two women, etc. In fact, with the exception of the 6-month prediction, they tied all of the data together quite easily around one family situation; they explained the situation to Jane and me, but it will be but briefly summarized here. Any clarification or reference to this material will be furnished by the Milligans because of their intimate acquaintance with it.

(The older woman referred to by Seth is Virginia’s aunt, the younger is the aunt’s daughter-in-law. The older woman is Virginia’s mother’s only sister. The data refers to a long-standing family relationship involving older relatives, a farm, furniture, a sale of land, etc. The farm, the house now owned by Virginia’s brother, seems like home to her. The G, the Milligan’s said, refers to Geneva, where both the aunt and the daughter-in-law live. The daughter-in-law, Virginia said, is “rather thin,” as stated by Seth.

(The tensions, Virginia said, are really below the surface, but are there. These are usually passed over by Tom and Virginia. I read a summary of these notes to the Milligans at break, and they agreed to their content. This typed version can also be checked by them and any necessary changes made.

[... 20 paragraphs ...]

(Tom said that on the whole the data meant quite a bit to him; he could interpret it, and did so at break. It concerned his job in banking, about which Jane and I knew very little. Tom did very well in making connections; the material was quite specific, and the longer Tom and Virginia discussed it with us, the more connections they made. “Except for the last two bits of data,” Tom said, meaning the opportunity to change his own position, and another, unseen opening.

(Some of Seth’s data was symbolic, Tom said, and explained just how he felt this was so. Again, Tom and Virginia stand ready to interpret the data in detail should the need arise. During break also, Tom expressed concern for his son in Vietnam. Resume at 10:39.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

We will return briefly, ourselves now, to the business world. And to our lady (Virginia), who prefers to stay in one place. There is creative opportunity for you here, within the framework in which you are now involved, within the general framework.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

(As Seth, Jane now pointed to Virginia, and dealt with a problem mentioned at last break.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

You may take a break. If you have other questions you may then ask me. (To Virginia:) There are other issues involved here that we will try to give you, now or later. I will enjoy listening to your social chatter, and will in any case have a few remarks before I leave you for the evening.

(11:00. Again Jane emerged easily from a deep trance. Virginia agreed with Seth’s interpretations concerning her. Tom said Seth gave “some terrific material” regarding banking; he then proceeded to explain some of the details to us. They are not listed here, being rather complicated, but Tom has stated his willingness to explain them. Some of the material reaches back for years, Tom said, and involves his ideas re a “finance clinic,” etc.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

We will have a session some evening for our friend here. (Virginia.) There is no particular benefit to your moving at this time, and the venture of which I have spoken would do best if begun here; and if it is begun here it would spread, but this would be its focal point and the point of overall management. It would need you see an informal hand, and every effort should be made not to intimidate the small businessmen who would be coming for help and service.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

I wish you a fond good evening. (To Virginia:) We will have a session for you, and I will tell you when.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

([Tom and Virginia:] “Good night, Seth.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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