Results 601 to 620 of 690 for stemmed:difficulti

TES6 Session 241 March 14, 1966 grave holly Ezra Gottesman leaf

[...] Seth has linked her difficulty to improper yoga exercises, and tension between the third to fifth vertebrae.

TES6 Session 272 June 29, 1966 violence docile child retaliate aggressiveness

It is only when a break occurs, you see, when the creative energy blocks up, that such difficulties arise. [...]

TES2 Session 76 August 3, 1964 expectations constructions aggressive money g.i

[...] The aggressive feeling, unharnessed, would have caused difficulties at the gallery, and even in your personal relationship. [...]

TPS2 Session 603 January 10, 1972 Rembrandt varnish compromises pigment Italy

[...] There was difficulty with varnishes, sometimes drying before the color upon which they were applied. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session July 17, 1972 Nebene Josef details suspicious purified

[...] Using them, and you do have them, you would have no difficulty in relating emotionally in the way I suggested. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 1: Session 613, September 11, 1972 doll tone flood chords space

[...] It is only when the conscious mind becomes rigid in its direction, or allows the ego to take on some of its own functions, that difficulties arise. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 682 February 13, 1974 units propensities unpredictability probable selection

[...] The word “soul” unfortunately has been so used in regard to your species that it becomes highly difficult to unravel the conceptual difficulties. [...]

TES8 Session 414 June 5, 1969 Kennedy Senator nation ideals poison

Now Johnson (the President) could also be in for some difficulty, in terms of health, and his heart. [...]

SDPC Part One: Chapter 4 enzymes chlorophyll solidified Rob mental

[...] I was able to talk to Rob without difficulty, also. [...]

TES5 Session 237 March 2, 1966 print handprint Myhalyk ink steeple

[...] Arrangements were made to obtain their prints on Friday, February 25, but were not carried out because of the difficulty in getting good prints. [...]

TES2 Session 66 June 29, 1964 construction overlapping continuums glass Voghler

[...] I still do not see any difficulty as far as the house and your finances are concerned. [...]

TES2 Session 69 July 8, 1964 apparition constructions water temperature cool

The difficulty is in the construction of his images on a visual field, rather than in his perception of them. [...]

TES2 Session 79 August 12, 1964 property price expectations veteran minimum

–nevertheless, you could have maintained that road mentally with little difficulty.

TES2 Session 81 August 26, 1964 myth coughing car Crucifixion intelligent

(Jane’s cold was not much better, and as session time drew near she said that unless Seth helped her considerably there would be no session, for she was having difficulty talking.

TES3 Session 89 September 19, 1964 Louie Ida cruelty eloquence son

It is the present personality’s desire to express himself, opposed by the subconscious memories of that past life, with its fear of the effects of eloquence used without discretion, that now cause his difficulty.

TPS1 Session 490 (Deleted) June 25, 1969 controls symptoms Saratoga restraints issue

Now the difficulty in the morning follows those days when he feels he has not put in his writing time, and he does not realize this. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 724 December 4, 1974 counterparts personage races century personhood

[...] As he quite humorously commented in the 14th session for January 8, 1964: “… for you have no idea of the difficulties involved in explaining time to someone who must take time to understand the explanation.” [...]

TES6 Session 242 March 16, 1966 script ticket Leonard square neat

[...] If it did not occur, then in most cases communication would not be possible, simply because the survival personality would have such difficulty in impressing the personality who was still ego-oriented within the physical system.

TES7 Session 306 December 5, 1966 Wilbur stamp psychedelic Marilyn rectangle

It is precisely because the ego is excluded from the psychedelic experience with drugs that difficulties are encountered afterward. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 1: Session 883, October 1, 1979 divine progeny inflationary unimaginable sleepwalkers

Your language causes some difficulty here, so please accept the pronoun “he” as innocuously as possible. [...]

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