Results 41 to 60 of 607 for stemmed:constant

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 614, September 13, 1972 beliefs tongue yourself false flesh

(10:12.) You breathe, grow, and perform multitudinous delicate and precise activities constantly, without being consciously aware of how you carry out such manipulations. [...]

[...] (Pause.) The atoms and molecules move constantly, forming into cells, tissues and organs. [...]

[...] There is constant commotion and activity. [...]

[...] There is a constant physical interchange between the structure you call your body and the space outside it; chemical interactions, basic exchanges without which life as you know it would be impossible.

TPS4 Deleted Session May 24, 1978 precepts worry crossword puzzles reinforced

[...] That is also a fact, and you constantly reinforce that fact whenever you have difficulty with puzzles—so that difficulty is most usually turned into an enjoyable challenge, with resulting triumph.

Ruburt’s trunk has been in a constant state of change. [...]

TES3 Session 118 January 4, 1965 organism fields influences planes actuality

The physical organism as you know constantly changes, and cannot be said to be the same from one of your moments to the next. [...] On many of the fields within which it exists it is seen as constantly flickering, as say a fire.

The physical organism also has capabilities and freedoms which it uses constantly, and of which the intellect is not yet aware.

There are automatic processes that are constantly carried out by the body, of which you are intellectually unaware. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 823, February 27, 1978 myth fruit Introductory Framework chance

[...] Those undifferentiated areas are involved in the constant translation of one kind of consciousness into the other, and with energy transferences. You constantly process those data that come to you in your private life, and that information includes bulletins from all over the world, through your news broadcasts and so forth.

[...] In Framework 1 the reasoning processes work largely by deduction, and they must constantly check their own results against the seemingly concrete experience of physical events. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 15, 1977 towels dedicated improvements ligaments synchronized

The pelvic area, and a large surrounding area, very important, has been constantly loosening, and each release of course means that other portions of the body compensate. [...]

They are constantly stretching themselves. [...]

UR1 Appendix 11: (For Session 698) Wonderworks intersection chameleon objectification levels

“Creative expression, from its intuitional spark to objectification, mirrors in our private realities the way the universe was [and is] constantly created.

Basic nonphysical reality, he told us then, was “like some chameleon-like animal, constantly camouflaging its true appearance by taking on the outward manifestations of each neighboring forest territory [or world] …” And so this primal vitality expressed itself physically in our environment.

SS Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 539, July 1, 1970 seventy rain racketing sirens death

[...] These seem so real that you find yourself in the position of reacting to them constantly.

[...] They operate constantly beneath normal waking consciousness…

While you go about your daily chores and endeavors, beneath normal waking consciousness you are constantly focused in other realities also, reacting to stimuli of which your physical conscious self is not aware, perceiving conditions through the inner senses, and experiencing events that are not even registered within the physical brain. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 659, April 25, 1973 hypnotist doctors witch hypnosis quacks

[...] His life constantly reinforces this concept, and while he is peripherally aware that some people are “nicer” than others, his main intimate experience allows him to see the best in others and in himself. [...]

[...] You reinforce them constantly through the normal inner talking in which you all indulge.

(9:38.) This inner communication acts like the constant repetition of a hypnotist. [...]

They constantly surround themselves with negative suggestions. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 1, 1980 disclaimer thematic protection legal criticism

[...] The level is one where every bit of preventative protection is needed in a world where people constantly need insurance, preventative medicine, and so forth – again, all issues dealt with in the book. [...]

[...] They might very well be felt and understood emotionally, however, or intuitively, once you cease habits of disapproval and constant intellectual questioning about such seemingly hidden motives for your actions. [...]

[...] The legs and entire lower portions of the body have been in a constantly changing state of late (for weeks), as the legs and knees do begin to gain more motion. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 818, February 6, 1978 realms motes dust Weathermen storm

Much of this is difficult to explain, again, for information and knowledge is constantly transformed — almost completely reborn, so to speak, through characteristics that are inherently a part of thought itself. [...] It is a constant language, yet one that transforms itself. [...]

[...] I do not know if I have specifically mentioned it, but you should understand my constant state of growth, expansion, and development. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 10, 1984 dejected trinkets play zest queries

[...] Their sociability is not just a matter of constant work within a hive or an ant mound. [...]

[...] But constant questions of such a nature do not help an individual who is having difficulties — and in fact too frequent expressions of compassion can also worsen a person’s state of mind, stressing the idea that he or she must be very ill indeed to attract such feelings of compassion. [...]

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Perception of Past, Present, and Future amd essences unitary entail range

Remember, according to Seth these Inner Senses are used by the whole self constantly. [...]

TES8 Session 357 July 31, 1967 Venice Pete Jet fire dimensional

[...] It constantly seeks to know itself, and to expand. [...] Its very permanency is determined by its nature, and its nature demands constant change.

[...] And yet energy or action, which is consciousness, is always changing, and the shape of the flower and the blossom would constantly change. [...]

[...] Energy constantly renews itself. [...]

TES9 Session 491 July 2, 1969 race system abrupt clay violent

[...] In many ways it is a sleeping system, change taking place so slowly and nonviolently that the danger is in a constant status quo. [...]

[...] There was constant conscious communication between these three portions of the one entity, though they were born and buried at different dates. [...]

[...] I was tired from writing at such a constant rapid pace, or would have continued the session though it was getting late. [...]

TES2 Session 56 May 25, 1964 Callahan weather discharge female nonidentity

(Returning home from a drive on Sunday, we were surprised to see Miss Callahan and her companion sitting on the front porch; this was something we had never seen her do in the four years we have lived here; Jane said that Miss Callahan appeared to be very restless, and that the last time she had visited her Miss Callahan had doodled and written constantly on a pad without seeming to be aware that she was doing so.

[...] This of course occurs nevertheless on a subconscious level, representing a spilling over of emotional and psychic energy from self into what is usually considered notself; and there are, constantly, effects that happen, a flowing back and forth of energy in this way.

[...] The process involved is a constant, necessary and beneficial give and take that results in at least some kind of balance.

[...] Energy changes form constantly, and if it is blocked in one direction it will choose another.

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Saturday July 9, 1977 aok Edna reflexology supernatural James

[...] Eyes seem to improve constantly though not yet AOK; and head, ears, etc. [...]

TES8 Session 401 March 27, 1968 painting seascape transparents apple opaques

[...] (Pause, head down, hair disheveled.) Now as the clouds’ construction constantly changes—tonight you watched them (and sketched them after supper) so the forms of objects constantly change. [...] Jane constantly rubbed her face and eyes with both hands.) We had better get Ruburt out of this for now, at least for a break. [...]

[...] Let transparents represent the constant renewal of energy that always escapes the form. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: June 27, 1984 food foodstuffs vengeance highflying nondisease

I do not want to romanticize nonhuman life either, or to overestimate its resources, but nature also has its own ways — and in those ways it constantly works toward survival of life in general. [...]

This keeps the body in a state of constant turmoil. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 3: Session 518, March 18, 1970 pupil conference writers play childhood

[...] I believe, for example, that all creativity and consciousness is born in the quality of play, as opposed to work, in the quickened intuitional spontaneity that I see as a constant through all my own existences, and in the experience of those I know.

[...] We are constantly surprised at the products of our own consciousness, of the dimensions of reality through which we can hopscotch. [...]

[...] Great care must be utilized, even before serious learning can begin, that all levels of the personality develop at a more or less constant rate.

TES6 Session 275 July 25, 1966 parking ticket noninterval intervals Treman

[...] It appears to you of course that this room and everything within it is more or less in constant existence, between the limitations of its creation or manufacture, and death or material decay. Within the time structure of your perception, this chair for example has been in constant existence since you purchased it.

[...] Now I am taking considerable time to deal with projections because on a spontaneous basis they occur more or less constantly.

[...] Spontaneous projections however do occur constantly to every consciousness. [...]

A large variety of dreams are the memories of this nonphysical existence that constantly occurs, though in waking life you are seldom aware of them. [...]

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