Results 41 to 60 of 641 for stemmed:concept

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 9, 1984 Potter Penny Lois Sayre rn

I am saying that to varying degrees those concepts sometimes return, that it should be obvious that this happens less and less. [...] Society would be much better off if man labeled multitudinous levels of physical health rather than dignifying negative concepts by giving them names and designations.

[...] He or she can learn to make choices once again, and thus to choose positive concepts, so that they become as natural as negative beliefs once did.

[...] (Pause.) That concept holds that any illness will worsen, any war will lead to destruction, that any and all known dangers will be encountered, and basically that the end result of mankind’s existence is extinction. [...]

(Long pause.) You had your own experiences last evening: your foreknowledge of your friend’s phone call, and the unorthodox (long pause) knowledge about the money — and those two events happened because you did indeed want another small assurance of the mind’s capabilities despite the official concepts of the mind, by which you are so often surrounded.

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 915, May 12, 1980 particles intervals invisible sequences neurologically

[...] I am not speaking of the usual time concepts, of course, of consecutive moments, but of a certain dimension of activity in which your space happens.

[...] As we will see later, your imaginations can lead you toward some recognition, even toward some emotional comprehension, of this concept. [...]

That note makes a handy reference for related concepts, for in it I also briefly discussed subatomic “particles”; the components of atoms; molecules; supposed faster-than-light particles (tachyons); Seth’s CU’s, or units of consciousness; his assertion that consciousness can travel faster than light in out-of-body states; Jane’s scientific vocabulary; and Einstein’s special theory of relativity. [...]

[...] I also thought my intellectual hang-up over the concept of infinity was inevitably mixed up with the limitations of meaning that we usually assign to words.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 646, March 7, 1973 foods conscience serpent grace reflexes

You accepted the concepts for your own reasons. [...]

Let us consider the idea of original sin, all of the colorful forms it may take within your body of concepts, and the ways in which these will affect your behavior and experience.

(11:55.) The concept itself existed long before Christianity’s initiation, and was told in various forms throughout the centuries and in all civilizations. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 16, 1981 Sinful science mechanistic tainted outcomes

[...] Science sees the world as rushing toward its own dissolution, and the self as the mechanistic system running down from the moment of its conception. [...]

The Sinful-Self concept causes you to expect the worst in any given situation. [...]

[...] As Ruburt begins to understand the “artificial” characteristics of the Sinful-Self concept, then those natural characteristics of the natural person will more and more emerge. [...]

[...] In that regard the Sinful-Self concept represents an exaggerated, distorted version of man’s recognition that in certain ways he seems (underlined) less sure of himself than the other species, less at ease, for he has taken upon himself the creative recognition of uncertainties (all intently. [...]

TES9 Session 428 August 12, 1968 Elver fox Van Lennon Alice

[...] (Pause.) Multidimensional concepts cannot be received, nor interpreted, at this point by the physical brain. The mind and the inner self can become aware of such concepts. [...]

Now it is important that you realize that we have used analogies rather freely in our last two sessions, for there was no other way to give you any clear concept of the material I wished to present.

[...] You are so used to handling certain kinds of concepts, and interpreting them in thus-and-thus a fashion, that the pathways for more complicated data simply do not as yet exist in physical terms.

[...] For the word can distract you, and lead you into narrowing concepts.

TES6 Session 242 March 16, 1966 script ticket Leonard square neat

[...] The survival personality’s inner self gives this reassembled ego concepts in the same way that, often, the subconscious gives the ego concepts in physical existence.

[...] The survival personality does not think in terms of words, but experiences concepts in a much more direct manner. [...]

[...] By the 15th session he was explaining Jane’s role as a translator for him, putting concepts into words, etc. [...]

This reassembled ego then attempts to perceive these concepts in terms of sense perceptions, which are sent as communications to the physical individual at the other end. [...]

UR2 Appendix 12: (For Session 705) evolution Darwin appendix dna realism

Within you, concepts and actions are one. You recognize this, but your mental lives are often built around concepts that, until recently, have been considered very modern and very “in,” such as the idea of evolution … In actuality, life bursts apart in all directions as consciousness does. [...]

[...] He also projects upon cellular components like genes and DNA14 learned concepts of “protection” and “selfishness”: DNA is said to care only about its own survival and “knowledge,” and not whether its host is man, plant, or animal. Only man would think to burden such pervasive parts of his own being, and those of other entities, with such negative concepts! [...]

[...] Some of those goals, such as the exploration of concepts like the moment point [see Note 11], or probabilities [and reincarnation16], really defy our ordinary conscious perception. [...] Basically, then, an overall genetics of cooperation becomes a truer long-run concept than the postulated deadly struggle for survival of the fittest, whether between man and molecules, say, or among members of the same species. [...]

[...] As I show at the end of this appendix, Seth allows for a much greater range of simultaneous origins; in our reality these imply growth and development out of that “basic” group of species for the most part, with multidimensional purposes operating inside an enhanced time scheme that includes probabilities, reincarnation, counterparts,22 precognition, and other concepts, meanings, and beliefs. [...] Probabilities aside, when Seth talks about cells [or their components] recombining as parts of plant or animal forms, as he does in the 705th session, Jane and I don’t take that to mean the evolution, or alteration, of one species into another — but that a unity of consciousness pervades all elements in our environment, whether “alive” or “dead.” With the concept of probabilities in mind, however, much of the “thrust for development and change” that Seth also mentions as existing inside all organisms, could just as well take place in those other realities. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 26, 1970 god joyful browbeat takers commandments

[...] It is too handy to let go and you will not change your concepts. [...] You have created a concept of a god that has no reality. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 683 February 18, 1974 bulb multipersonhood personhood units herd

[...] Any concepts of gods or other beings that are based upon limited ideas of personhood will ultimately be futile. [...] These concepts alone do alter your present consciousness, and change it in degree. [...]

The concepts in such a system as this can help break those barriers. [...] You can know them as you begin to stretch your concepts of personhood and awareness. [...]

The experience of any given unit, constantly changing, affects all other units … Give us time … It is difficult to explain because your concepts of selfhood are so limited … These units contain within themselves, in your terms, all “latent” identities, but not in a predetermined fashion. [...]

[...] Larger concepts of personhood will indeed lead you to some glimpse of the truly remarkable gestalts of consciousness from which you constantly emerge.

UR1 Section 1: Session 686 February 27, 1974 neurological selectivity carriage pulses corporal

Recognized concepts of the self are the ego’s interpretation of selfhood. They are projected into concepts of God and the universe. [...]

[...] Its concepts of godhood will significantly alter, as will the dimensions of emotion. Your heritage includes vastly richer veins of love, yet your concepts of self and godhood have severely limited these. [...]

[...] Then: “It’s as though I feel a lot of concepts around me right now, and I’m letting him get them organized for me … But now I think I’m about ready….”

Now: Here, and throughout this book there will be sections dealing with Practice Elements — in capitals — where to some extent you can see how certain of these concepts can be practically experienced, and receive at least a hint of their application.

TES3 Session 95 October 7, 1964 Philip plane John compulsion entity

[...] Earlier I mentioned that your concept, distorted concept of cause and effect, led to the idea that all things must have a beginning and an end.

[...] But I disapprove of the terms, since in themselves they serve to perpetuate a most unfortunate distortive concept.

(See the 81st session and the material on the God concept. [...]

[...] I regret, and deeply, that we must still deal with concepts in terms of words strung out one before the other, for this method serves to reinforce your idea of continuity, cause and effect, past and present, and all such camouflages that I am completely determined to put into proper place.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 614, September 13, 1972 beliefs tongue yourself false flesh

[...] These concepts themselves set up artificial divisions. [...]

The concept of original sin was a very poor, limited and distorted one, but at least along with it went rather simple procedures: Through baptism you might be saved, or through certain words or sacraments or rituals redemption could be found. [...]

[...] Millions of people therefore believed in a reality in which they were deprived of the idea of a soul, and burdened by the concept of a very unreliable, if not definitely evil, subconscious. [...]

[...] Following this concept is another:

UR1 Section 2: Session 692 April 24, 1974 double barrack simultaneous dream Sue

Give us a moment … (Still in trance, Jane lit a cigarette.) Your stratified concepts of one-personhood overlook all such inherent differences, however, and you have a tendency to transpose your own concepts whenever you come in contact with those whose ideas you cannot understand. [...]

[...] I wanted him to enlarge upon the statement he’d made at 11:29 in the 690th session: “Further developments in your concepts will lead to greater activation in portions of the brain now not nearly utilized, and these in turn will trigger expansions in both psychic and biological terms.” [...]

[...] It means the further expansion of the concept of identity: “You” would not only be aware of the you that you have always known, in the same way that you are now, but a deeper sense of identity would also arise.

[...] A multilingual individual, in that regard at least, might have some idea of how concepts are structured through verbal pattern, and hence possess some additional freedom in such translations — provided of course that he or she was aware of the possibilities to begin with.

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

(Then Seth himself continued in that 24th session:) Concepts fit together in patterns. In order for there to be communication between us I must disentangle a concept from its pattern, which is somewhat difficult. [...] I experience patterns made up of concepts, and you use words in associations.

When I speak through Ruburt I must disentangle the concept. This sometimes leaves me with short ends, because it is natural for me to experience the concepts in their entirety; and yet I must drop very important data by the wayside because you are not capable of handling it, except in consecutive form. I feel concept patterns.7

The nonphysical personality does not think in terms of words, but experiences concepts in a much more direct manner. This sort of thing simply could not be understood by the physically focused individual … The survival personality’s inner self gives this reassembled ego ideas in the same way that, often, the subconscious gives the ego concepts in physical existence. [...]

[...] I am dependent in a large measure upon Ruburt’s own knowledge, and lack of it, in that I cannot force from him, from his speech mechanism, concepts with which he is entirely unfamiliar. I must introduce them step by step … as I explained moment points (see Note 11 for Appendix 12) to you … It is not as simple a thing as it might seem, for there is no coercion involved, Ruburt always consenting to let me push concepts at him, which he interprets speech-wise with my assistance.

TES7 Session 305 November 30, 1966 Infinity god systems illusions diversity

The concept will not fit into three dimensional terms. The whole self, the inner self, moves within the concept of infinity as you move within physical reality through space. [...]

[...] When you realize that you are also a portion of All That Is, then you will see that this concept is erroneous and limited.

[...] She started to feel or experience directly the concept concerning the advanced psychological entity realities, but fell somewhat short.

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 568, February 22, 1971 Speakers devil evil soul religions

Some very old religions understood the hallucinatory nature of the devil concept, but even in Egyptian times, the simpler and more distorted ideas became prevalent, particularly with the masses of people. In some ways, men in those times could not understand the concept of a god without the concept of a devil.

Many important concepts were lost, however. [...]

The Druids obtained some of their concepts from Speakers. [...]

TES7 Session 287 September 21, 1966 pseudoobjects tangerine uncamouflaged undifferentiated camouflage

(Jane said Seth had been trying to get through concepts that were difficult. [...] There were images within this concept that were something like an accordion, Jane said, having to do with time opening and closing, etc.

You are in touch with infinity in such undifferentiated areas, for it is only camouflage that gives you your conception of time.

[...] The traveling consciousness would lose all physical conception of time however. [...]

TES3 Session 138 March 8, 1965 dilemma action identity vitality stability

[...] While talking about action and identity, she had an inner perception of a whole concept, of some kind of inside visual sense of action without seeing any object. [...]

(This appreciation of concepts is, according to Seth, the using of some of the inner senses, and he has mentioned this many times. [...]

[...] She feels that just recently she has in some manner begun to experience concepts in a more involved, different dimension of consciousness. [...]

(Indeed, Jane said, although she now thinks she was aware of this grasping of concepts in the last session, she did not mention it because her conscious awareness of it was so fleeting. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 630, December 11, 1972 flesh soul clay Sierra living

[...] They consider ideas as completely mental properties, separate from their concept of the body. [...]

[...] Those given to love of the intellect often make an unnecessary separation between the world of concepts and that of the flesh.

UR1 Section 3: Session 697 May 13, 1974 brotherhood idealizations species cells photograph

(9:27.) In simple terms, you will not try to achieve something that you believe impossible within your concepts of reality. [...]

[...] A pause lasting well over a minute.) Your current decisions to accept one specific line of consciousness as real, and to ignore others, makes such concepts difficult to understand. [...]

Often, for instance, you handle probabilities very well, while remaining consciously blind to them because of your concepts. [...]

1. Jane referred to the concept of living information from another angle in her quoted material at the beginning of the 694th session, in Section 2. Also see Seth’s material on units of consciousness at 10:06 in the 682nd session, in Section 1.

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