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ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 25, 1969 ceremony repent blessing joy equations

[...] It has a reality as legitimate as this room—but not the same kind of reality. [...] And when you hear me speak, it is not only my vitality that you hear, but it is also your own vitality—for I am also a part of All That Is—and if I am ancient and new, so are you ancient and new. [...] There are joys and vitalities within you which you do not perceive, that you must learn not to understand intellectually but to feel. [...] But I am a part of no particular room and no particular time and no particular place. [...] But All That Is is aware of each shadow. [...]

[...] You sit here with new youth and new vitality—new, but ancient—for there is no newness that does not have an ancient heritage. You will walk down many alleyways and many front avenues, and so you have and so you will again, but in this life you will walk them together, as you knew you would. [...] The dreams that you have will come to pass but beware of the fears—for fears also come to pass—rip them out. [...]

[...] And I want you to question, but honest questions—not questions that are cover-ups for other questions. [...] But my essays I want delivered from the inner portion of yourself—that is composed of intuition and intellect. [...] But you do not like them as well as you like me. [...]

[...] But you cannot hold peace and joy like a stone in your hand. [...]

TES9 Session 452 December 2, 1968 destruction planet violence chaos massive

[...] You see him in but one stage of development. [...] He has learned his A B C’s, but that is all. [...]

[...] Such massive liberations of energy will be used, but not in your lifetime, to begin to unify the whole planet, in peace. This will not happen before disasters also occur, but when it does happen it will represent the first such time within the planet’s history where there was peace with equality for all.

[...] Many entities have no need for form, in your terms, at all, but we will not be concerned with them this evening. (Pause.) This original system of which I have spoken will at least be theorized shortly, but the idea will not be taken seriously enough to cause any deep controversy. [...]

[...] Your universe is but one of many, and you perceive but a small portion of the universe in which you do exist, for there are dimensions within it that you do not perceive. [...]

TES9 Session 426 August 5, 1968 thread agony neurological conceive traversed

[...] Growth and challenge is provided not in terms of achievement or development in time, but instead in terms of intensities. Such a personality is able, in your terms, not only to react and appreciate event A, say, in your present time, but also to experience and understand event A in all of its ramifications, and all of its probabilities.

There is however a self who has already traveled these routes, of whom these other selves are but part. [...] But as the self grows in value fulfillment, he can become aware of these other travelers on other threads, who might seem to him to be future selves.

[...] Jane lit a cigarette.) It is a state, not of nothingness in your terms, but a state in which probabilities and possibilities are known, anticipated, but blocked from all expression.

[...] There existed, and clearly, the possibilities of creation as we know it, but the means were not known. Pretend then that you possessed within yourself the knowledge, the sight, of all the world’s masterpieces in sculpture and art, that they throbbed and pulsed as realities within you, but that you had no physical apparatus, no knowledge of how to achieve it; that there was neither rock, nor pigment, nor source of any of these, and you ached with the yearning to produce them—and this, on an infinitesimally small scale, will perhaps give you, as an artist, some idea of the agony and the impetus that was felt.

TES3 Session 92 September 28, 1964 dreamer dream cohesiveness object universe

[...] She had not told me before the session began, but now admitted that she had been very tired by 9 PM, after painting all day. But now she felt fine.

Energy projected into any kind of construction, psychic or physical, cannot be recalled, but must follow the laws of the particular form into which it has been for the moment molded. [...] But the reality of the dream continues.

You know that many, but not all by any means, dream symbols approximately mean the same thing, but only approximately, and only for a particular group of human beings who experienced reality on the physical plane for a comparatively short period. [...]

[...] She said she had indeed painted too long today; but although she was tired before the session began, she feels fine now. She said she could feel Seth close by now, but that he would end the session soon. [...]

TES1 Session of January 4, 1964 cobbler Sarah Albert village bullets

[...] But they didn’t think it was healthy to drink water. It was hilly and rocky behind the village but there was a stream up there, and they went up there with horses and buckets. But they didn’t drink the water. [...] They made soups out of the water but never thought of drinking it. [...]

[...] But as I say it I remember reading that they didn’t eat tomatoes in those days. But yes, the people in the smaller villages ate them. [...]

[...] They didn’t like their babies dying, though, but they just thought it was life. [...] Well, the sexton, he read some but not much, nobody else could. [...]

[...] They could write their own names but they couldn’t read others’. [...] Then he would teach his parents to write their names, but not often.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 27, 1971 sacrifice Ned evolved Chary isolated

Older, living, in this system, but not now. [...] But you will work with organizations and as a director within them. [...] But you must find a position in which your full energies can be directed rather than scattered as they are now in several endeavors. [...]

[...] But, then, no one asked me about the nature of evolution before until recently when our friend, Joseph, read a book. No—no form of matter, however potent, will be self-evolved into consciousness no matter what other bits of matter are added to it, but without the consciousness, the matter would not be there in the universe floating around waiting for another component to give it reality, consciousness, existence or song. [...]

Now think physically again of our onion, but imagine instead, psychic realities forming its skin, each interconnected with the other. [...] It may seem that there would be no way to get out of the reality of the orange if you were forced upon its surface, but to go round and round, and you might seem isolated. [...]

Now I have adopted this measure simply because it is impossible to speak to each of you individually with any depth or meaning, but (to Valerie) I want you to realize that you are not alone, and that isolation is a manufactured thing. [...] You will learn to feel it and not simply accept it intellectually, but you must begin to tell yourself emotionally that you are not isolated, and you must divorce yourself from self-pity. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 10 Mark Rob furniture arrangements bookcases

[...] But tonight, since it was getting late and I had doubts about being able to keep up with the dictation, I thought it better that we pass up the chance. [...] Mark offered to leave after I explained as best I could what was happening, but I said that we’d rather wait for the next regular scheduled session night.)

Self-consciousness entered in very shortly after but not what you are pleased to call human self-consciousness. I do not like to wound your egos in this manner, and I can hear you yell ‘foul,’ but there is no actual differentiation between the various kinds of consciousness.

In my operations in your plane, I must use the materials at hand, but despite any ideas to the contrary, this involves a give and takeRuburt’s “Idea Construction” was rather amazing under the circumstances. The inner senses provided him with much, but the manuscript itself [as written up] also represented an achievement of the conscious mind. [...]

You are so consciously aware of your own needs for privacy, Joseph, that Ruburt’s strong but mostly unconscious needs in these directions sometimes go unsatisfied, since he is not aware of them. … You are both very much alike beneath the obvious differences, but Ruburt’s largely unrecognized needs along these lines are important. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 888, December 10, 1979 neural sleepwalkers hinterland unit particles

[...] The form was there, but it was not manifest (intently). I do not particularly like the analogy, but it is useful: Instead of small particles (long pause), you had small units of consciousness gradually building themselves into large ones—but a smaller unit of consciousness, you see, is not “less than” a larger unit, for each unit of consciousness contains within itself the innate (underlined) heritage of All That Is.

Neurologically, you tune into only a portion of your body’s reality and are ignorant of the great, tiny but tumultuous communications that are ever flying back and forth in the microscopic but vital cellular world.

[...] Those other background stimuli are now quite difficult for you to identify, but they are always there in the [hinterland] of your waking consciousness, like dream chatter way beneath your usual associations.

At one level your cells obey the rules of time, but on other levels they defy it. [...]

TES9 Session 471 March 31, 1969 Ace Wollheim Doren desolations evil

Now the evil which Ruburt imagined he was projecting outward does not exist, but because he believed it did, he formed his materialization from his fears. [...] Now in larger terms, and in the deepest sense, there is no evil, only your lack of perception, but I know this is difficult for you to accept. But this fact is Ruburt’s safeguard in his astral travels—as long as he remembers it.

Ruburt may study astrology, but he will not feel easy with it. [...] As a matter of interest it is perfectly all right, but because of his particular nature he will have a tendency to let the charts impede rather than help his clairvoyant information.

[...] You need not force an issue, but remind him of the fact. You fear over-influencing him, but since your influence is considerable in any case, this is a good time to use it.

[...] Last Thursday, March 20, Jane had written Ace demanding the return of her dream book manuscript because of the delay in hearing from Ace—but once—since last December.)

TES9 Session 466 March 10, 1969 Tom Virginia Milligans banking merger

[...] Bega is learning my material in our own classes, but he must also interpret this, and as I said earlier he tailors it for you, knowing you so well. Now, I adopt the personality that you know, and it is quite legitimate, but it is only one of my personalities. [...] (To me, humorously.) The familiar human component is necessary, and it is by my characteristics that you know me, but the entity is an ancient one, and we are far more concerned with other things than your position at your bank.

There is still considerable coloration, but this is to be expected, and you will work through it. [...] The reincarnational material in one way is still codified, and you have not yet the key, but you will find it. [...]

[...] In fact, with the exception of the 6-month prediction, they tied all of the data together quite easily around one family situation; they explained the situation to Jane and me, but it will be but briefly summarized here. [...]

[...] You must not let this go to your head, but use your head. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 29, 1971 job tu deeply du rewards

As a woman he appreciated your concern for security, and part of him was frightened to think of your giving up the income then, but the greater intuitive part felt that you should do so. He would not support you with a job, but he would do so through his books and other endeavors.

[...] He would waste his body for you and his work, but you would not take that step. [...] But he was more than willing to try if given the chance.

He appreciated the time you gave him, but he did not want the sacrifice of yourself. It was to his way of thinking a perverted gift, for which he could give no adequate acknowledgment—a gift that denied what you wanted was no gift but an unendurable burden.

He railed, again, about the psychic work, but this, while important, was deeply recognized as a part of his nature, an extension of it long before he consciously accepted it. [...]

UR1 Appendix 6: (For Session 687) ancient pathological article Appendix parallel

[...] She said she could continue, but we decided to end her dictation here, if somewhat regretfully. [...] “Well,” she commented, “I gave the material while I was in an altered state of consciousness, but I don’t know where it came from. It seems Seth-like, but also really strange. [...]

[...] Then, as we made ready to retire, Jane announced that she was “getting” information on the subject of ancient man — but not necessarily from Seth. [...] We were both tired, but I wondered if this could turn out to be an episode like the one she’d experienced before the last session, when she dictated material on the various neurological actions, or speeds, that she sensed. [...]

(Portions of the article in yesterday’s newspaper, I should add, dealt with the recent discoveries of skeletal fragments in East Africa that indicate the coexistence of several varieties of ancient man and preman; the latter being creatures who looked rather human but whose brains, it is believed, remained apelike. [...] But then, for some years Seth has been reiterating that even in our terms there is no well-defined evolutionary path leading from our ancient state to our present one.)

[...] Many individuals show variations that actually represent future developments of consciousness; we’re experimenting with these probabilities … There are actually species of consciousness, but we don’t recognize them as such. [...]

TES1 Session 34 March 11, 1964 fluent outer camouflage plane error

(Jane believed she received more, but she was in a dreamy state and could recall nothing upon awakening. At 8:30 she had no idea of what Seth would talk about for the session, but she was increasingly aware of a feeling that Seth wanted her to ask Leonard in as a witness. We thought it too late to explain much to him by then, but by 8:35 the feeling was so strong that Jane knocked on Leonard’s door.

[...] Often the personality does receive a rewarding glimpse of the inner reality, but more often the ego is merely sent tumbling through frightening images of chaotic phantom realities formed by a suddenly-released subconscious, and with no guide. The experience is often vivid and long remembered, but so unorganized and undisciplined that no inner order is arrived at, no other organization glimpsed, and the ordinary but necessary camouflage footing suddenly dispensed with.

And this is also an example of an instance where Ruburt would have blocked me, but this time he did not. [...] But as you both can see I had my reason and Ruburt gave me the chance.

[...] This could result in a temporary, but thoroughly frightening existence between planes that would require utmost caution on the part of the entity. [...] Ruburt in particular, but this also applies to you, Joseph, and there is absolutely no distortion in this statement.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 19, 1971 peer fantasies ii indivisible perceive

[...] We can perceive it, but we cannot participate, only observe that which, in your terms... [...] The small portion that you perceive is but one letter on a page. [...] Not because it must be, but because you are becoming. [...]

[...] He does not understand you as well as I do, but then he has not had my background. [...] But it is good for you to understand that personality can have other characteristics than those you presently ascribe to it. [...] You see yourselves from the inside but through a glass darkly. [...]

(Seth II:) In your terms we remember our part in the creation of your universe, but you are not aware of your part in the creation of other universes into which you also peer. [...] We have an equivalent of emotions, but you would not understand them. [...]

I bid you a good evening, but I want you to watch your conscious thoughts for a different reason this time. [...] But I want you now to watch them to catch your limiting intellectual concepts about your own reality and what is possible and what is not possible. [...]

TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964 camouflage Callahan cube hypnotism Miss

I can and will give you further proofs, not only of my identity but of your own. The spacious present enfolds but does not enclose you, and my words will lead you on. There may be distractions and even some distortions, but in the long run there will be no doubts. [...]

Any investigation of the basic inner universe, which is the only real universe, must be done as much as possible from a point outside your own distortions, but the only way open for you to escape the distortions of your own physical universe is to journey inward. [...] Your so-called scientific, so-called objective experiments can continue for an eternity, but they only probe further and further with camouflage instruments into a camouflage universe.

As to the means, the very simplest and crudest but still to be adopted method will prove to be hypnotism, simply because at this point your personalities will not trust their own abilities but must rely upon suggestion from the outside.

It may be necessary in the beginning to induce more or less complete amnesia, but this should be avoided. [...] But to be truly effective there should be no attempt to hide subconscious knowledge from the ego.

TPS4 Deleted Session May 15, 1978 timeless truth quandary daffodils fleeting

The weekend brought new activity in that neck area, bringing discomfort, but also new releases to the shoulders and the rib portions, loosening the stomach muscles. It was natural enough that he has periods of disorientation walking—but overall he has handled this well. [...]

[...] You can quite properly decide, if you want, how many hours you want to devote to given activities, but do not think of schedules, but instead of the flow of timeless energy into time. [...]

[...] If the two of you stick together, there will be no problem, and particularly if you view this not as a schedule but as a way in which you want to mix time and timelessness, and merge the “two lives” that each of you try to live in the one life. Distractions may occur, but you can deal with them if your attitudes are clear, and if you see that overall you are doing what you want. [...]

[...] But truth involves insights of a most peculiar kind, for they cannot indeed be truly specified, and the more specific you try to make them the more you distort them, or the more you dilute their original power. [...] One and one is two—that is a fact in your world, and you can use that fact in millions of ways, but it involves no truth.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 2, 1971 wisdom props phlegm intellect Joel

[...] Yesterday, on two occasions, he was quite surprised, but mildly so, to find strong phlegm in his throat. [...] But he did not search any more deeply than that. [...]

[...] It is banking on those portions of your own personality that you feel but cannot see in the ordinary mirror. [...]

[...] You can look in the mirror and take your image for granted and brush your teeth and stare at yourself and think, I am a sorry picture, indeed, or I am quite a beautiful thing and smile, but in either case you are taking it for granted that only physical perceptions are real. [...]

[...] Your body is your method of perception at this time, but I am telling you that if you identify your entire reality with your body then you are heading for severe feelings of depression and desolation and also letting yourself in for some surprises in the future. [...]

TES1 Session 23 February 5, 1964 breathes admit camouflage plane Throckmorton

The ability to do this is not predestined in any way, shape or manner, but it seems to be inherent, unpredictable; but one of the basic characteristics of any given fragment.

I have only begun to go into this, but this matter is extremely important. [...] But as in your life certain environments tend to encourage some people in the realization of their talents, and seem to hinder others in the development of their peculiar talents, so some personalities expand in their capabilities on your plane; and some who do rather poorly on your plane expand surprisingly on other planes.

[...] He says “I breathe, but who breathes, since consciously I cannot tell myself to breathe or not to breathe?” He says “I dream, but who dreams? [...]

[...] Her hands still bothered her also; she had taken off one ring at the start of the session but had left her wedding ring on; now she was trying to get that one off too, but without success.)

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1976 paperbacks hardcover occult stance market

[...] You have a loyal core of readers who were already acquainted generally with “occult” books—but to a larger overall extent, that is a steady but dead-end road. It can be counted upon, may grow slightly, but will not affect the overall culture to any considerable degree.

[...] If you went out in a grand manner, publicizing the books, appearing on shows, you could indeed quicken the pace—but in so doing other intangibles would also be altered. There is a great difference between keeping the people always in mind, and playing to the crowd for whatever reasons, but there would be a tendency for purposes to be altered.

There have been in the past some improvements of note, but no overall straightening of the legs, for example. There have been relaxations and he felt better, but now we are dealing with overall definite changes in which the ligaments are being extended. [...]

What can appear as disquieting, as for example his behavior on occasion at the garageway, is instead the body’s abandonment of past dependable but limited action, and its attempt to initiate new response. The process is well along, and will lead to various temporary, better, but in-between stages as his stance gradually corrects itself.

TES8 Session 394 February 19 1968 sculp cross wife Pitre hanging

[...] Jane said that during our minute of quietude she felt a projection of energy toward me, not strong but definite, and that this seemed to “open up” into a room. It also involved or contained the newer sculp, she thought, but she was not able to describe or draw it.)

The dream of which the man spoke to Ruburt had some clairvoyant elements in it, but the time of the woman’s death is not in the immediate (underlined) future.

[...] Both are necessarily distortive, but beneath both is the same reality.

The other event of which I spoke will occur first, but this does not mean that the wife’s death will immediately follow. [...]

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