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TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964 15/110 (14%) camouflage Callahan cube hypnotism Miss
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 45 April 20, 1964 9 PM Monday as Instructed

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt in many ways was more often than either of us, more receptive to what could not be seen or touched. But contrariwise he doubted, always probed and then often doubted quite legitimate results, as indeed he sometimes continues to do so.

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

There is only a relatively small layer of personal material, and therefore egotistical and distortive material, at the upper reaches of the subconscious. This layer can be quickly recognized, as a rule. Ruburt recognizes it now, and he is no scientist or psychologist. For the record, you understand that I am referring to egotistical material as that portion that is concerned with the outer camouflage-oriented personality, and that the stronger inner ego actually represents the power and ability behind the outer ego.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

I am tempted to continue without allowing you a break. Ruburt is doing well without one, but I am concerned with your fingers. Are they faltering? If so, then by all means take a break.

[... 19 paragraphs ...]

Using Ruburt’s phrase, this may sound “far-out,” (in quotes), but even by the year 2000 it will all sound quite reasonable, and long before that your scientists will come to conclusions much like these. It is simply much easier, and even more scientific, to achieve a so-called, again, objective view of your universe by going inward, than it is to attempt to escape your distortive atmosphere by going further outward, because in the outward direction you will only meet more camouflage.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

I will give you some material before I am through. The experiments will only have to be tried and their validity will speak for itself. If I can get Ruburt over his sometimes cussed hardheadedness, his belligerent egotistical blunderings, then he can perform feats that will more than show the validity of my statements. To think that I am to some admittedly large extent dependent upon his development! (exclamation point).

[... 1 paragraph ...]

My apologies, I forgot your break again. And incidentally: Ruburt’s hard-headedness and egotistical dragging of feet so far, hampers me in a beautiful little demonstration. I see the office of your precious Psychic Society, and your director, but Ruburt fears to make a mistake, and he blocks me.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

For Ruburt’s edification, this hardheaded egotistical belligerence is somewhat of a good thing, in that without it our sessions, theoretically and perhaps practically, could result in undisciplined and even to some extent dangerous exhibitions of shilly-shallyings, without adequate controls.

Ruburt possesses two necessary qualities which luckily do not blot each other out, though they could. He is extremely receptive, open to and even appreciative of inner data, and also possesses an ego strong enough to maintain necessary discipline. This makes it easier and also more difficult for me, but goes a long ways toward minimizing any psychological dangers on your part, and what is gained is solid. There will be no backtracking, and while achievements along some lines may be slower they can be counted upon.

Without your confidence and intuitive affirmation, much of this material would be blocked on Ruburt’s part, Joseph, and Ruburt depends strongly upon inner strengths that you possess, and of which you are mainly ignorant. We will go into the mechanisms involved in our gestalt at a later time, and we will make the whole matter plain.

I am trying to develop Ruburt’s abilities so that he does not use his own nervous energy in these sessions because, oh, he would squawk if he was tired and did not get his own writing time in.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

In all probability there will be some failures, but there will be many successes, and the fear of failure will be our worst inhibiting factor. On a few occasions, with Ruburt’s growing training and with his consent, and with yours, we may have to try a somewhat deeper trance state, but this would only be occasionally, and with your consent.

As for you, your abilities are latently of the highest quality, but you also bring up inhibiting barriers that I hope will vanish. In some respects Ruburt long ago developed his ability to draw upon basic energy. If we can, and we can, overcome his quite natural fears and inhibitions, we can all use this ability with most beneficial results. He thinks he is undisciplined. Actually he early recognized his ability to draw upon added energy, and somewhat feared it.

Your reservoirs are also deep, and your inhibitions, while not as conscious and blatant as Ruburt’s, are nevertheless quite as strong.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

I can and will give you further proofs, not only of my identity but of your own. The spacious present enfolds but does not enclose you, and my words will lead you on. There may be distractions and even some distortions, but in the long run there will be no doubts. Your paintings at their best, and Ruburt’s writings at their best, will also reflect the inner realities that even your scientists will come to see.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

However, if you invited me to stay longer then of course I would. In any case you had better break. Ruburt’s hand sensation is now most obvious, representing as it does merely a small and insignificant aspect of the extension of self which I mentioned earlier. When this first occurs the natural reaction is to translate it in terms of physical camouflage data, so that you get a corresponding enlargement of tissues. Take your break or end the session.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

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