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SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 523, April 13, 1970 environment script semicolon pall subjugations

(“All right.”)

(9:35.) Like a true absent-minded professor, the conscious self forgets all this, however, so when tragedy appears in the script, difficulty or challenges, the conscious self looks for someone or something to blame. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 662, May 9, 1973 criminals dike emporium aggression neon

They feel isolated and alone, unappreciated, filled with rage which is being constantly expressed — in many cases, though not all — through a steady series of minor social crimes. [...]

[...] She began to stop at intervals, exclaiming over all of those surroundings that were, of course, very familiar to us: the swooping automobiles, the street lights and neon signs, the buildings themselves, the Chemung River rolling quietly behind its dike in back of the emporium we’d just left.

TES8 Rob Pendulum Q&A June 12, 1967 tomato canned corn pendulum margarine

[...] [All other soups okay, store and homemade.]

[...] But her pendulum stressed also that all other chocolate and products should be avoided.

TPS3 Tuesday, August 16, 1977 Notes foot ankle decent knees walking

[...] Afterward, over the period of the late afternoon and night, it seems that vast changes have happened all over:

All of this changed my walking tonight; right foot trying to walk properly, but not synchronized... [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 19, 1973 tackled speediest reinstate joint beliefs

Above all however do not concentrate upon this as a problem, but as a challenge you are even now overcoming, and let the rest of your day flow with other creativity.

[...] I have said this to many: but if you, Joseph, trust yourself and throw yourself onto the graces of yourself, then from you will flow all that you need or desire. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: June 26, 1984 nirvana grass flagellation imprudent mulch

The ideas of penance, fasting to excess, the personal abuse of the body, such as self-flagellation — all of those practices are conducted in the belief that suffering is something to be sought in itself. [...]

[...] They may be threatened by some undeniable danger, until finally in one way or another they seek out their own punishment once again — wondering all the time why they are so frequently besieged by poor health or disease.

TES8 April 24, 1968 terrific sort fabulous really relegated

Believe this all has to do with the above, plus with a strange session held the night before last, in which through me the voice said it was sort of ‘beyond Seth’; the message coming from a higher portion of that personality; tremendous energy seemed to flow through me and the definite, thank God, certainty, that this came from beyond me, and was automatically translated into words at my end. [...] The feeling I really was in contact with some… all encompassing reality.

TES6 Session 258 May 11, 1966 playground Ryan impressions todon mas

All you can perceive of them, you see, is matter, because you automatically transform all data into matter patterns because of the nature of your own perceptions. [...]

[...] Perhaps someone else was showing me all this; not sure though.”

All Ruburt could remember of his dream was the knowledge that many of mankind’s most cherished conceptions about reality are completely false. [...]

TPS1 Session 473 (Deleted) April 7, 1969 aggressive maze hurt college monks

[...] Yet all of his religious background gave him an immersion in a strong organized religion. [...] All that remains is for him to realize that he is indeed now on the right track. [...]

The girl from the monastery is perfectly all right, as long as she comes here unaccompanied by a monk, or met by one. [...]

Now all of this serves to impede constructive and creative spontaneity, and when this does find its way though, it is in such an explosive manner that he fears it because it seems undisciplined. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 568, February 22, 1971 Speakers devil evil soul religions

[...] To progress is supposedly to ascend, while the horror of religious punishment, hell, is seen at the bottom of all things.

[...] Development unfolds in all directions. [...]

Instead, the soul stands at the center of itself, exploring, extending its capacities in all directions at once, involved in issues of creativity, each one highly legitimate. [...]

UR1 Appendix 10: (For Session 692) gullible charlatan fraudulent yearning collided

[...] And Seth, very briefly commenting upon the search while it was still in progress, remarked to an out-of-town group of visitors that Jane was endeavoring to use her psychic abilities on her own; and that the assurance she was gaining through her efforts would be much more valuable to her than any she might derive from Seth himself “doing all the work.”

(1. “Sometimes,” she said to me recently, and with no hint of smugness, “when I talk to a group of people — say on a Friday night, when psychic stuff may or may not be involved — I get the weird feeling that I’m operating on nine or ten different levels at once: The meanings and understandings that are being exchanged, at least between me and the other individuals in the room, are all so different. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session October 13, 1975 Howard Venice Bumbalos prerogatives cancer

[...] Today she’d been so relaxed, with so many physical things taking place—all improvements—that I didn’t think she’d want to have a session.

[...] A complete rejuvenation process is occurring, involving all portions of the body. [...]

[...] That will-to-be triggers all bodily activity, which then operates automatically, with the same power from which the will itself emerged.

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 917, May 21, 1980 imagination eccentricity disorders insane stockpile

(Pause.) Your many civilizations, historically speaking, each with its own fields of activity, its own sciences, religions, politics and art—these all represent various ways that man has used imagination and reason to form a framework through which (underlined) a more or less cohesive reality is experienced.

[...] In that context, the imagination was tolerated at all only because it sometimes offered new technological inventions.

[...] Again, I am not speaking about all cases of mental disorder here. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 821, February 20, 1978 dna epidemics myths disasters Christ

[...] When people are hurt in a natural disaster, for example, they will often profess to have no idea at all for such involvement. [...] The reasons for such involvement would be endless, or course — all valid, yet in each and every case, man and nature in those terms would meet in an encounter that had meaning, from the largest global effects to the smallest, most private aspects of the individuals involved. [...]

(I don’t know how long I’ll continue to benefit from Jane’s assistance, though, since poetry, painting, and notes can all be quickly laid aside if she starts a new project, or resumes work on one that she’s kept in abeyance for some time. [...]

[...] You learn to read, but the seeing itself is an accomplishment of far greater magnitude — one that seemingly happens all by itself. [...]

TES5 Session 214 December 6, 1965 discotheque napkin Washington dancers ultraviolet

[...] 14,000 in all attend, in all sections, though at various times.

As I have told you, all action is basically spontaneous. [...]

[...] This is not however your cause and effect theory at all.

WTH Part One: Chapter 8: May 28, 1984 alcoholism unlikely unsurmountable blockage childhood

An individual will often be striving for some goal that appears blocked, and hence he or she uses all available energy and strength to circumnavigate the blockage. [...]

[...] An alcoholic’s wife might wish with all her heart that her husband stop drinking — but if she suddenly asked herself what she would do, she might — surprisingly enough — feel a tinge of panic. [...]

TES8 Session 345 June 12, 1967 job foods overexpectations money thorn

All of these issues bear on Ruburt’s idea of a job. [...]

[...] All of these have been involved with his writing, obviously. [...]

[...] The whole problem, discussed this evening and in the last session, is indeed the major thorn behind the difficulties, and all symptoms, and caused the food reactions you see.

TES9 Session 487 June 16, 1969 injections brain infections Pietra drugs

[...] Even during the experiment he is not here for example all of the time. [...]

[...] During break I told Jane I had a couple of questions for Seth, but would wait to ask them until he said all right. [...]

[...] The drug allows for regulated periods of highly intensified consciousness, operating at peak levels, with all of the mental faculties accelerated. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session April 1, 1970 motion nonrunning mental spontaneity running

One reason, you see, that I suggest the running is that any running at all prevents him from projecting into the future a nonrunning self. [...]

[...] All of that should be underlined.

He has been tensed for so long that he has been afraid to let go all at once, in his terms. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 29, 1983 flexing sweaty foot safe knee

[...] Head and neck, arms and hands, legs and feet all moved in concert. [...]

[...] The effort of the new motion showed in her hip and thigh and belly, tensing all of those muscles. [...]

[...] and torso, all the time grunting and breathing loudly. [...]

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