Results 461 to 480 of 1864 for stemmed:time

TPS2 Deleted Session November 12, 1973 freedom enthusiasm trip concentrating opposite

[...] I should not need to tell you this: see yourselves enjoying yourselves, having a good time, even within the horrendous conditions as they exist. You should each be ashamed of yourselves for ignoring the abilities, the freedoms and the pleasures that you have, and instead concentrating on the one area in which lacks are apparent, while at the same time not utilizing the methods I have given you to fully help yourselves in that area—and instead focusing your imagination to continue the situation.

[...] These, denied the core beliefs that gave them birth, would naturally begin to weaken but could linger for some time, generally speaking, unless they were recognized as beliefs.

[...] At the same time he uses the challenge to activate his imagination constructively and to arouse his enthusiasm. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 21, 1969 violence curse justification honor Presbyterian

Not in your physical time, but within the next hundred years, that time may come... [...]

[...] This applies to any people at any time. [...]

I speak here because yours is the opportunity and yours is the time. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 16, 1978 recaptured rearouse strides tend jestful

[...] Once again, I wondered what we’d been doing while all that time passed.)

Ruburt read it, and is reading it, looking for those feelings that allowed vast improvements to occur at the time—and for once he did not look into the past with his usual self-disapproval. [...]

[...] All of the recent material I have given you has enabled you to see some considerable results because for a time you have managed to give yourselves some peace of mind—at least enough to move ahead.

TES7 Session 301 November 16, 1966 supraself supraconsciousness partaking action perceive

In one way the self represents what you shall be, in your time terms, represents your highest potential. [...] The supraself can be sensed at times, almost as you might sense another presence. [...]

(Jane began speaking in trance in a quiet voice with short pauses, her eyes opening at times.)

[...] The personality as you know it is merely the result of action as you perceive it in certain groupings at any given time.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 7, 1984 booklet priest Joe Bumbalo burial

[...] Their commitment was for life, I thought, and so was bound to be different than most other people’s. I wondered how often they went through roughly the same procedures with the dead, and speculated about how their sincerity and love must have stood them in good stead at such often-repeated times. For each time, they had to ring true to those left behind, adding those necessary personal touches, and references and little stories, to match the personal history of the newly deceased.

[...] I thought the timeless quality, of light and so forth, inside the large room where the casket lay was more than a little symbolic in itself, isolated as the room was from the apparent time of day, night, or season.

[...] I felt peaceful and tired, and put off starting these notes for a long time.

TES2 Session 82 August 27, 1964 Provincetown cottage keg Gary Larry

The basis and firm groundwork of the material, and its primary contribution, lies in the concept that consciousness itself indeed creates matter, that consciousness is not imprisoned by matter but forms it, and that consciousness is not limited or bound by time or space; time and space in your terms being necessary distortions, or adopted conditions, forming a strata for physical existence.

The book is not something that can be done in between times, as there should be a grouping of subject matter, rather than a strict page by page rendition. [...] The suggestion I have just given you is the one way which will give you the swiftest and most advantageous progress; and also when the book is ready under this schedule the time would be ripe.

(This evening after supper, while busy with other material, Jane received the thought that it was time to begin work on Book One of The Seth Material, a project we had discussed sometime before vacation. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 742 April 16, 1975 Atlantis civilizations selfhood legend ruins

(The questions I referred to concern the fact that once in The Seth Material and nine times in Seth Speaks, by my count, Seth spoke of Atlantis as being in our historical past. [...] Seth’s theory of simultaneous time, which can encompass the notion of future probabilities projected backward into an apparent past, for instance, leaves great leeway for the interpretation of events or questions, however, and makes the idea of contradiction posed by an Atlantis in the past and one in the future too simple as an explanation. At any given “time,” depending on whatever information he’s given previously, Jane could just as easily quote Seth as placing Atlantis in our historic past, or in a probable past, present, or future — or all four “places” at once, for that matter. Any or all of these views would simply be repatterning other dimensions of time from our “present point of power.”

Let us go back approximately two months in your time. [...] They had already seen one on the inside, as mentioned earlier in “Unknown” Reality.3 This manuscript, for that matter, was begun precisely at the point in time that Ruburt’s and Joseph’s latest adventure with probabilities began. [...]

You shut them off any time they do not conform to current beliefs about the nature of the self, or about reality in general. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 939, January 25, 1982 magical clouds approach singing Chapter

[...] She showed more animation than I’d seen her display for some time, and I was glad to agree that she made some good points; others I disagreed with. [...] At the same time, I tried to make it easier for her to do the typing itself. [...] I took the time to build a lower, very solid table whose top rides just above her knees as she sits in her office chair; she can operate her typewriter much more easily at that lower level. [...]

[...] Each time I think of beginning MAGICAL APPROACH I feel this reluctance; I’m not sure what bugs me, the copying of records, putting together the days events or what—but i want more of the fun and magic of it for myself, and less hard work. I’d planned a consecutive story line book including some of robs dreams with interpretations yet feel strain there now, showing how this detail or that one fits the picture, this noon it came to me that the approach seemed to rational at this time; i wanted one that was lighter in tone, quicker yet more expansiveso if anything the books technique would be magical itself…. forcing the reader to make some connections from other-than-time frameworks. [...]

[...] When Seth quoted me as referring to a “life cloud,” he went back to the discussion Jane and I had at lunch today, concerning recent news reports and articles: Some prominent astrophysicists, mathematicians, and astronomers have announced their belief in a theory of “panspermia”—that in ordinary terms of time life on earth was “seeded” from space, instead of arising by pure chance in some primordial ooze or sea on our planet. [...] even at 4.6 billion years, the earth mathematically is not old enough for life to have had the time to evolve (beginning about 3.8 billion years ago) into its enormously complex current forms. That lack of ordinary time in evolutionary theory is a question Jane and I have often wondered about.

TES2 Session 68 July 6, 1964 Mark Bill doorway apparition bath

[...] Our cat Willy was quiet for a change as session time approached. [...] She began dictating on time, in a voice a little deeper and stronger than usual. [...]

(Time may show that this session is one of the most significant to date, as far as demonstrations of the authenticity of the Seth Material are concerned. [...]

[...] Before the session was due Jane said she felt exhausted and nervous; she reported Seth had been with her at times during the afternoon, “buzzing around,” as she put it, while she thought about the house.

TPS1 Session 580 (Deleted Portion) April 12, 1971 slowdown success tour fixing resentful

You cannot try to go and stop at the same time, to be driven to achieve and not achieve, without some consequences. Earlier he felt the stronger apathy that so frightened him, at the height, or depths, of the depression, that being partially probed at the time if you recall. The idea of napping evocatively brings it to mind in less severe form, so that a nap was not a creative refreshing time, but a cop-out. [...]

[...] The slowdown however gave him ambiguous feelings, lest success on his part meant further time from your own painting, which you would resent; so that in that respect continued success at tours would be at the expense of your valued painting time.

[...] Give us time. [...]

TES4 Session 190 September 21, 1965 John Taylors Donna loud reconstruction

(During this part of the impromptu session Jane’s voice became very loud and strong at times; it did not match the effects of the recorded 170th session, but came close once or twice. [...] At times Jane got to her feet and tipped her head back, as she had done in the 170th session. [...]

The voice became very loud at times. [...] My eyes were open a good deal of the time.

(This is the first time she has tried to reconstruct a session from her own viewpoint. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 23, 1981 granary Debbie bookstore July gifts

[...] She’s already reread that session three times, and so have I. This time she got the emotional content of it, though, and scribbled a few lines while it lasted, perhaps 10 minutes. [...] As we talked about it, each from a somewhat different angle, Jane ended up saying the experience seemed pretty “prosaic” after all in retrospect—yet at the time it had been pretty powerful.

[...] The framework was loosely set up back in that time, however, when for a while, again, you toyed with the idea, for such symptoms would “justify” your staying home even part- time to paint. [...]

(8:32; eventually a one-minute pause.) The symptoms have served to “allow you” a certain privacy, A certain detachment from the world, while at the same time providing a way of relating to others, of sharing life’s misfortunes so that it might not be said, for example, that as artists or people you lived in an ivory tower, untouched by life’s usual dilemmas. Again, there were twists and turns through the years as the symptoms might serve one purpose more than another at any given time, but falling within the general category. [...]

TES9 Session 427 August 7, 1968 yearned Dave agony cosmic sepia

[...] (Pause.) I suggest we end the session, though I will be here for some time. [...] The deeper trance state is to offset Ruburt’s reaction to heat and to some natural adverse circumstances that do occur atmospherically at this time of the year.

[...] But strangely, and for the first time after a session, she discovered she couldn’t operate her voice. She smiled and several times attempted to answer my questions. [...]

[...] Some of this discussion is bound to be distorted, because I must explain it to you in terms of time, as you understand it.

TSM Appendix: Session 452, December 2, 1968 destruction planet planetary violence system

[...] For the first time, many of the participators realized intuitively that such energy was also the source of creativity. [...] It was their use of it at the time that caused the destructive elements.

[...] He also learns by his successes, and there are times when he holds his hand, moments of deliberation, periods of creativity. [...]

[...] Christendom may well have perished along with the rest of the world, but this possibility would not have been considered, so narrow and evilly self-righteous were the governing powers at the time.

TPS5 Session 843 (Deleted) March 28, 1979 Patterson Mrs Johnson corruption cult

[...] I showed Jane the pencil sketch of Mrs. Johnson that I’d done at the time. [...] I plan to do a small oil painting or two of the sketch I’ve done of Mrs. Johnson, plus another image of her that I hadn’t drawn at the time, but retain well.

[...] And meet them as if for the first time. Your Mrs. Patterson represents your own love for your fellow men and fellow women (with gentle emphasis), and expresses a deep compassion for the situation of your species at this time.

He was president of your country in trying times: rambunctious, at times crooked in his dealings. [...]

TES3 Session 118 January 4, 1965 organism fields influences planes actuality

Ruburt may feel betwixt and between, as indeed at times he is, but only occasionally. [...] Also, if Ruburt is experimenting as he is with the trance state in psychological time experiments, it is a good idea that some of this experimentation be carried on by him under our excellent supervision; and after consideration I think that you will agree.

(Part of the time her eyes were fully closed as she paced about the room, Jane said, but she could not give me a percentage estimate. The rest of the time her eyes were “cracked open” just enough for her to see. [...]

(The following data are from Jane’s psychological time notebook: December 31, Thursday, 11:35: A rather amazing experience of “ecstasy,” the strongest I’ve experienced so far. [...]

TES4 Session 156 May 19, 1965 ego action emotion functions rejects

[...] An ego who can, and has at one time or another accepted as part of itself a violent and unruly desire to kill, for example, will not automatically reject the emotion of hatred. [...] An ego which once accepted such an idea of violence, and knew it as a possibility of action, such an ego, if he then rejects the conception, can no longer afford, ever, to recognize this once acceptable emotion, for he is only too aware of the action that could have at one time developed.

[...] As dreams allow the inner self great freedom, and as in dreams great perspectives of time are available, and great freedom in space, though no space as you know it is involved, so it is possible for the ego itself to achieve the experience of freedom from time and space, if it would only allow itself for a short while to relax the intensity of its objective focus.

Ruburt may now, if he wishes, work on his psychological time in the morning. I wanted that particular routine broken up for a while, but now if it is more convenient he may return to his old schedule; that is, that same time of day, but twenty minutes should still be the limit.

TES1 Session 29 February 26, 1964 plane Callahan Miss Watts camouflage

[...] Death on your plane is a termination but does not involve a new immediately-critical adjustment, since there is a time for rest and a time to catch up, so to speak.

You do not have to learn new things at the same time as you are struggling to exist in a strange environment. After death there is no instant struggle, where birth on your plane involves a pressing, agonizing attempt to get one’s bearings, and learn new patterns of behavior, when there is no time in your sense really to make any mistakes at all. [...]

[...] We spent the time remaining before the session was due in discussing the flash Jane had received from Seth, concerning her dream about Miss C., and then in sitting quietly for a few minutes.

TPS5 Deleted Session December 6, 1978 view tooth teeth aspirations comprehensions

[...] Your achievements lie in the fact that you have indeed managed to free yourselves of the dogmas of your times, and of times before you. [...]

[...] But they exist also amid your attitudes concerning the culture, your age, and the time that it seems must be involved with painting. [...]

[...] Others either escape your notice, or do not seem vital enough at any given time to question. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 831, January 15, 1979 copyedited Tam Sue medieval private

[...] In connection with our feelings about the long intervals that have materialized several times during the production of this book, see my opening notes for the 815th session — especially those concerning simultaneous time, and my statement that “We do not plan to ask Seth when the book will be done.” [...]

[...] Late that month — unbelievably to me — I finished my own work on Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality, and immediately began to type the final draft of the sessions; as I finished groups of sessions I mailed them to Tam every few days, while at the same time collaborating with Jane on the table of contents for the book. [...] Jane finished typing her manuscript for Seven Two on October 3, and I helped her correct that book for mailing on October 9. My own mailings for Volume 2 continued until the 21st of the month, when at last that very long project was completed and out of the house in its entirety for the first time. [...]

[...] Several times we asked about local fatal accidents we read about, for instance, wondering how such events fit in Frameworks-1-and-2 activity. [...] So interspersed in all of that private material are some excellent — and lively — discussions of events current in the world at that time, as well as discourses on connections between creativity and Framework 2, and topics as diverse as psychotic behavior and early civilizations. [...]

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