Results 21 to 40 of 69 for (stemmed:telepathi AND stemmed:oper)
[...] Since telepathy exists (as described in Chapter Three), the subject will react not only to verbal commands but to the unspoken beliefs of the practitioner, thereby “proving,” of course, the hypnotist’s theory of what his profession is.
(Pause.) On the other hand, such beliefs can be accepted when it appears that the conscious mind is asleep, or dulled as in periods of shock, or during operations. [...]
[...] As telepathy operates constantly at a subconscious level, as a basis for all language and communication, so clairvoyance operates continually so that the physical organism can prepare itself to face its challenges.
[...] Also throughout these first few pages, I believe I experienced quite a few instances of telepathy; I would catch a phrase for instance just before Jane uttered the same words.)
(When these experiments began Seth told us he operated well clairvoyantly. He also cited a few examples where telepathy from me had helped out. [...]
[...] Jane and I have often speculated on what part telepathy plays in the envelope experiments, since I usually am consciously aware of the object in detail. I thought the method used tonight might make ordinary telepathy harder to divine on Jane’s part. [...] If he got any help from me it was telepathy twice removed.
[...] I have told you that telepathy operates continually, and has strong emotional connections, so this should be no surprise.
[...] Here you are working with the mind itself as your material, and merely suggesting that it operate in a certain fashion. You are not tampering with the mechanics of its operation, and therefore automatically altering the conditions.
[...] Telepathy and clairvoyance, for example, are a part of natural effects, but they belong to a nature so much more expansive than science’s definitions that they have been made to appear as highly unnatural eccentricities of behavior, rather than as natural components of consciousness.
[...] That is, such abilities operate so smoothly, so continuously, and with such ease (intently) that you become aware of them only under certain conditions. [...]
[...] To some degree historically speaking, that sort of situation operated in the past when — comparatively speaking, now — people realized that there was indeed an inner world of complexity and richness that could be approached in certain fashions, one that existed alongside with the physical world, so that the two intersected. [...]
(9:29.) The intellect could handle both approaches, operating with separate assumptions. [...]
[...] Jane learned little about their trip other than that the Gallaghers took many notes to use in checking against Seth’s notes; and that Bill found himself involved in a “strange experience” with a piano player and what he thought was telepathy. [...]
[...] It is only by understanding the connection between the physical and nonphysical self, and the communication systems that operate here, that the true nature of human personality can be studied
It was Miss Callahan’s discovery that she needed operations on both eyes that caused this deeper decision. Miss Callahan herself was conscious of natural dismay over the projected operations. When she told Ruburt of the operations, Ruburt leapt to the conclusion that this was the meaning of the dream, and that the dream data had been incomplete.
[...] His dream was a mixture of telepathy, and this legitimate telepathic message was colored by the other elements that made up the dream, and this was subconscious fantasy. [...]
[...] She had been preparing herself since she learned of the operations’ necessity for her own departure. [...]
Later I will attempt to show you where the boundaries are, though (Jane laughed) there really are no boundaries, that form a variety of such planes into a sphere of relation in which to some extent cause and effect operates as you understand it. [...]
(“Seth, is there any telepathy taking place between Jane and I?”)
Telepathic communications go on continually beneath consciousness, and without the aid of telepathy and without the aid of the inner senses, language itself would be meaningless. [...]
Now, this same sort of emotional system operates in the sleeping state as well as in the waking state, though there are differences in that the personality will allow greater leeway in the dream state. [...] You know that telepathy and clairvoyance operate rather freely in the dream state. [...]
[...] There is on her part a block, that operates in much the same manner as Ruburt’s ego on occasion, as far as our sessions are concerned. [...]
[...] What is not understood is that emotional attitudes, conscious and subconscious, have an electromagnetic reality that operates very efficiently, either as an open system which attracts new stimuli, or as a closed electric force that is supercharged.
Now these same sort of emotional systems operate under all conditions, and they regulate the kinds of experience to which an individual is susceptible or open, and they close out from his awareness those experiences which he has already decided he will not accept. [...]
[...] The ego will simply be bypassed, but the other layers of the self, the neurological structures particularly, will continue to operate as always. [...]
(During break we discussed some of the aspects of precognition and telepathy, clairvoyance, etc., that would be called upon in cases where witnesses attended sessions, but the material for the session had been given to Jane by Seth in advance, in our terms.
My own identity, in simple terms, has fewer hang-ups than the personality that is operating in physical terms. [...]
[...] Rob and I were delighted, but somewhat appalled too, as we looked over the chapter headings I’d listed for the book: “A Do-It-Yourself Séance,” “Telepathy, Fact or Fiction?”, “How to Work the Ouija.”
[...] My attitude was, “Well, let’s get this out of the way so we can really get down to the things we’re interested in, like telepathy and clairvoyance.” [...]
[...] The entity operates its fragments in what you would call a subconscious manner, that is, without conscious direction. [...]
[...] Fragments of another sort, called personality fragments, operate independently, though under the auspices of the entity.”
I told you that without telepathy language would be meaningless and ineffective. [...] It is also true however, that through continuous telepathy you are acquainted with the ideas of others concerning their approximate physical universes; and while you construct and see your own, you also construct any given material object taking into consideration its approximate size, width, thickness and location, as received through telepathy from others.
[...] Habit operates here to perfection, since while delivering material Jane will pick up her package of cigarettes, shake one out, light it and puff away, without losing track at all of her material.)
Free will as I mentioned earlier certainly does operate, but you must remember that while it does operate, personalities on your plane are extremely limited as to choice. [...] They can only choose to operate within their own camouflage pattern framework.
[...] I mentioned earlier that cause and effect operates in various manners, and what seems to be cause and effect is often merely a result of your necessary disposition to view actions in a successive manner.
[...] Again, this is difficult, because for me they operate in a more coordinated and organized pattern.
[...] But a man operates to capacity, and operates in a most practical manner within your own camouflage system when he is himself.
[...] He was saying that we were immersed in “magic” no matter what we called it, that manifestations of telepathy, and so forth, were just places where our magic “showed.” [...]
My feelings “clicked;” the incident was significant; and it seemed to fit in too perfectly and meaningfully into the events just previous, as if saying “yes, you do operate magically” … and this is an example of how those perceptions work. [...]