Results 61 to 80 of 445 for stemmed:subconsci

TES4 Session 160 June 7, 1965 traffic action impediments mutant unimpeded

The personal subconscious can be thought of as a threshold between the ego and the inner self; not only can glimmerings of the inner self be glimpsed through the subconscious, but also the diverse characteristics of the ego touch this personal subconscious. [...]

When no conscious decision has been made, I would be following your subconscious wishes in such a manner.

[...] Any errors of construction have their origin not in the inner self, but in either the personal subconscious or in the ego.

[...] The subconscious has its own self- image, the ego has its own self-image. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 16 precognitive dream manuscript prospectus freight

It would be necessary to take your temperature many times during the night and to correlate the findings with the levels of the subconscious as they showed themselves within the dream series. … It should be noted, however, that with the exception of several other circumstances, these various subconscious levels fall within definite temperature ranges. [...]

The ego, as a rule, is not aware of this broader time experience, but the subconscious often is; and associative processes of the mind can and do react to the future. Therefore, it is possible for our Frederick to become ill this year at the smell of a particular perfume because, say, subconsciously he knows that in 1980 his mother will be wearing it when she dies. [...]

Often the information is picked up translated by the subconscious and acted upon without conscious approval or recognition. [...]

Subconscious Layers and Precognitive Dreams”

TES2 Session 73 July 22, 1964 Pipers constructions chair seed depth

[...] It is sensitive however to panic and fear, and, affecting other glands working with inner subconscious mechanisms, it becomes overly stimulated and causes subconscious mechanisms to actually create, in matter, the object of the fears which have themselves caused the initial overaction.

The whole thing should be handled on a subconscious level, so that he seems to automatically prepare himself in advance in response to an inner knowledge as to whether or not witnesses will arrive. [...]

[...] On a subconscious level you realized that many of your interests were the same.

Since the individual constructs matter, and indeed constructs his own physical universe, he can improve these constructions; and his expectations are intimately connected with the subconscious mechanism of construction itself.

TES1 Session 19 January 27, 1964 camouflage fuel instruments plane brain

Part of the subconscious for example deals with camouflage, but the deeper portions are in direct contact with the basic vitality of the universe. When you or Ruburt wonder if this material comes from the subconscious, you often take it for granted that the subconscious is personal, exclusively dealing with matters of your egos’ personal past. [...] The subconscious also contains the undistorted material of the mind, which is uncamouflaged, and which operates between planes, knowing no boundaries.

[...] The process involved is subconscious. [...]

As their instruments reach further into the universe they will “see,” and I suggest that you put the word see into quotes, they will “see” further and further but they will automatically subconsciously transform what they apparently see into the camouflage pattern with which they are familiar.

The subconscious is a property of the mind, and is to a strong degree independent of camouflage. [...]

TES8 Session 364 September 13, 1967 hopelessness marriage peanut trap reliable

[...] That is, the issue is frightening subconsciously, because of peculiar and individual attitudes caused by her own relationship to her parents. [...]

[...] At the time this deeply-held subconscious contribution had nothing to do with her husband.

This will give you some time, for her own subconscious attitude must be altered if any real improvement is to be expected. [...]

It is here that a reliable hypnotist would be of great benefit, in uncovering many hidden subconscious errors. [...]

TSM Chapter Two fragment Rob images Beach playmate

[...] Now, what you would call the subconscious performs this task; not too well, since it was never meant to focus clear attention. [...]

Now Seth was saying, “Looking back, you can say that the effect was therapeutic, but if you had subconsciously accepted the images, it would have marked the beginning of a severe deterioration for you both, personally and creatively. [...]

[...] “If Jane and I had subconsciously accepted those images, would we have been able to return home, where we’re known? [...]

[...] Often when a child cries about a bogeyman, what he has seen is such an image production or fibrous projection, formed by vivid desire on the part of the subconscious.”

TES4 Session 151 May 3, 1965 action limitless moment ego points

The subconscious however is not so limited. If you consider the ego at the apex of the moment point, and imprisoned therefore within the realm of its own before-and-after, cause-and-effect experience, then you can imagine the subconscious reaching further outward and seizing upon many other moment points. [...]

There is much to be explained along many lines which we have only begun to touch upon, for all things are correlated; and there is indeed a correlation between our moment points of which we have spoken, the spacious present, and that portion of the whole self which you call the subconscious.

The subconscious, and in fact all portions of the self with the exception of the ego, are capable of assimilating a wider area, so to speak, of action. [...]

The subconscious, reaching outward, reaches also inward. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 614, September 13, 1972 beliefs tongue yourself false flesh

[...] It has been fashionable to blame the subconscious for personality problems and difficulties, the idea being that early events, charged and mysterious, lodged there. In this country several generations grew up believing that the subconscious portions of the personality were unreliable, filled with negative energy, and contained only locked-up unpleasant episodes best forgotten.

About the same time that the idea of the unsavory subconscious arose so strongly, the idea of the soul went out the window. Millions of people therefore believed in a reality in which they were deprived of the idea of a soul, and burdened by the concept of a very unreliable, if not definitely evil, subconscious. [...]

[...] People learned that they should not be aware of “subconscious” material.

The idea of the tainted subconscious, however, left man no such relatively easy way out. [...]

TSM Chapter Sixteen action professor identity students dilemma

“You may, if you wish, call me a subconscious production. [...] But if you do call me a subconscious extension of Ruburt’s own personality, then you must agree that the subconscious is telepathic and clairvoyant, since I have shown telepathic and clairvoyant abilities. [...] … However, unless you are willing to assign to the subconscious those abilities—and most of your colleagues do not—then I cannot be considered to have such a subconscious origin.

[...] You do not see your subconscious. [...]

[...] Starting with the personality as we usually think of it, “there is, after the operating ego, a layer of personal subconscious material. [...]

[...] They happen spontaneously on a subconscious basis. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 18 probable selves bike Rob Carl

This information is sifted often through the dreaming self to the subconscious which has intimate knowledge of the ego with which it is closely connected. The subconscious makes its own judgments and passes these on with the data. [...] In some cases, the ego refuses to make the decision, and it is done by the subconscious. On occasion, when an unwise decision is made by the ego, the subconscious will change it. [...]

This data is often wound by the dream self into a dream drama which informs the subconscious of dangers or of probable success of any given event which is being considered by the subconscious for physical actuality.

Were it not for the experience of this probable self, and for its information given via the dreaming self to the subconscious, then it would be most difficult for the ego to come to any clear decisions in daily life. [...]

[...] In the materialization of personality through various reincarnations only the ego and layers of personal subconscious adapt new characteristics. [...]

TES3 Session 126 January 27, 1965 electric psychoelectric system codes brain

[...] The inner self and the subconscious are not present in the physical universe, insofar as they take up no space within it. [...]

Personal identity, the basic “I”, is a product of the subconscious, and as such it exists as an actuality within the electric field; because of this it is basically independent of the physical field, held to it mainly by the ego. [...]

[...] Correlations will indeed be found, and the habit of subconscious focus in this manner will certainly bring results.

I spoke of this in connection with dreams, saying that they were cunningly constructed, so that any particular symbol would have a meaning for various levels of the subconscious. [...]

TES8 Session 388 December 20, 1967 daughter John wife Peg crippled

[...] (Pause.) John’s wife loves him, and has been made subconsciously to see the good points in his personality. [...]

It should be mentioned that in such cases the inner self, as divorced from the more accessible subconscious, is aware of the situation, and finds release in very valid terms (pause), through frequent inner communications, whereby past successes are remembered, and to some extent reexperienced. [...]

John remembers subconsciously the old situation. [...]

When the decision is made, even subconsciously, then we can know. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 10 Mark Rob furniture arrangements bookcases

[...] And if Seth was a personification of my subconscious, then this would be an excellent example of subconscious fraud.

This portion of the personality translates inner data and sifts it through the subconscious, which is a barrier and also a threshold to the present personality. I told you also that the topmost layers of the subconscious contain personal memories and beneathracial memory. [...]

[...] “I don’t particularly mind a mischievous subconscious, but a deceptive one is something else again.”

[...] His subconscious and conscious mind had to be acquainted with certain ideas to begin with, in order for the complexity of this material to come through.

TES5 Session 209 November 17, 1965 shall primary investigation director secondary

[...] It is therefore difficult for me to make distinctions as to your conscious intent and subconscious intent. And in many cases your subconscious intent comes through strongly.

On some occasion however I do want to discuss this matter of our sessions, as to when they should and should not be held; and I repeat: in no way do I ever attempt to influence Ruburt’s subconscious mind.

The particular unscheduled session which bothered you both apparently was the one which was requested subconsciously by you both; and it benefited those for whom we gave it to a rather considerable degree.

There is conscious discipline which can be used by Ruburt, that can negate the subconscious permission, if you so determine, and this with practice will come very easily. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 19, 1983 leg tension dehypnotizing aspirin rotating

[...] Have him read or read to him—the recent passages dealing with the use of the conscious mind and the use of the subconscious mind, when I discussed their various roles. [...]

(I read to her Seth’s opening paragraphs of yesterday’s session; these dealt with the roles of the conscious and subconscious minds. [...]

[...] For a few days, again, have Ruburt read those portions I have given, dealing with the roles of the conscious and subconscious minds. [...]

TES2 Session 84 September 2, 1964 boat rowboat sympathy constructions wharf

[...] The twinges that he feels are indeed warnings, or nudges rather, from his own subconscious mind, that he do this and thus bring the plans for it into actual reality.

I would add–not to this–that of late Ruburt is learning to let his subconscious mind work for him, rather than against him; having to do with the gallery. [...]

[...] I am aware of it through his subconscious mind. [...]

[...] If my suggestions came from Ruburt’s subconscious mind alone, and they do not, they would be valid for you both.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 8, 1970 Florence puritan umbrella guts violence

[...] You are working through the subconscious, and you must work through the subconscious in order to clear the channels. [...]

[...] Do not question so severely, for underneath you have been wondering whether or not you are reaching only the subconsciousness. To reach the subconsciousness itself is quite an endeavor and worthwhile. [...]

(To Mary Ellen.) You knew what the message would be before you came here on a subconscious basis and Ruburt, all unaware, has already delivered it to you, and it was in his terms to cool it because spontaneity must progress at its own rate and feel comfortable in both physical reality and inner reality. [...]

[...] They are not buried in the subconscious now, they are just beneath your stream of consciousness but readily available as your interesting, but brief, monologue this evening made clear. [...]

TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964 camouflage Callahan cube hypnotism Miss

[...] Since there is no real division between the ego and the subconscious, the knowledge of the ego and the knowledge of the subconscious are merged in any case. But to be truly effective there should be no attempt to hide subconscious knowledge from the ego.

[...] By plunging into our ocean of value climate you can dive beneath your camouflage system and look up to see it, relatively foundationless, floating above you, moved, formed and directed by the shifting illusions caused by the wind of will, and the force of subconscious concentration and demand.

The subconscious, it is true, has elements of its own distortions, but these are easier to escape than the tons of distortive camouflage atmosphere that weigh your scientific experiments down.

There is only a relatively small layer of personal material, and therefore egotistical and distortive material, at the upper reaches of the subconscious. [...]

TES6 Session 272 June 29, 1966 violence docile child retaliate aggressiveness

[...] There was no subconscious distortion on Ruburt’s part, when I told you that the nonphysical self book would sell. [...]

[...] It therefore took the point of least resistance, and he quite subconsciously of course projected it upon his pet. [...]

He does not see his mother because he imagines subconsciously that he is protecting her from his own violence against her, lest after all these years it might erupt. [...]

[...] Everyone else you see has a right to gripe, he feels subconsciously, but he cannot. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 7 camouflage Malba instruments Decatur senses

The subconscious is a property of mind and is, to a large degree, independent of camouflage. While part of the subconscious must deal with camouflage, for example, the deeper portions are in direct contact with the basic vitality of the universe. When you or Ruburt wonder if this material comes from your subconscious, you take it for granted that the subconscious is personal, dealing exclusively with matters of your past. [...]

The so-called subconscious is a connective between mind and brain, between the inner and outer senses. [...] The greater portions of it are concerned with the inner world, and as data reaches it from the inner world, so can these portions of the subconscious reach far into the inner world itself…

The subconscious, however, also contains the undistorted material of the mind, which is uncamouflaged and which operates between planes, knowing no boundaries.

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