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TES3 Session 92 September 28, 1964 dreamer dream cohesiveness object universe

Considerable confusion can result if a dream from one level of the subconscious is interpreted in the light of data which belongs to another level entirely. Many individuals feel easier with certain such subconscious aspects, with the result that they may be more aware of dreams that originate in particular subconscious areas, and be relatively unaware of dreams originating in other areas, which they may consider either fearful or at best unfamiliar.

(After supper this evening Jane told me she thought Seth might talk about dreams and the subconscious at the session. [...]

I would like to continue our discussion concerning the layers of the so-called subconscious, in connection now with a study of dreams.

[...] The preliminary discussion of the subconscious layers was necessary, since dreams originate in these various levels, and should therefore be interpreted according to the particular symbolisms inherent in the realm of reality to which they may belong.

TES5 Session 231 February 7, 1966 bureau leaflet plates Mono sheriff

Now, Ruburt’s subconscious simply got in our way at last evening’s session. [...] He was subconsciously but never consciously aware that next month marked the time of his grandfather’s death, and subconsciously he knew his grandfather’s age at death.

[...] The ego is certainly aware to some extent of the subconscious. The subconscious is certainly aware of the ego. [...]

When this does happen it usually occurs as a bleed-through from the subconscious from the dream state, for the subconscious is somewhat acquainted with probabilities, and to some degree experiences these in a problem-solving manner. [...]

The identity, the basic identity, of these portions of the self, are carried by what you could compare to the subconscious that you know. This is difficult, but listen: in these portions of the self it is the subconscious that carries the burden of identity, and it is the ego whose experiences are of a dreamlike, plastic nature. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 3, 1978 toe Rockefellers mark unconscious Walt

Tell the subconscious that you understand its purposes, and thank it for its concern. [...] Remind the subconscious that its origin is with the source self; which will indeed provide it automatically with the necessary conditions for safety and survival.

[...] The subconscious feels that it is doing its job, because Ruburt has not allowed feedback; not approving of fear, not allowing the feelings release, and therefore also cutting down on experience that could counter the feelings and show the subconscious that the fears were exaggerated.

[...] The subconscious does reason, but it also reasons according to the information that you give it.

[...] When the feedback stopped, the subconscious became panicky. [...]

TPS1 Session 370 (Deleted) October 9, 1967 conscientious Nancy mother demand overly

[...] You would be dealing with the personal subconscious, and there is a tremendous difference. The subconscious for example would speak, and the ego would then allow this direct contact. I must pass through the subconscious, but I am not directly concerned with it. [...]

I am like a doctor, able to describe the condition of the patient, or the subconscious. In hypnosis the subconscious, as the patient, speaks for himself, or is spoken to.

For years, literally, it was hammered into Ruburt’s subconscious that he was not worthy of any kind of success, and that he would be punished for his treatment of his mother.

[...] In hypnosis as you are planning, you would directly contact the subconscious.

TES1 Session 20 January 29, 1964 camouflage outer neurotics senses inner

[...] As far as Jane’s or Ruburt’s subconscious is concerned, I make contact with you through both of your subconsciousnesses (Jane’s pronunciation); but through that larger portion which actually exists between planes, which is the property of the mind, not the brain, and which deals with the inner senses. I have absolutely nothing to do with that portion of the subconscious which is involved with your personal memories or present personality makeup.

So the inner senses and the subconscious can do the same thing as far as inner space, and what you would call inner time, is concerned. [...] To the mind with its subconscious, and to the inner senses, there is no time and space, and therefore to them nothing is conquered. [...]

[...] But there is no actual dividing line or distinction between the conscious and the subconscious, nor among the apparent levels of the subconscious itself.

I want you to take a break but first I want to make one other point, and that is this: The mind contains the conscious and the subconscious, but the conscious and the subconscious are fluid. [...]

TES1 Session 28 February 24, 1964 Miss Callahan entity psychiatrist plane

[...] It should be apparent, and I’ve said this before, that my communications come through Ruburt’s subconscious. But as a fish swims through water, the fish is not water, and I am not Ruburt’s subconscious.

I wanted to show you that telepathy did exist, and I wanted to show Ruburt that more than his own subconscious was involved. [...] I am definitely a personality independent of Ruburt’s subconscious. [...]

I am not Ruburt’s subconscious, though I speak through it. [...] A certain reassembly of myself is necessary when I enter your plane, and this reassembly is done partially by myself, and partially by the combined subconscious efforts of you, Joseph, and Ruburt. [...]

The part that translates inner data sifts it down through the subconscious, which is a barrier and also a threshold to the present personality as it operates on the camouflage plane. [...] I have said that the topmost part of the subconscious contains personal memories. [...]

TES4 Session 157 May 24, 1965 resistance bunch unbalanced pendulum smooth

Further work with it at this time turns to an introversion with the personal subconscious, and an overinvolvement with it as far as overall focus is concerned. [...] A deeper involvement however at this time serves to focus your energies in a bunch, so to speak, in the personal subconscious, blocking creative energies that come from deeper layers of the inner self. [...]

More energy indeed can be held in the personal subconscious in such a manner than can be used in studying other areas of the inner self, for it is in the personal subconscious that energy blockage most frequently occurs. [...]

[...] This apparently had not been sufficient to satisfy the literal-minded personal subconscious, hence my coldlike symptoms. [...]

[...] At your present stage of development with the pendulum you get a reaction that could be compared to a closed circuit, where the energy is directed into the past, into the personal subconscious too abruptly, and too intensified, and is not yet allowed the release of discovering full causes, which would then release not only that energy, but the energy that has in the past gone into the formation of various physical ills.

TES3 Session 89 September 19, 1964 Louie Ida cruelty eloquence son

subconsciously, and subconsciously the father knows. [...] He, the father, subconsciously knew and remembered this betrayal, and he would see to it that the present personality paid, and paid in full.

[...] There is a time when we must subconsciously forget where we have trespassed.

It is the present personality’s desire to express himself, opposed by the subconscious memories of that past life, with its fear of the effects of eloquence used without discretion, that now cause his difficulty.

Since I will not give a session simply to give a session, and because I will not let Ruburt parade me as part of his precious subconscious, I will indeed here speak for myself, but in terms that will help another and for the benefit of that other. [...]

TES4 Session 183 August 30, 1965 calendar test intensity clipping solution

This requires on the ego’s part an excellent ability to perceive correctly the elements of the physical situation, to express it in terms that the subconscious can understand, and to deliver the message properly. The subconscious will then break the physical data given to it down into its psychic components, translate it into symbols; and the inner self, at the request of the subconscious, will then focus all of the energies at its command to deliver the most acceptable solution, taking the entire needs of the whole self into consideration.

[...] In the dream state the personality actually has at its command a stupendous amount of subconscious information of which the ego is not aware. [...] The amount of data available to the subconscious is simply superior in quality and larger in quantity to that available to the ego, and this information can be used effectively through suggestion.

When the ego is of such a rigid nature that it distorts physical reality out of all context, then however the personality had better rely upon the subconscious even in this respect, for the subconscious will at least perceive those elements of physical reality that immediately threaten the whole self.

As far as distance, physical distance, is concerned, this whole idea is subconsciously taken into consideration. [...]

TES3 Session 87 September 14, 1964 enclosure cancer comprehension capsule gates

[...] But these front gates represent our subconscious and the signal to open, the permission for the construction of matter and its form, are dependent upon these subconscious gates. Even as incipient matter flows through, the final form is given by the way it brushes through these subconscious gates. [...]

The second dream was brought on by the memories subconsciously released in the first dream, and the whole memory block, oddly enough, was released by the fact that Ruburt had in the present some difficulty with his monthly periods. [...]

He threw this thought back to his personal subconscious, but by association it triggered memory of a previous death by cancer, which was then played back through the dream. [...]

The men, reassured by Ruburt in the dream, appeared without being old, although the original event of the past life involved men in their 70’s. This was a distortion of the personal subconscious, to add to the seeming separateness of the two dreams.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 23, 1971 hooded Wally Arnold tribute hungry

Now the red hoods had a peculiar significance, subconsciously speaking, to you because the red subconsciously meant violence and the idea in the back of your mind that religions through the ages have often resulted in violence and also Cardinals, you see, wear red hats at times. [...]

The event was subconsciously recognized by you and had to do, I believe, with a woman with whom you worked with, whom you are at least partially involved in that you meet her now and then. [...] It was a telepathic connection on your part that subconsciously simply came to the forefront of your mind with the date. [...]

([Arnold:] “Does this mean subconsciously then I am afraid to go into these changes by developing my psychic ability?”)

Now the past images also represented not only the past in the historical context of civilization, but the past as it applies to your own personal subconscious. [...]

TES2 Session 85 September 7, 1964 Watts Borst Frank gallery directorship

His personal subconscious, to my relief and I hope to yours, takes care of itself quite adequately through the sublimating fabrications of fantasy into creative prose and poetry, in which I am in no way involved. [...] However if he did not have such an outlet, and if you did not have such an outlet in your own work, then indeed we would have had much more trouble, because this layer of personal subconscious would then be not merely a receptive channel but one that also radioed its own noisy and demanding stations.

As far as Ruburt’s personal subconscious mind is concerned, neither of you have to fear any material in it that might be, or present, dangerous, misguided, egocentric to the extreme, or darkly-inhibited phenomena.

This would have presented a great difficulty, as indeed it does when individuals with no adequate transference system for the subconscious, attempt investigations such as these.

[...] Even Ruburt believes it most possible that such material is somehow the result of his own personal subconscious conniving. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 24, 1978 risks bodybuilders prerogatives health Bowman

(We’ve also talked over Seth’s answer in the last session about why the subconscious doesn’t back off when it’s obvious that it’s gone too far in a protective role, say. I said that I understood his answer to my question all right, but yet that I felt there were still things there to be discussed; that in individual cases, for instance, the subconscious could go too far when there was no need to, and that in such cases it seemed to ignore the wishes and desires of the conscious personality involved. [...]

[...] The subconscious does not exist, of course. [...] But the subconscious knows that the quality of life for that individual involves such exhilaration, and such a person literally chooses that rather than, for example, what someone else might consider a well-balanced long life.

In those terms, the subconscious can consider the health of a relationship quite as important as the health of the body, or even more so. [...]

In those terms, when the subconscious considers health, it must also take into consideration the individual’s strong intents, in which case it is insuring the mental and emotional health in a somewhat different fashion.

TPS1 Session 533 (Deleted Portion) June 1, 1970 land gardening dwelling ambiguous purchase

[...] Subconsciously you are also bitter because you could have nearly purchased a place of your own with the money that you used to help your father purchase your family home.

[...] Now he compares this place for example to his childhood home, as subconsciously you compare it to yours, whether you know it or not. [...]

There is also in your subconscious the feeling of a land or farm in connection with the one owned by your father’s family.

It upsets Ruburt when you talk of moving, but make no actions to do so, because subconsciously it reminds him of the deep uncertainty and insecurity he felt when he was in the orphanage. [...]

TES3 Session 98 October 19, 1964 nodule arthritic wrist irritation injury

[...] Oftentimes also those in attendance, the doctors or other healers are themselves tired, prone to the patient’s emotional fears, and automatically in self-defense respond by giving voice to the patient’s subconscious dread, picking it up telepathically but feeling it is directed at themselves, on a subconscious level of course.

[...] Again, subconsciously, the patient would wish to give his illness literally away, shove it from himself, so that often a healer responds subconsciously to what he considers a legitimate threat.

[...] They would have to fall upon fertile ground; and given great enough emotional and subconscious fear an individual would need no outside suggestion. [...]

[...] His results are better than they would have been if he had not heeded my advice and had continued demanding results from the subconscious.

TES3 Session 107 November 16, 1964 dimensions perspectives censure camouflage inhabitants

[...] I wanted to mention the fact that the subconscious has definite effects, and casts definite projections into other dimensions or perspectives, as a basis for a more thorough discussion on the levels of the subconscious.

There are here in what you call the subconscious, abilities and realities of which you know little, and as you see how the subconscious projects itself into other dimensions, so will you see more clearly how energy is projected outward to form your own world of matter. [...]

[...] Much of this knowledge, then, resides in the subconscious while the ego goes on its way.

The subconscious has great and rather astounding effect in dimensions other than your own, and it sends vivid projections into these other perspectives, that appear there and are in their turn perceived in distorting manner by the outward camouflage senses of those inhabitants. [...]

TES6 Session 247 April 2, 1966 Marian tumor shrink ovarian Spaziani

(Seth reassured Marian about the dream involving her dead mother, explaining how it was a case of Marian projecting her own subconscious fears, among other things. [...] Seth explained that the ovarian tumor represented her subconscious attempt to grow something, since she has now almost gone through menopause and cannot grow children. Seth stressed that if Marian could learn to channel her energies outward, perhaps in helping underprivileged children, the subconscious need to be wanted would be satisfied and the tumor would shrink by itself.

[...] The last time she was a female she was childless; Seth stressed quite often that this subconscious memory had much to do with her strong desire for children in this life.)

TPS4 Jane’s Notes Friday, April 7, 1978 scorn career approbation highpoints libvary

[...] and to remind myself and the subconscious about responding to actual experience...remind it also that its experiences with scorn or whatever, as written down—were not all of its experience by a long shot. [...]

(To remind the subconscious of its love for the natural world and walking alone or with Rob; being out in the elements. [...]

(Remind subconscious to be responsible to all of its life—)

TPS1 Session 208 (Deleted Portion) November 15, 1965 envy penis faltered itch envious

Our sessions in general, the matter of spontaneity and discipline, your own fears, rather natural enough, concerning any subconscious effect I might have on Ruburt.

I would not like the matter of the sessions in general, and the subconscious influence question, to go by the board however, and in one way or another we must find time for those matters.

[...] Subconsciously your reasoning went like this: “If I were any shape of a man, the hand would bring me what I wanted.” [...]

You faltered in your purpose subconsciously, so the hand was allowed to falter. [...]

TES3 Session 127 February 2, 1965 electrical decoded intensities meaningful predictions

(It might be worth noting here that many sessions ago Seth stated he was substituting the word “area” for “level,” when a reference to the subconscious was made. The reason being that the subconscious is not divided into neat levels, but is made up of many interconnecting and complicated corridors, rooms, etc.

[...] Dreams, having an electrical reality as I explained, must be decoded to have meaning to various levels of the subconscious and the personality. [...]

The various levels of the subconscious and the personality are attuned to the particular intensities of the dream experience which they can perceive and interpret, and which has meaning to them. [...]

[...] To make such data meaningful to the conscious self requires other steps of subconscious interpretation that actually have to do with an electrical regrouping and realignment.

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