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All That Is simultaneously and unendingly creates itself. Only within your particular frame of reference does there seem to be a contradiction between action that is simultaneous and yet unending. This has to do mainly with the necessary distortions arising from your time concept and the idea of duration; for duration to you presupposes existence continued within a time framework — predisposing to beginnings and endings.
Everything within your three-dimensional system occurs simultaneously. Each action creates other possibilities of itself, or other actions from the infinite energy of the universe, which itself is never still. The answer is that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. (Pause.)
Experience existing outside of that reference is not dependent upon duration in your terms. There is no “perfect ending,” no completed perfection beyond which further experience is impossible or meaningless. (Long pause.) All That Is is a source of infinite and unending simultaneous action. Everything happens at once, and yet there is no beginning and end to it in your terms, so it is not completed in your terms at any given point.
(9:32.) All That Is is inexhaustible. Infinity rests within simultaneous action, in a way that you cannot presently understand.
[...] You were aware of the simultaneous dreams, each being experienced in alternate realities. You could not at this point remember both dreams, because the physical brain apparatus could not handle the simultaneous data. [...]
At certain levels the brain can handle simultaneous material, of course, even though you may be conscious of only a smattering of it. The body is aware of multitudinous simultaneous stimuli that consciously escape you, and is able to act on the information. [...]
(But not only had she done it more than once, Sue said: She could recall portions of the simultaneous dreams she’d had on some of those occasions, which was a lot more than I could claim. [...]
(To me:) You are, in a rudimentary fashion, beginning to open up those unused areas of the brain, or you would not have even been aware of the fact of two simultaneous dreams. [...]
[...] In miniature form each day contains, in its own way, clues to all of your own simultaneous existences. [...]
(9:56.) Each day therefore is an incarnation, so to speak, but not only symbolically — for through soul’s intersection with the flesh, each self mirrors daily its “reincarnational” or simultaneous selves.
The adventures of your simultaneous selves, again, appear as traces in your own consciousness, as ideas or daydreams or disconnected images, or sometimes even in sudden intuitions. [...]
Many artists unknowingly paint portraits of their simultaneous selves.3 Many mothers find themselves feeling younger than their offspring at times, or about to call some of their children by different names. [...]
I am aware of a different kind of experience, not linear, and can focus upon and react to an infinite variety of simultaneous events. [...] This ability to perceive and react to unlimited simultaneous events is a basic characteristic of each whole self or entity. [...]
[...] You can only focus upon so many things at one time, and your language structure is not given to the communication of intricate, simultaneous experience.
[...] Therefore, since only the ego is momentarily imprisoned within the focus of your plane, it is only the ego who probes so slowly into simultaneous action, perceiving it bit by bit and sip by sip. [...] The whole self could and does perceive a limitless number of such moment points simultaneously. [...]
[...] And yet this is in itself a division, so to speak, or a kind of value fulfillment, for the simultaneous nature of a given action is here experienced in slow motion, as a child must learn to walk before the child can run.
For to the whole self all personalities that compose it exist simultaneously, and personalities that would appear to you as future personalities are experienced by the whole self in the same dimension as it experiences personalities that you would call past personalities. [...]
[...] The same moment points may simultaneously be experienced in an entirely different fashion, and to a different set of perceptions. [...]
[...] Looking back from my position within the framework of simultaneous time, I’m amazed to see that another ten years passed before the publication of this little book by Amber-Allen/New World Library. [...]
[...] Even though it’s simultaneous, according to Seth, I needed “time” for my long journey of recovery.
[...] Yet even so, as the years passed I began to better see that recovery from Jane’s death was going to take the rest of my life; and that within the framework of simultaneous time uncounted millions of others had experienced that truth, were doing so now, and would be doing so. [...]
[...] That simultaneous time passed with unbelievable depth and swiftness.
[...] The universe did not, then, begin at some specified point in time, or at any particular location in space—for (louder) it is true to say that all of space and all of time appeared simultaneously, and appear simultaneously.
You cannot pinpoint the beginning of the universe—for (suddenly louder) that beginning is simultaneously too vast and too small to be contained in any of your specifications. [...]
That is, not only would they be aware of what seems to you to be past, present and future within your system, but they would be aware of several other systems and be able to function within them simultaneously, gaining and creating experience within all of these systems, even while maintaining overall identity. They would be conscious, for example, of themselves as, say, an entity, and simultaneously they would be aware of separate existences as individuals in various systems. [...]
That which is, is constantly aware of its growing, surging existence, through the diversity of experience which it creates constantly and simultaneously. [...]
[...] These personalities are able to deepen value fulfillment amazingly through an expansion of consciousness that allows them to focus into many areas within the systems and planes simultaneously.
[...] It seems very difficult for you to understand the fact that you live many realities at one time, simultaneously, and since the time scheme seems to be such a reality to you, the multidimensional aspects of your own consciousness are explained in those terms. [...]
All That Is is now, yet within All That Is, are all potentials for development even now, simultaneously, being expressed and each action causes another action, in your terms now, without end. [...]
[...] These portions of the self are all simultaneous; in various stages of consciousness you become aware of other portions of the self, and an I identifies itself with one or another of these.
Since these selves exist simultaneously, it is then possible for consciousness to enter, or really form, such an image, undergo experiences within the characteristic pattern of reality, and then project to another image. [...]
[...] Since all of these selves are simultaneous, it is also possible to project yourself into one of your own previous identities.
[...] I wanted to make it clear that the self at any moment, while being no one thing, being indeed a series of simultaneous happenings, so to speak, is however far from meaningless, containing within it full inner comprehension of its various portions.
[...] However, the entity can be partially defined as the sum of all the selves within a given range of action, the simultaneous totality which on the one hand then cannot yet exist, since action can never complete itself, yet representing that impetus forever frustrated on the part of action for complete materialization.
Therefore each portion of action is aware of its simultaneous experience within all levels. [...]
The “true facts” are that you exist in this life and outside it simultaneously. [...] The deeper dimensions of reality are such that your thoughts and actions not only affect the life you know, but also reach into all of those other simultaneous existences. [...]
[...] There, you can meet other portions of your own personhood that exist simultaneously with your own.
I must remind you once more that all time happens simultaneously, so the confused belief about punishment now, in retaliation for past action would actually be meaningless, since in simultaneous time all actions would be occurring at once.
1. The basic simultaneity of time is the most fascinating of all of Seth’s ideas, I think. [...] I wrote about reconstructing the past, simultaneous time, and dreams early in Note 2 for Session 801. Also see the material on Seth and his simultaneous time in the opening notes for the 806th session.
[...] Second, if one keeps in mind Seth’s ideas about simultaneous time, that basically all happens at once [even considering Seth’s own acknowledgment that time “…is therefore still a reality of some kind to me”], then it hardly matters how long a break transpires between particular sessions; there is no real separation; dictation on any subject or project can be resumed whenever all involved — Jane, Seth, and myself — choose, and it will be as though the break never existed. [...]
[...] These fluctuations are actually simultaneous. It would seem to you as if there would be gaps between the fluctuations, and the description I have used is the best one for our purposes; but the probable systems all exist simultaneously, and basically, following this discussion, the atom is in all these other systems at one time.
[...] The events are held simultaneously.
The various ego structures therefore exist simultaneously. [...]
[...] Instead moment points are experienced fully, developments opening simultaneously, and “events” are recognized as psychic and psychological happenings not necessarily connected with any exterior circumstance.
[...] Along with his addition of simultaneous time, I’d say that the concept of counterparts provides reincarnation with a novel approach indeed; and that our awareness of both has always been latent within the reincarnational framework, whether in simultaneous or linear terms.
… those selves are different counterparts of yourself in creaturehood, experiencing bodily reality; but at the same time your organism itself shuts out the simultaneous nature of experience.
[...] Just before Seth announced his presence to us in that same session, Frank Withers spelled out a remark through the board that meant little to Jane and me at the time: “One whole entity may need several manifestations, even at simultaneous so-called times.”