Results 1 to 20 of 344 for stemmed:signific
Significances fall or happen in certain patterns, and when these become very obvious they appear as cause and effect. They are simply heavy-handed significances. Your associative processes and habits are perhaps the closest examples that can give clues of how significances operate. Even then, however, associations deal with the passage of time, and basically significances do not. You might think of your Aunt Sarah, for example, and in a few moments the associative process might bring you images of periods in the past when you visited your aunt, of her friends and neighbors, the articles in her house, and episodes connected with your relationship.
It also “stamps” or “impresses” the universe with its own imprint. No portion of the universe is inactive or passive, regardless of its seeming organization or its seeming lack of organization. Each consciousness, then, impresses the universe in its own fashion. Its very existence sets up a kind of significance, in whose light the rest of the universe will be interpreted. The universe knows itself through such significances. Each consciousness is endowed with creativity of a multidimensional nature, so that it will seek to create as many possible realities for itself as it can, using its own significance as a focus to draw into its experience whatever events are possible for it from the universe itself. It will then attract events from the universe, even as its own existence imprints the universe as an event with the indelible stamp of its own nature.
Actually the three sets of events could easily occur to the three people at once, and if no normal communication happened no one would be the wiser. The inner tapestry of events deals with just this kind of association. Emotional intensities and significances compose the nature of events. In dreams you work with the kind of intensities involved, exploring multitudinous significances. These are like charged emotional patterns, formed of your own highly personal emotions and intents.
Using such significances as yardsticks, you accept or reject probable events. You imprint the universe with your own significance, and using that as a focus you draw from it, or attract, those events that fit your unique purposes and needs. In doing so, to some extent you multiply the creative possibilities of the universe, forming from it a personal reality that would otherwise be absent, in those terms; and in so doing you also add in an immeasurable fashion to the reality of all other consciousness by increasing the bank of reality from which all consciousness draws.
[...] Those coincidences and significances are indeed giving hints of the actual organization behind the facts of your world. This organization is personally, intimately tuned, in that it gives evidence of a spectacular psychology on another scale that organizes events in a manner that is for each individual personally significant.
[...] The ordinary events of each day are overloaded with coincidences and significances that are nearly invisible because they are so taken for granted, and they are so multitudinous in number, and fit so perfectly into the framework of the days.
[...] He reports feelings of certainty, yet overall you have a tendency, shall I say (with irony) not to focus upon those new significances, those new coincidences, for you think still “in terms of the evidence.” [...]
(11:03.) You are at times ignoring the significant clues, and seeing them instead as insignificant, in the light of the completed normal picture. [...]
[...] Before the session she’d made remarks about it being significant. I agreed that it was but my interpretation of that significance wasn’t as positive as Seth’s, I’m afraid. I didn’t ask Jane what her interpretation of this significance was, by the way. [...]
[...] She told me she’d gotten the feeling from Seth that we’d have a significant dream tonight—of the kind he had talked about a long time ago. She had the feeling the session was “a big thing, significant.” [...]
This is a significant session. [...]
(“In its own way tonight’s session is as significant as the first session we had,” Jane said. [...]
In fact, a significant improvement had begun, for those motions affected all others, beginning to stretch other muscles and ligaments, demanding more circulation, and so forth.
[...] Any improvement in Ruburt’s condition is significant, and should be reinforced.
Ruburt is embarrassed to mention an improvement to you, or to grant any as significant to himself. [...]
[...] Within a literally infinite field of activity, meaningful order arose out of the propensity for significance. Briefly, certain units would settle upon various kinds of organization, find these significant, then build upon them and attract others of the same nature. [...] (Pause.) The particular kind of significance settled upon would act both as a directive for experience and as a method of erecting effective boundaries, within which the selected kind of behavior would continue. The units can and do intermix, yet because of the propensity for selectivity and significance, whole groups of them will “repel” other whole groups, thus providing a protective inner system of interaction.
Your idea of one soul, one self, forms a significance and a selectivity that blinds you to these other realities that are as much “here and now” as your present self. The units of consciousness that compose your physical being alone are aware of those greater significances, to which your limited ideas make you opaque.
[...] It uses a time context instead, with each self given a body and a time; but a knowledge of the ideas of multipersonhood could help you realize that you have available many abilities not being used, latent to you but still important in your entire identity, and significant enough to you personally to be developed.
[...] All kinds of time — backward and forward — emerge from the basic unpredictable nature of consciousness, and are due to “series” of significances. [...]
[...] In each now-moment, you draw from the vast bank of unpredictable actions certain ones that are “significant” to you; and your private idea of significance will result in what then seems to be predictable action.
[...] Having an unpredictable field to draw from, they select activity according to those significances. [...] Various kinds of significances are the result of the units’ individual natures. [...]
(10:36.) Propensity is a selection of significance, an inclination toward the formation of selected experience. [...]
[...] What you think of as daily life is then a focus upon certain probable events above others, a choosing of significances, a selection of pattern. [...]
([The Gallaghers:] “The number 12 may be significant in that one night Bill spoke very loudly in his sleep, saying we had to make our way to 12th Street. [...]
([The Gallaghers:] “Nothing significant that I remember… could be anything in a bookstore, fruit stand or any number of shops we visited.”)
The recent and highly significant release in a certain area is a sign of improvement more significant than you realize. [...]
The letter that Ruburt has written is significant in ways that you have not seen. [...]
[...] Of course, it was more difficult going down the hills—the significance of letting go is more apparent.
The affirmations are of help, and his overall attitude has definitely and significantly changed.
[...] You will also discover that the emotions are highly involved in such procedures: You will perceive information that is significant to you for some reason. That significance will act like a magnet, attracting those data to you.
[...] Ruburt has been exploring the reality of dream levels,3 and in so doing he is beginning to glimpse their significance. [...]
Give us a moment … I said earlier in this book that the world you know arises from basic unpredictability, from which significances then emerge. [...]
4. Seth discussed the basic unpredictability from which significances arise in sessions 681–82, in Section 1. After break at 11:47 in the 681st session, he incorporated this line in his material: “From the ‘chaotic’ bed of your dreams springs your ordered daily organized action.”
[...] There will be other significant data that will be observed, as he learns to use his ability. And much of this significant material that he will observe from his predictions will also apply to dream symbols.
[...] The structure of probabilities provides on the one hand a system of barriers, in which practical growth is not chosen or significant; and on the other hand it insures a safe, creative, rich environment — a reality — in which the idealization can choose from an almost infinite variety of possible actions those best suited to its own fulfillment.
In any system the idealization has already accepted certain kinds of events as significant, and has rejected other (quite-as-probable events) as nonsignificant. [...]
[...] By opening up your minds to new kinds of significances, however, you can begin to glimpse other orders of events4 with which you are quite intimately concerned.