Results 1 to 20 of 157 for stemmed:secret

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 13, 1971 secrets Joel vulnerable Ron divulge

I have a book of secrets. In each life I had secrets. Now I have no secrets, but I will see to it that some of my favorite secrets are written down so that you may read them. Now your secrets leave me completely untouched since I was an illegitimate mother several times, and as a father I sired many that I did not know. Now that was in many of my youths. I was quite a pious old man and woman in many of those lives and completely forgot or justified the errors in course of my youth. And this is why your secret did not bother me either, for I know that each of you have been both male and female and that you simply adapt those characteristics that suit you most at the time.

Now I am sure you recall the evening that we asked for you to tell a secret. Now, tonight I am not going to ask you for a secret but I am going to ask you to tell why you did not tell the secrets that you glossed over. Why, instead, you chose the particular secrets that you did. Now each of you went over very thoroughly in your mind your charged list of secrets. Some of you found to your amazement, that you did not seem to have any such. Others found such a list that you made up priorities.

Now, I want to know two things; what I want you to tell, two things; why you chose to divulge the particular secret that you did and why you did not choose to divulge another. Why you used one secret and cover up for another. I want you to know the answers to the questions. And those of you who were not present at that session may then divulge their initial secrets.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 9, 1971 secrets Valerie Maggie clouds agony

(To Bette.) Now you do not have to fear your secrets or anyone else’s, and you do not have to fear that when you open yourselves up you are only going to find dark terrors, frightening thoughts and horrendous sins of the flesh. [...] And the secret sins that you may think lie within you will not upset the gods one whit. [...] It is the most supreme egotism to imagine that any of your secrets can stand between you and any reality that is. [...]

[...] And for all your fine thoughts, why are each of you, in your secret ways, so afraid of the implications of the word love or showing it here? [...] You are more frightened of that than anything else, not of your secrets. [...] The secrets do not bother you half as much as you imagine that they do. [...]

The feeling of fright and danger is the odor of fears and the secrets. The feelings of fear are the symptoms of the secrets and the fears. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 2, 1971 Ned sad Gert secrets sensitive

I suggest now that when I am finished, for a preliminary starter, each of you tell a secret. Now you may have told this secret to your mate or to those closest to you or you may not have, but one that is not known to the world at large. And in a preliminary step in expressing modesty in this room, and in expressing your own experience and feeling, each of you, therefore, tell a secret and put your beliefs into action. Now some of you will doubtlessly choose secrets that are meaningless but even this is a beginning. I suggest, however, that you choose meaningful secrets for you will benefit. [...]

[...] You all have more than one secret and there will be plenty of time for the rest of them and then you can dance through the grasses and I will lead you with a merry flute, indeed; and then you will not need me to lead you with a merry flute, for you will hear your own music and be able to follow it. These secrets, you know, very important to you, very important to you, are very jovial in the nature of All That Is and hardly significant in the nature of reality. [...]

...that I know your secrets and I will be interested in how long it takes each of you to get to them. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 20, 1971 Florence ii secret Ron observe

[...] You used, literally, a half of your energy repressing these memories and ideas building up a bridge between yourself and the rest of the world in terror that they should discover this secret, and so constructively you could not use this energy. [...] The image that you have has been built around you from these fears so that you would be so secure that none could find out the secret. And the secret when it is said, you see, releases that energy, particularly as you begin to understand that in that past there was nothing shameful. [...]

I have told no secrets. I am very afraid to tell you that I have forgotten what I considered secrets through the lives that I have lived. [...]

(Florence told her secret.)

TMA *Magic Show:* A Poem by Jane Roberts magicians apprenticeship rabbits secret dazzling

What magicians we all are,
turning darkness into light,
transforming invisible atoms
into the dazzling theater
of the world,
pulling objects,
(people as well
as rabbits)
out of secret
microscopic closets,
turning winter into summer,
making a palmful of moments
disappear through time’s trap door.

We learned the methods
so long ago
that they’re unconscious,
and we’ve hypnotized ourselves
into believing
that we’re the audience,
so I wonder where we served
our apprenticeship.
Under what master magicians did we learn
to form reality
so smoothly that we forgot to tell ourselves
the secret?

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 16, 1984 Ergo uttered eating proclamations coves

releases and fills secret contracts

and a secret message

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 16, 1971 Eva Alpha press loyalty grandfather

The secret is the word press. [...]

[...] Relax in the way that is natural to you and forget all ideas of tension and, for now, forget all ideas of trying to ferret out the secrets of the universe. [...]

The secrets of the universe are within you. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 18, 1984 autumn Sierras everywhere gallantry whistle

with a secret life that dances

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Tuesday July 5, 1977 gal Hodgkin sugg Twilight ears

[...] come together in my body better and felt small secret places within my body for which I have no names, relax, open, pools in the back of the ears ripple and relax. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 22, 1984 pussycats cookies Cupboard southern buttercups

the secrets are free,

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 8, 1984 suicide youngsters lowest upward escapist

In most cases these youngsters are actually quite secretive — though the self they show to parents and friends might appear to be lively and gregarious.

[...] Part of the mystique of the suicidal impulse is indeed the secretive aspect — so the very expression of the feeling is beneficial, and leads to better communication.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 8, 1984 proclamations leg glittering tendons hurt

High in the secret mountains

and a secret

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1983 Darlene foot streak leg hydro

[...] The situation reminded me of my wife’s strong secretive streak in her makeup—one much like mine, I thought. [...]

(And speaking of secrets, I forgot to tell Jane that although I slept well last night, I took baking soda before going to bed when my stomach began to bother me a bit. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 568, February 22, 1971 Speakers devil evil soul religions

(10:28.) The methods, the secret methods behind all of the religions, were meant to lead man into a realm of understanding that existed apart from the symbols and the stories, into inner realizations that would take him both within and without the physical world that he knew. There are many manuscripts still not discovered, from old monasteries particularly in Spain, that tell of underground groups within religious orders who kept these secrets alive when other monks were copying old Latin manuscripts.

There were tribes who never learned to write in Africa and Australia who also knew these secrets, and men called “Speakers” who memorized them and spread them upward, even throughout northern portions of Europe, before the time of Christ.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 13, 1984 massaged sweet unrolled Rita boulders

in which dear secrets

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 623, October 25, 1972 Coué ductless pancreas adrenals Emile

1. Hormones are the secretions formed by the ductless glands of the endocrine system — the adrenals, thyroid, pancreas, etc. [...]

UR2 Appendix 14: (For Session 708) Atlantis Critias Plato Solon b.c

[...] Without giving away any “secrets,” I can write that on both occasions Seth discussed the subject in conjunction with his postulates about ideals, myths, religion, probabilities, and the simultaneous nature of time.)

TES3 Session 121 January 13, 1965 telepathy intangible study elementary telepathic

[...] Such evidences of other actualities could serve as important clues, which if followed could then begin to unravel the secrets which are secrets merely because of man’s refusal to pursue them.

TPS3 Deleted Session December 18, 1974 authority economy anonymous secrecy buy

[...] You tell Ruburt to keep it a secret from Leonard that your rent was raised, or you might move—good God!—while your most intimate personal beliefs and inspirations are given to the world. The idea however has been, the more secret you were, each of you, the better off you were, while at the same time your individual and joint creativity would be known. [...]

[...] The land that you own is important, but the visible land that you do not own is also, and you should be in sight of a mountain or some open area, while still having a private “secret” area also.

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 14, 1984 parents sports children shame bodily

[...] No portion of the body should be spoken about in secret, hushed tones. [...]

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