Results 1 to 20 of 25 for stemmed:sail

ECS1 ESP Class Session, August 20, 1968 classes sic choosy sailing withdraw

This room could disconnect itself from this apartment building and go sailing blithely through space. And yet under many circumstances you would not be aware of it, for within the room if it sailed about evenly, the perspective would still be the same. And unless you looked out of the windows you would notice no change. But if the windows were sealed and closed, you would not know the difference, and so until you learn to look out of the windows to the inner selves, then you will not realize what your own environment consists of. For the perspective where you look is the same, and you have nothing to judge experience against. I will let my friend here take a break. He is broken up because he has moved his furniture, but he does not confuse me.

Bega is doing well in his classes, and you are doing well in these classes. You are all developing and growing, whether or not you are consciously aware of it, and when you gather together there are beneficial developments that you do not understand, and that I am not prepared to explain to you this evening, for it would take too much of your time. There is, however, a pooling of inner knowledge that is highly helpful to all of you. I do not expect you to drown in that pool, for I have taught you how to swim, you see. And take care that you look out of the windows now and then, lest you all go sailing past West Water Street.

TPS7 Deleted Session January 3, 1983 tray Sonsire sling swaddled Ken

(6:52.) Seth’s energy helps fill your sails, and in those terms encourages you in proper directions. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 902, February 20, 1980 Bible Abraham ship age Noah

[...] You had clear sailing, so to speak, and the dream was indeed meant as an inner vision of your progress.

[...] I watched the ship sink on an even keel through the blue-green water to the smooth yellow and tan and brown sandy ocean floor—but instead of settling motionless there the ship began to ‘sail’ or plow its way across the ocean bottom, almost as though it were a car moving along a road. [...]

TES1 Session 7 December 13, 1963 blueprint da Yes undecided Gratis

[...] I recall no figures; the sails were a beautiful rich brown, as of woven material or leather; the design of the boat, while simple, was primitive; the water was brilliantly sparkling, the sky very blue.)

TES7 Results of the Gallagher Test Session 294 October 17, 1966 statue verandah San commemoration indentation

(In notes taken from discussion October 28, Bill said 1781 was when the Americans sailed into Nassau and were captured in Revolutionary War.)

TES8 Session 347 June 19, 1967 cues recovery vacation swelling reversal

[...] For a while it is still somewhat more sensitive, for example, to moods or depressions that it would ordinarily sail through. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 10, 1978 inspired guests impulses strangers responding

These were interruptions, and because of your attitudes you thought of them as troublesome interruptions: surely you would have sailed through your work otherwise, or performed chores that you wanted to accomplish; and so because you still do not really understand the effectiveness of Framework 2, those visits added to your sense of concern and hassles with time. [...]

NotP Chapter 9: Session 791, January 17, 1977 dispersed Hamlet actor waking trans

[...] Their products are the seas upon which you sail your ships, the skies through which your airplanes fly, the land upon which your cities sprawl, and the very reality that makes your culture, or any culture, possible.

TES7 Session 293 October 12, 1966 energy October converting maturation demand

[...] It is still sailing along on the original psychic energy with which you both invested it. [...]

TES8 Session 417 June 17, 1968 stream refreshment Cayce emotional prospectus

[...] If a few bits of debris go sailing merrily down the stream (humorously), the answer is not to cut off the stream but to recognize the difference between what the stream carries.

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 536, June 22, 1970 Moses Allah hallucinations Arab guide

[...] Presumably, such a traveler could have reached Constantinople [now Istanbul], by an overland journey across Turkey, which lay north of the Arab lands, or by sailing the eastern Mediterranean around Turkey, through the Dardanelles and so into the city. [...]

TES3 Session 142 March 22, 1965 selves outthrust action Trainor self

(Jane said that tonight her voice felt as though it was being projected out of her as she dictated, that she was swept along by energy other than her own, “like a sail filled with wind.” [...]

TES8 Session 357 July 31, 1967 Venice Pete Jet fire dimensional

He sailed on a ship, certainly with a strange name, for it was called

TES8 Session 401 March 27, 1968 painting seascape transparents apple opaques

Energy fills out the sails of form. [...]

TES2 Session 60 June 8, 1964 matter permanent properties deterioration growth

[...] It fills forms, and as it passes the forms seem to blur, as a wind will fill out the sails and then disappear.

TES6 Session 264 June 1, 1966 shack surgeon trails tropics false

[...] The man, in a green uniform, sailed down a trail and into the air. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 900, February 11, 1980 lampshades light Floyd colors spectrum

[...] As though I was free-sailing…. [...]

SS Appendix: Session 592, August 23, 1971 Essenes Sue records falsified Qumran

Now these were men filled out like sails with the energy of their roles, yet they had to have the personality characteristics of their time. [...]

TES1 Session of January 4, 1964 cobbler Sarah Albert village bullets

[...] They had sails, big sailboats. [...]

TPS1 Session 490 (Deleted) June 25, 1969 controls symptoms Saratoga restraints issue

[...] It could have been clear sailing from there in.

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