Results 541 to 560 of 562 for stemmed:record

TSM Chapter Ten doorway Bill Mark apparition sketch

[...] I did not want to risk moving around, since I had to continue taking notes to make certain that our record was complete.

TES3 Session 93 September 30, 1964 tub Larry leaked pajamas theatre

[...] However she has no written record of the dream, since this was before she had cultivated the habit of keeping a dream notebook. [...]

TES1 Session 27 February 19, 1964 inferiority unjustified Joseph winter explosions

[...] It is difficult for me to have to string out this material in words, and for you to record it. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 711 October 9, 1974 station programs psyche grocer characters

[...] All was recorded, of course. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 715 October 28, 1974 library models Politics Unknown Roman

[...] I think they’re both well worth having on record, since Jane’s experience was a profound one — and, in my opinion, very revealing for what it tells us about how we ordinarily view our mundane physical reality, and about the much more powerful versions, or “models,” for that reality that exist behind it.

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 18 probable selves bike Rob Carl

[...] It has been glimpsed but not recognized as a separate part of the self — in dream recordings and analytic sessions.

TES7 Session 290 October 3, 1966 Wendell tunnel studio reunion Crowley

[...] The object was not kept in a drawer of my desk in the studio, but lay beneath a pile of papers on a shelf of the desk, perhaps a foot above the desk drawer which contains our financial records.

TES2 Session 67 July 1, 1964 Roberts Marshall Louisiana Tom gallery

(This material is inserted into the record here because it is dealt with briefly by Seth in the following session, the 68th.

TES2 Session 46 April 22, 1964 Mark Ed barn discipline son

You, Joseph, dropped your pretty parcel; this is for the record, so I shan’t note the position in which you had her so tenderly enfolded. [...]

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

[...] (I noticed this particularly, since I have tried dictating letters into a recorder, with noted lack of success. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 22 assumptions root air pseudo tangerine

[...] It may be a potential form like any potential object… a record of a form played over and over again.

TES5 Session 235 February 23, 1966 coaster Hack Terwilliger envelope dancing

[...] Our progress will be clear to those who read our records. [...]

TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964 camouflage Callahan cube hypnotism Miss

[...] For the record, you understand that I am referring to egotistical material as that portion that is concerned with the outer camouflage-oriented personality, and that the stronger inner ego actually represents the power and ability behind the outer ego.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 931, July 15, 1981 sinful overlays journal church bonding

[...] We’d known that Emir hadn’t been setting any records since its publication in September 1979, but we’d also thought the book’s sales were respectable enough that the people at Delacorte Press would keep it in print until it became better known. [...]

[...] Jane’s material from her sinful self is obviously too long and complicated to present here, but I stress that one of its main concerns is its genuine and ironic puzzlement as to why man has for so long—probably from even before he started recording his history—persisted in the creation of and reliance upon entities like the sinful self! [...]

[...] We held that one session on the evening of June 18, at the end of Jane’s second day of recording her own sinful-self material.

TES1 Session 33 March 9, 1964 limb confidence wind Kennedy permission

[...] Nor, and this is strictly for the record, since I know that you both understand this, nor am I any so-called spirit.

UR2 Section 4: Session 708 September 30, 1974 sleepwalkers hibernation flesh code secondary

[...] I record each episode [no matter when I have it]. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 941, February 8, 1982 nuclear Iran tmi reactor Russia

[...] These include the thousands of pages of the Seth material, regular and deleted [or private]; Jane’s and my own journals and other miscellaneous manuscripts, written records, and notes; ESP class tapes; some of Jane’s poetry and art, and some photographs of each of us. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 10 Mark Rob furniture arrangements bookcases

[...] It is difficult for me to have to string this material out in words and for you to record it. [...]

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

[...] The effect was remarkably like that of a tape recording played too fast: Her voice went way up the scale, issuing from stiffly held lips. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 801, April 18, 1977 epidemics inoculation Mass Volume finished

[...] I felt a familiar sense of anticipation as I thought of recording the excellent session to come. [...]

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