Results 261 to 280 of 1449 for stemmed:person
This electrical pattern is the personality, with all the experiences of its earthly time. [...] No individuality is lost, but it becomes a part of the inner self, and its experiences are added to the total experience of the many personalities that have composed the inner self.
In the composition and buildup of the personality, you can easily see that dreams, thoughts, emotions and psychological experiences are far more important than any mere physical data. To the personality a joy or a sorrow is far more actual than a table or a chair.
The inner senses can be thought of as transformers, where various kinds of data is sent to proper channels within the personality, channels which bypass ordinary physical channels. [...]
Personal identity, the basic “I”, is a product of the subconscious, and as such it exists as an actuality within the electric field; because of this it is basically independent of the physical field, held to it mainly by the ego. [...]
(When, for instance, would the personality be born, in order to have time to bring about such tremendous changes? [...]
(My questions concerned relationships between the three personalities of the Christ entity: John the Baptist, Jesus Christ, and Paul. [...]
(All of the following historical dates are quite approximate, but they show the overlapping pattern of the physical lives of the three personalities making up the Christ entity.
[...] In the time of Christ there were many such performances, as many personalities felt the force of inner reality and reacted to it.
As you are looking at one photograph in your personal history, that represents your emergence in this particular reality — or the reality that was accepted as official at the time it was taken — so you are looking at a picture of a representative of your species, caught in a particular moment of probability. [...] As you have your recognized, official personal past, so in your system of actuality you have more or less accepted an official mass history (see Note 2). Under examination, however, that history of the species shows many gaps and discrepancies, and it leaves many questions to be answered.
[...] I continued that I was somewhat concerned because the notes for Unknown” Reality were running considerably longer than they had for either Seth Speaks or Personal Reality. [...]
(“A photograph of a given person represents one experienced probable identity, focused in a recognized time sequence. [...]
[...] Ask yourself simply: “Am I looking at the same person?” How familiar or how strange is this second photograph? [...]
The choice was made and is always made by the inner ego, who does this appointing according to his knowledge, or its knowledge, of the personality’s qualities. Any of these subconscious personalities could have learned in some fashion to cope with the outside world as well as the present dominant ego, but for various reasons of inner development they could not be so trusted.
[...] In some important aspects the outer ego is supposed to represent to some degree the subdominant personalities who still dwell in the subconscious. When the outer ego is narrow, and poorly represents these subdominant personalities then they rise up in arms, and when conditions are favorable attempt to express themselves through a momentary weakness on the part of the dominant ego. [...]
It is the ego or directive consciousness behind all personified aspects of the subconscious; in dormant fashion however, and contrary to Jung’s propositions, within the subconscious and in those personified aspects of it will be found remnant memory personalities of past reincarnated selves. [...]
[...] I use the name Jane here rather than Ruburt because the animus belongs to Jane and to the present personality.
Now, each personality is free and you are never imprisoned within time. Each personality is independent. Each personality, therefore, is its own man or, if Ruburt will forgive me, is its own woman. [...] Therefore, actions that you make now can help a so-called past personality. And a so-called future personality will step in and help you along your weary way, but also, your actions now can also affect the future personality as well as the past one. [...]
Your personality is truly multidimensional, and after you have been here for some time, you will realize what the words multi-dimensional really mean, for they mean that you are not imprisoned within time, as you know it, in any way. And your reincarnated selves, or personalities, are not imprisoned in their time, as you think of time. [...]
[...] But the fact that I exist and can communicate should show you in simple terms, and in your terms of reference, that other “higher aspects” of your personality can help you out on occasion and do exist. [...]
(During break Gert told about persons seeming to disappear at the last session.)
There is only a relatively small layer of personal material, and therefore egotistical and distortive material, at the upper reaches of the subconscious. [...] For the record, you understand that I am referring to egotistical material as that portion that is concerned with the outer camouflage-oriented personality, and that the stronger inner ego actually represents the power and ability behind the outer ego.
I will never either suggest or condone a wholesale letting go of outer personality defenses. I am attempting to build up your outer personalities in their dealings with the outside world, while at the same time teaching the inner self spontaneity and freedom. [...]
[...] Directly, so to speak, beneath this personal material in the subconscious, is racial material which could be of great value to psychologists in their study of racial histories, and resulting psychological differences of the various races. [...]
As to the means, the very simplest and crudest but still to be adopted method will prove to be hypnotism, simply because at this point your personalities will not trust their own abilities but must rely upon suggestion from the outside.
[...] A person, then, looking out into the world of trees, waters and rock, wildlife and vegetation, literally felt that he or she was looking at the larger, materialized, subjective areas of personal selfhood.
[...] It is true to say, then, that a portion of you figuratively walks with this other person as he or she goes about separate from you in space.
[...] There seems to be another person involved, not on your part, but on the other party’s side. This person has a strong bearing on the other person’s thoughts. These would be highly negative simply because of your characteristics and the other person’s characteristics. [...]
[...] You see, while you harbor bitter feelings toward any person or any organization you are not free, and you will misinterpret your information to that degree. [...]
[...] They are very strong, but you can have a tendency to emotionally color material that is not personally related to others, so simply watch yourself in that respect, that is all. [...]
[...] Now, these two are not as widely separated as it would appear for in both aspects you were dealing with strong personal relationships. [...]
[...] If you are thinking in terms of secondary personalities, you can prove nothing one way or another. A secondary personality could indeed use gestures that are different (with humor). [...]
[...] While sleeping in your present time, you may have a dream that concerns your personal past, while the dream is concerned with events that you know to have occurred many years ago. [...]
[...] Man will not learn the basic nature of reality by studying the physical universe alone, nor will he learn it by studying the personality as it operates within the physical universe alone.
All layers of the personality are indeed conscious layers. [...]
(In a most amused way the personality said he and the others did not think much of our fumblings around with various tests this evening. [...] Although some instruction was given to personalities on this plane through dreams, it was difficult because of the ever-guarding ego. They were able to accomplish more in the way of education after personalities had left this plane.
[...] I believe the voice and the personality Jane used or displayed this evening was largely male. [...] She used many ahs and ums and other such bridges, but I felt that these reflected the personality’s manner rather than Jane’s groping for the next word or phrase.
[...] The nameless personality said the group had assisted in these dreams, and that Jane had done better psychically, with them, than she had so far done physically. [...] The spokesman said these personalities were on “other” planes, and that he could not contact them.
Everything that is, is a materialization of aware, individualized, inquiring consciousness; and to love this is a personal, almost all-encompassing discipline and devotion. [...]
[...] This is the core of your identity, the psychic seed from which you sprang, the multidimensional personality of which you are part.
Since we are addressing individuals who do identify with the “normally conscious self,” I bring such matters up in this first chapter because I will be using the terms later in the book, and because I want to state the fact of multidimensional personality as soon as possible.
You cannot understand yourselves, and you cannot accept my independent existence, until you rid yourself of the notion that personality is a “here and now” attribute of consciousness. [...]
[...] I hope, therefore, not only to explain the multidimensional aspects of personality, but to give each reader some glimpse of that greater identity that is his own.
[...] It is as you deduced a waiting plane for personalities at certain stages of development. [...]
[...] This is very properly your talent, your talent as a personality at this particular time. [...]
Your own subconscious is the fountain of your individuality and personality. [...]
[...] Dissociation actually is a stronger unity with the creative aspects of your personality. [...]
(In Monday’s session Seth had started a discussion of Jane’s recent visitor, “Augustus,” who had shown definite signs of a subordinate or secondary personality. As we sat for tonight’s session Jane said, “I know what Seth’s going to call Augustus’s other personality: ‘Augustus Two.’” We were amused, thinking of Seth and Seth Two.1 Now, Jane began speaking slowly in trance.)
[...] (Gesturing:) He believed that the individual personality was relatively powerless to understand itself and that it stood precariously alone and undefended, with a chasm of evil beneath and with an unattainable, cold, just, but not compassionate Good (with a capital “G”) above.
[...] Augustus Two did not present himself as obviously “another personality” until after Augustus’s marriage, when the demands of fatherhood and making a living were placed upon him. [...]
[...] The satisfaction of performance leads [her] to more expansive creativity, and to her natural sense of personal power. Through developing those abilities personally, she will contribute to the enjoyment of others. [...]
(Since giving the 848th session for Mass Events, on April 11, Seth has devoted three sessions to personal affairs that Jane and I have let go for a long time. [...]
[...] Roger, let us call him, is an idealist at heart, but he believes that the individual has little power in the world, and so he did not pursue his personal idealism in the events of his own life. “Everyone is a slave to the system.” [...]
[...] I am speaking now of psychic abilities and the reason is again personal, since you have been aware of them in a somewhat different manner. [...] Ruburt, with a different appearance and with different personal background, particularly involving his mother, has been fearful of displaying characteristics that he would consider emotional because the emotional is such a part of his personality, and there has been a distrust here of the strong parts of his personality.
Your personality will also grow through such contacts. I hesitate to point this out, or rather Ruburt is hesitating about letting me point this out, but your present father’s personality would not have been half as hampered had he allowed it such contact. [...]
It should be remembered here that two personalities were allergic to nylon and two were not. Obviously two personalities made such changes in the physical organism that the allergy was brought on. [...] Even though one personality took over for an hour, still for that hour the physical organism itself was a different one.
These four personalities existed however in one physical lifetime. Now to an observer whose time concept was still further segmented, and slowed down in comparison to your own, then theoretically within his time system the four personalities would indeed appear to be four separate existences in fact. [...]
It is interesting to note also that these personalities did alternate, and all were in existence at once, so to speak, even though only one was dominant at a given time. In the same way all so-called past personalities are present in your now, but not dominant. [...]
Again, this does not mean that I am a secondary personality. Reincarnation does mean that we are all multiple personalities with an underlying prime identity. [...]
Whether or not this personality will find merit with Bernard’s old friends is another matter, but a central core of personality must, and will again, take charge. [...]
He intended a strong inner self to take over control of the entire personality. [...]
[...] At the time the course was set and the personality was developed, that had taken a wrong course, for it.
[...] There was a definite splitting of personality elements, and a complete abandonment by the inner self of the ego.
(Note: Jane’s own data mentioned an image of but one person, while she felt that two were involved, or “there.” [...]
The next chapter will deal with my past in your terms, and some of those personalities that I have been and have known. [...]
(Pause.) The next chapter will deal with the experience of any personality at the point of death, and with the many variations on this basic experience. [...]
The next chapter will deal with the emotional realities of love, and kinship between personalities; what happens to these during succeeding reincarnations (pause), for some fall by the wayside and some are retained.
[...] Your mother is not out to kill him personally. His mother was not out to kill him personally. [...]
[...] It is not aimed, it is a rage, enveloping like a storm of nature, enveloping even the personality from whom it emits, so that the mother becomes a victim also.
[...] The main portion of his personality, the integrating functions, the strong core, left, and rejoined the entity years ago. [...]
[...] More than half of your father’s personality has been vacant, and this portion has been with the entity. [...]
[...] The personality has experienced new realities since death, and is no longer precisely the person that was. The person that was exists as a sort of psychological unit, however. The person, the survival person that is, contains all that he was, and more.
[...] It is quite possible, as you should know, under certain circumstances, to contact survival personalities. It is highly difficult however for you to contact your own probable personalities.
[...] Seth also gave a good deal of personal data concerning a Brian Houlihan, a friend of Pat’s and some data concerning Claire and Pat, and answered questions from all of us. [...]
[...] Survival personalities, as you term them, are not separated from you in space either, but in terms of energy focus.