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TES7 Session 290 October 3, 1966 Wendell tunnel studio reunion Crowley

(Seth helped us out with our interpretations after break, as sometimes happens. Whenever possible we prefer to make as many connections between the data and the envelope object as we can on our own. Our purpose in conducting these experiments in this manner is to see what Jane, or Seth, can pick up about a concealed object that bears some kind of emotional charge related to us personally. [...]

[...] Other background material may be necessary to fill in the relationship between Wendell, myself and our friends discussed in the letter, and this will be included in our interpretations of the envelope experiment data. [...]

[...] Some of these were subjective on our part.

[...] This is only speculation on our part. [...]

TES3 Session 103 November 2, 1964 chest peaks wine unscheduled indulgence

[...] Actually there is only a certain rather well-defined period within which the dissociation is conducive to our sessions. That is, while Ruburt drinks socially to some quite limited extent really, the fine balance of dissociation that allows our sessions to begin would not be possible, if for example our Ruburt drank more some evening than good sense would ordinarily permit.

[...] are our names for the stuff of which we compose our images or transpose them into apparent validity. [...]

Our session may be somewhat briefer this evening, to make up for the unscheduled one.

It is of course true that within our rather rigid schedule we miss some excellent occasions for sessions, as far as Ruburt is concerned. [...]

TES2 Session 46 April 22, 1964 Mark Ed barn discipline son

Our witness, our Mark, has had many experiences, as far as what you call apparitions are concerned, and in his case these have been of various types and he has seen them for various reasons.

[...] Then for some time we did not see Ed; the last time was during an overnight stopover in New Paltz, when Jane and I were on our way to York Beach, Maine, on vacation. It will be recalled that it was in the dance hall at York Beach that Jane and I saw the projected fragments of our own personalities, that Seth dealt with so extensively in the 9th session, of December 18, 1963. [...]

Our next session will return to other material, as we have so much of our outline to be covered. [...]

(At 8:55, while Jane and I were discussing their visit and information, Bill Macdonnel arrived, to our surprise. [...]

TES3 Session 143 April 5, 1965 illness visitors Sonja pills Louis

(Because of illness on my part this is our first session since March 22; thus we missed the regularly scheduled sessions of March 24, March 29 and March 31. [...]

(Once again the session was held in our secluded back room. [...]

[...] Also see the 17th and 66th sessions for material on the death of our dog, Mischa.

The conditions of our sessions allow us, on the one hand, more freedom, and on the other hand more control. [...]

TES9 Session 466 March 10, 1969 Tom Virginia Milligans banking merger

There are several issues that have been left hanging in our own sessions, and material that we shall get to. This evening there are several remarks I want to address to our friends here, and some material that they should find helpful.

[...] Now much of the stability in your endeavor is also being provided by our other friend here (Virginia), for without the bedrock you would not find it as easy to lift one spiritual toe from the barren ground. [...]

You know that our other friend is here when you return. [...]

Now our friend here (Virginia) is telepathically aware of most of your inner activities, and it is in a large part through her also that there is an expansion of psychic activity from the two of you outward. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 844, April 1, 1979 nuclear Harrisburg Island Mile smarter

(Our region is supposed to be outside the danger zone — yet we see conflicting newspaper reports about whether the prevailing wind currents would make us vulnerable to the after-effects of a meltdown. [...] Jonestown was far away, remote in another land, I said to Jane, but the potential mass tragedy at Three Mile Island hovers at the edges of our personal worlds. [...]

[...] The question was really based upon our belief, indeed our certainty, that everything in nature is intentional and useful; therefore dreams must fulfill important roles in people’s lives — but how, in ordinary terms? [...]

[...] On the 19th we received from our publisher for checking the proofs of the index for Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality, then two days later the proofs for the front matter of Psyche arrived. [...]

[...] Then Jane proceeded to come through with much evocative material on dreams — our second reason for excerpting the session for Mass Events. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 846, April 4, 1979 Jonestown cult fallout reactor Island

[...] Some government officials say that the reactor may never see service again, that it may end up junked, or as a sealed mausoleum, a mute symbol of our nuclear age. [...] And above all, our energy experts maintain that the United States has traveled too far along the nuclear path to turn back now.

[...] Yet I could see that I confused Jane, for to make such a venture possible we’d have to change certain beliefs and values that are deeply rooted within us; especially those about personal privacy and our reluctance to “go public” with such topical, immediate material, instead of trusting that the Seth material will exert a meaningful influence in society over the long run. [...]

[...] Anyhow, we’d have to check to see whether our publisher is set up to market a book that quickly, or would even want to.”

One remark: As far as your participation as of now in our books, it might be better, Joseph (as Seth calls me), if you do not think in terms of notes so much, but instead in terms of your writing contribution. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 8, 1984 suicide youngsters lowest upward escapist

[...] We are actually involved in changing a way of life, in altering our very view of the self and the world in the hopes of acquiring a new sense of harmony with our bodies, our minds, our fellow creatures, and the environment.

TPS7 Deleted Session June 3, 1982 cost medical St bill dollars

[...] Or I’ll call Upjohn with our new twice-a-week schedule. [...] But a major reason for our reducing the nurses’ visits is to get rid of the constant negative suggestions they unwittingly broadcast, all in the name of trying to be helpful. [...]

[...] Our ideas have changed. [...]

(The whole medical bit is turning into a farce, in our view. [...]

TES4 Session 183 August 30, 1965 calendar test intensity clipping solution

(In the 3rd session, December 6,1963, Frank Watts told Jane and me that we had lived lives in Mesopotamia, our first, in the 4th century BC. Frank Watts and I were females, Jane was a male, our brother, and his name was Seth.

[...] Thus Jane, myself, and our present communicator, Seth, are related psychically; it is this that makes our sessions possible, according to Seth.)

(The session was held in our small back room. [...]

[...] You might say, returning to our analogy, that there is more color-mixing within the dream state, and the materials are immediately at hand. [...]

TES7 Jane’s Notes Monday, September 26, 1966 Barb Greenwich Connecticut stingers Rob

(Unfortunately it was a display; at least this is our way of looking at it and certainly our way of looking at it must be the most important one and our attitudes must guide our actions; no one else’s attitudes. [...]

[...] Barb and I drank our stingers and divided Rob’s. She talked about her past; suicide attempts, miscarriages, operations; very emotionally charged. [...]

[...] The control must be in our conscious hands, however; regardless.

(I do not know if our attitude toward this type of thing is too rigid; that is, if it would seem so to others; the Gallaghers, for instance. [...]

NotP Chapter 1: Session 755, September 8, 1975 psyche canvas brushstroke artist greater

Now the psyche in our analogy is both the painting and the artist, for the artist finds that all of the elements within the painting are portions of himself. More, as he looks about, our artist discovers that he is literally surrounded by other paintings that he is also producing. [...]

[...] Later in the session Jane felt that Seth was taking her on a guided tour of Jerusalem, way back in the first century A.D. None of this consisted of book work, though, so the session remains in our files along with other material that we hope to publish one day.

[...] No brushstroke is ever really wiped out, however, in this mysterious canvas of our analogy, but remains, further altering all the relationships at its particular level.

[...] Since this is our analogy, we can stretch it as far as we like — far further than any artist could stretch his canvas (leaning forward humorously). Therefore, there is no need to limit ourselves. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 8, 1970 Florence puritan umbrella guts violence

(To Arnold.) I have a few remarks for our friend over here. [...]

(To Florence.) Now, this will doubtlessly be our very tardy Lady of Florence. [...]

Now, if there ever was a puritan remark it was the one that just escaped our friend, Ruburt’s lips, for in his mind still, you see, you must have this purpose and be active and it is wrong to simply go back to bed for no better reason than that you want to go back to bed. [...]

And now after our new friends see what a playful personality I am with a sermon like that, I will let you take your break. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 821, February 20, 1978 dna epidemics myths disasters Christ

[...] But now it seems that when science claims to understand the workings of a molecule of DNA, for example — the “master molecule” of life, as it’s often called — science then states that it’s stripped away the mystery of DNA and reduced our functions to easily understood mechanistic ones. But Jane and I maintain that grasping the marvelous workings of DNA should instead increase our sense of the wonder and mystery of life. [...] Why does science want us to live thinking that we’re creatures programmed only for the survival of our selfish genes? Even the biologists (and other scientists) who insist upon our mechanistic bases do so with feeling!

A number of scientists — biologists, zoologists, and psychologists, among others — have recently published highly praised books in which they claim to show how our genes manipulate our individual behavior with only their own genetic survival at stake, even when we think we are displaying subjective qualities like altruism. [...]

(In line with doing things differently, no session was held last Saturday night because over the weekend we decided to give up the Monday–Saturday session routine we’ve followed for the last eight months, and return to our original practice of holding sessions on Monday and Wednesday evenings. [...]

2. I underlined the word story (like this) in Seth’s material just to remind the reader that the Christ figure symbolizes our idea of God and his relationships. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 4, 1983 milligrams Joan dosage birthday Lorrie

[...] She gave me also our copy of our medical records, but we were so busy I barely looked at them. [...]

[...] During our conversation Jane said that today—November 4—was her mother’s birthday. [...]

TPS1 Session 557 (Deleted Portion) October 28, 1970 threatened artistic fear overaggravated deduction

[...] They were meant, in some instances, to protect your artistic self, if you recall our last session. [...]

Read that over and ask me whatever questions you want to at our next session, or if you have questions now I will answer them.

My heartiest regards to you and our friend. [...]

TES2 Session 53 May 13, 1964 Dalmatian brief peaks harm tanned

Do not feel too badly that our sessions are so disrupted this week. [...] I always want to make an appearance, however, at our appointed time, as this much at least is necessary so that you both know that despite unfortunate circumstances contact between us is being maintained.

We have of course much to be added to our discussion of principle laws, but the laws will wait. [...]

TPS5 Jane’s Dream Sunday, June 3, Nap. shadows Scene hide shackles storage

[...] Some men, maybe police, come in and we hide in the shadows; a door beside is going to open so we get down and drag ourselves on our bellies to another door at the end of the room to hide in the shadows. [...] As we move toward door shadows, almost same, I see one woman carrying Rob’s landscape (the one in our bedroom) pushing it ahead of her. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 10, 1982 Hal wildlife infection elbow medical

[...] To some extent your own do-it-yourself attitudes kept you from such experience, and as long as Ruburt lacked it, and as long as you lacked it (with much more emphasis than I’d heard Jane use as Seth in a long time), you would both still have doubts about the nature of our own work as applied to such matters—and this goes beyond the confines of our work in ways I will try to clear later. [...]

(After all our hurrying to get supper over with—rather later than usual—we seemed to run out of steam. [...]

I will give you more at our next encounter. [...]

[...] I think that my appreciation of wildlife has grown considerably since we’ve encountered so much trouble physically in our own lives: the sheer ability to move with nature’s grace and skill has gradually become very important, and to me the animals express this quality perfectly: the ‘coons, the deer, the dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, chipmunks; the birds, and yes, even the insects....)

ECS2 ESP Class Session January 13, 1970 garden plants joy flower Florence

[...] It is true that our reality cannot be translated in your emotional terms. Emotions, as you know of them, represent but the smallest glimmerings of our reality. [...]

Now, again, no embarrassment is meant to our Lady of Florence. [...]

[...] And that is why I told our friend that his humor could be his salvation. [...]

And it sings now through each of you as it sings through me, and as it sings through the plants that “belong” to our Lady of Florence. [...]

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