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TPS6 Deleted Session January 27, 1982 cottage Paul Neill explore willingness

In a fashion this would indeed represent a very desirable arrangement over a period of years, one that Ruburt could take advantage of, one that could serve you by also presenting you with a different framework through which to view your painting and visual world, one in which the idea of water as motion was always present. [...]

[...] A place of relative privacy, and yet one in which you would not be unknown or isolated, one in which in fact the 458 West Water Street connections would continue to operate, with Paul of course as mediator. [...]

[...] It would give you the chance to explore different aspects of nature, quite simply, some different species of plants or animals, but one in which water itself is the ever-pervading main element. [...]

[...] Animals playing are always exchanging healing transformations of energy from one to the other. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 30, 1978 civilizations Poett official treachery horizontal

In those ancient times, mentioned earlier, one civilization cared not a whit about any other whose existence was known. One did not depend upon the other. It now becomes apparent that a war, or near-war in one country is a threat to all others, and man’s consciousness at the level we are discussing is struggling to attain a planetary concern, a sense of life’s balances.

[...] We discussed the amazing facts that the American civilizations had existed for centuries concurrently with the European and Far Eastern ones, but with each totally isolated from the other. [...]

(This idea reminded me of one I’ve mentioned rather often to Jane lately about watching the news on TV—a recent habit that it seems we’ll soon dispense with. [...]

[...] But I saw similarities of course between those various news events happening in far portions of the earth today, and the thought that the American and European civilizations had existed for so long on the same planet, yet completely unknown one to the other.

TES9 Session 447 November 11, 1968 Dave Estelle Craigs Michael triangle

[...] He was at one time, he was at one time his father’s uncle.

[...] You did not save his life one time, you helped him save his soul, and he gallantly returned the favor; for he at one time was tempted to use his abilities for power and to use the priesthood for gain, and on that occasion you stopped him. [...]

Good evening to our new friends and to our old one. [...]

[...] You are the one who is always in control, and you knew before you and your wife met, subconsciously, the circumstances that had gone before, and the reason for your meeting, and your son knew. [...]

TPS1 Session 490 (Deleted) June 25, 1969 controls symptoms Saratoga restraints issue

The religious element in one way or another has always been a strong one. It has at one time or another in various lives been on the side of the strongly disciplined portions, in which case it was greatly given to dogma, and concerned with cultural problems of punishment and law; or followed the intuitive side, in which it emerged as mediumship, and high mysticism.

One evening dancing, he tried consciously too hard, so that he tensed the muscles as he was trying to use them, and there was a physical result then. [...] The physical symptoms now remaining are a direct result of these contradictory messages being given—one relax let go, the other wait, now, not so fast, slow up.

It chose an environment where hardship would automatically teach a certain discipline, and yet one in which the psychic nature of the circumstances would also permit intuitive creative growth. [...]

The psychic development was one of the main issues of importance he had been waiting for, and several circumstances had to be met first. [...]

TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964 camouflage transportation space disentanglement expansion

[...] See page 309 [in Volume One of The Early Sessions]. [...] It was a warm and windy spring night, very beautiful, and during the session one of the living room windows was open.

[...] Again, the dream world, which is a very vivid one and a valid one, does not take up any space at all. [...]

[...] For one thing our Ruburt is a Doubting Thomas from way back, and evidence of the inner senses that are experienced outside of our sessions help along these lines. [...]

[...] We shall call the eighth inner sense the sense of disentanglement; and it is one of the most basic inner senses. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 804, May 9, 1977 senility biological alien defense social

While each individual springs privately into the world at birth, then, each birth also represents quite literally an effort — a triumphant one — on the part of each member of each species, for the delicate balance of life requires for each birth quite precise conditions that no one species can guarantee alone, even to its own kind. [...]

[...] This inner environment is as pertinent and vital to the species’ well-being as is the physical one. [...] When there is an earthquake in another area of the world, the land mass in your own country is in one way or another affected. [...]

[...] In any given period of time, with one physical body, he can anticipate or perform an infinitely vaster number of events — each one remaining probable until he activates it.

[...] If, for example, one adult human being were perceived by an alien from another world, certain facts would be apparent. [...]

TES9 Session 433 September 2, 1968 nontime road game systems aid

[...] (Pause; emphatic:) you did not bring forth response from one another. [...] You did not challenge one another. [...]

[...] Jane kept on speaking as Seth.) You could say that various time systems are like games, and there are many of them; and in each one the rules and the goals are different. In your system one of the rules is that you forget you are playing a game in order to concentrate better on the affairs at hand.

[...] If ever a hatred was generated, then the relationship usually continued in one way or another through several existences. [...]

[...] A personality then, starting out with one main purpose, may find itself involved in experience that opens new areas, and it may pursue them. [...]

TES3 Session 92 September 28, 1964 dreamer dream cohesiveness object universe

[...] One dream object has reality then in four or five different levels of reality simultaneously, the one object being more than itself, and equal to realities that have existed or will exist in your past or future; the past and future being therefore contained simultaneously within the dream object, by virtue of a quite real psychic contraction and expansion.

[...] The only difference is that your conscious energies are focused upon only one rather minute aspect of creation, and all other larger fields of activity are closed off by the outer senses, simply so that the bulk of your attention be momentarily fixed upon one small area.

Considerable confusion can result if a dream from one level of the subconscious is interpreted in the light of data which belongs to another level entirely. [...]

And while it may seem that all dreams are random conglomerations of unrelated symbols or events, we will see that one of the most important attributes of any dream is indeed discrimination.

TPS3 Deleted Session November 18, 1974 ape instincts identification pygmy grandfather

[...] At one point Ruburt saw the ape still male, and then a portion of himself sitting at the library table, for in your position it is the animal instincts themselves that propel you to search for answers, to write books, to explore in your particular way. [...] Ruburt’s idea was still one of controlling those instincts and his “animal” abilities. [...]

[...] The male figure however represented the fact that he believes that strong muscular motion is a male characteristic, and not one that he feels belongs to mentally oriented males. [...] Here indeed he saw a symbolic representation of Ruburt—not one that could be physically materialized with his bone structure as a woman, but a figure of idealistic physical proportions that also possessed great mental faculties to match.

[...] The notion of one life at a time, in any time period, is bullshit—the psyche is so rich that it can have more than one life at a time—like your Nabene and Roman lives together, in the first century A.D. But if you tell people that you’ll get them all confused....”

(I said I’d been wondering about the apparent conflicts I’d come up with concerning those two lives; if my intuitions, or recall or whatever, were correct, I’d set two lives simultaneously for myself, one in Italy and one in the Mideast. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, August 3, 1971 Margie Wally joy class strangers

([Gert:] “Would you help me with one thing, please? [...] I don’t know what, but I feel there is something there that should be worked out, so I gave myself the suggestion for a dream concerning this, and I got one which dealt with my older brother Tommy. [...]

[...] If you would allow yourselves the freedom to meet, not some great teacher, not to run from teacher to teacher, but if you could meet the vitality within one cell, even one molecule of your body, you would have no need for questions. [...]

[...] I would like you to try to sense the similarities and the differences and particularly the differences in your own reaction to other students for there are some important ones. And in one of these classes you have been a member for some time (Margie), so have you (Wally). [...]

[...] Also because I have said what I wanted to say, and I hope you heard our friends’ interpretation for it was a good one (Joel) and this was a good one also (Wally). [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 565, February 1, 1971 probable act validity infinite selves

[...] They are carried out as effectively as the one you chose to accept. If there was a strong emotional charge behind one of the rejected probable actions, it may even have greater validity as an act than the one you chose.

[...] You choose one of these, and by your decision you make one event out of the three physical. [...]

(10:19.) Each probable system of reality of course then creates other such systems, and any one act, realized, brings forth an infinite number of “unrealized” acts that will also find their actualization. [...] The divisions between them are arbitrarily decided upon as a matter of convenience, but all exist simultaneously, and each one supports and adds to the other. [...]

Ideas that you have entertained and not used may be picked up in this same manner by other probable you’s. Each of these probable selves consider themselves the real you, of course, and to any one of them you would be the probable self; but through the inner senses all of you are aware of your part in this gestalt.

TPS3 Session 762 (Deleted Portion) December 15, 1975 bathroom walk respond driveway faster

You took one small but important area—one that bothered him deeply, and frightened him; narrowed it down, so to speak, pointed out a simple but effective method of operation to be followed. You clearly made it known that you expected him to behave in that one regard in a different manner. That one habit and no other was to be changed. [...]

[...] The physical patterns are of course the results of inner ones, but the deliberate breaking of a physical pattern serves as a physical example that those patterns can indeed be broken, and helps break the exterior hypnotizing effects of continued repetitious action of a given kind.

He did well in other areas when you were concentrating only upon the bathroom, for he ceased worrying, concentrating upon one area where he could and did improve.

TES5 Session 219 January 3, 1966 Lorraine Bunn test box Mansfield

[...] If you are thinking in terms of Dunne’s theories, then start out with this moment point as it is seen in time one by self one.

The ego can perceive only certain portions of any given moment point or present instant, and it sees the moment point indeed as if it were one of a series of lights that approaches the ego from one side, and passes him by on the other side. [...]

Other portions of the self, on the one hand, are not so limited. [...] However, these selves are not limited as is the ego to one main field of perception only, in the manner which Dunne believes. [...]

[...] The ego does not perceive the communications, obviously; but the ego, you must understand, is not self one alone, it is only a portion of self one, or the physical self.

TES4 Friday, October 15, 1965 Two Dreams by Jane Butts radio apartment staircase pack awoke

(The first one was not pleasant. The second one left me with strong feelings of joy and discovery, seemingly out of all proportion to the dream itself.

(Since Seth gave us the material on therapeutic dreams last Wednesday, I began suggesting that I would experience one, as I was in a bad mood generally speaking and had been for a week; also I felt poorly with aches and pains etc.; nothing serious but annoying.

[...] The first dream was entirely forgotten until I had completed writing my notes on the second dream, then I recalled the first one.

[...] It seems very dark, with two rather than three windows, and the middle one is blocked partially. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 657, April 18, 1973 reinforce past beliefs current mercy

[...] Then in one way or another, according to your own individual situation, make one physical gesture or act that is in line with your belief or desire. [...] The act can be a very simple one. [...] If you are poor, it can involve such a simple thing as buying an item you want that costs two cents more than the one you would usually buy — acting on the faith, even that feebly, that the two cents will somehow be given you or come into your experience; but acting as if you had more than you do.

The above is one of the most important sentences in this book in practical terms, and working within the framework of time as you understand it. [...]

[...] One person may be completely free physically and in excellent health, and yet, because of certain experiences, begin to doubt his ability to get along with others. [...]

In almost all cases of present limitation, there is one main theme in that particular area: The individual has schooled himself or herself to stress “negative” aspects, for whatever reasons.

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 912, April 30, 1980 genetic triggering Rembrandt conceptualize fetus

[...] Why isn’t there at least one artist in all of the world painting today whose ability equals Rembrandt’s, and who uses that great gift to evoke the depths of compassion for the human condition as Rembrandt did? For in my opinion there isn’t such a one around. [...] To link the “great masters” with our species’ reincarnational intents and drives, as Seth mentions in this session, opens up a new field for understanding my question, and a very large and intriguing one indeed.

[...] I did have a question for Seth now—one made up of a number of questions, actually, and another one of my favorites. [...]

Again, the genetic system is a far more open one than is usually supposed. [...]

Genetic dreams of one kind or another continue throughout your lives, whether or not you are consciously aware of them. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 9, 1971 predestination Joel Florence slums justify

Now, I cannot sing along with Mitch, but I do have something to say to this one (Sue) and that one (Joel) and, to some extent, to all of you and it is this. [...]

[...] For example, I was thinking of the Los Angeles earthquake, one man walked out into the street and was killed by a brick. What made this one person in the entire building walk out?”)

([Theodore:] “The ones he can or the ones he thinks he can?”)

[...] The question was raised, where is consciousness when one is in trance?)

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 578, April 5, 1971 Speakers ten training number Christ

[...] One Speaker heard another’s lesson in the dream state. On the other hand, pertinent physical data was also communicated one to another in the dream state, and both states were utilized to a high degree. [...]

[...] We were left hoping that intuitively the list would be an appropriate one.

[...] Here’s question number one: You said you’d tell us about the third Christ. [...]

[...] Jane’s pace was quite slow.) The Christ entity was one. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 22, 1981 Sinful redeemed grace church Self

[...] When his creative abilities found contemporary scientific thought also too narrow, however, and his natural intuitions had led him toward a new framework—one that, again, introduced values having to do with the nature of consciousness, or soul—then the new ideas began to conflict directly with the old buried ones, particularly those that had to do with the conflicts between creative expression, the church, and “forbidden knowledge.” [...]

[...] How does one live until that happens? [...]

The child at such a time for one thing is not in the situation to do conflict with belief systems—it is too young and dependent. [...]

[...] The Sinful Self identification is a particularly unfortunate one, for to “be good” means that the child must consider itself bad or sinful. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 897, January 21, 1980 Billy David divine model weather

In reply to another of my questions, she said her emotional charge was also involved with the death of our cat, Billy One, in February 1979. Billy One had been, obviously, the predecessor to the Billy we have now; the present Billy is remarkably similar to him in looks and temperament. [...] “I wish we’d called this one Willy, but I know that’s all superstitious nonsense.”

Such an idea is much like some scientific ones, that see the universe running down, [with energy] being dissipated and order gradually disintegrating into chaos. Both versions conceive of a finished creation, though one is a divine production and the other is a result of nothing more than happenstance.

(Long pause at 9:37, one of many.) This divine psychological process—and “process” is not the best word here—this divine psychological state of relatedness forms from its own being worlds within worlds. Your universe is not the only one. [...]

[...] Once again, also, we are considering a model that is based upon the active cooperation of each of its parts, which in one way or another also participate in the experience of the whole.

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