Results 1 to 20 of 89 for stemmed:neighborhood

UR2 Section 6: Session 739 February 24, 1975 hill house trees neighborhood fireplace

Now you think of dogs as friends of man, and you personify gods in human terms. You think of them sometimes as guardians. In those terms, now, trees are also guardians. They are attached to the people they know. You cannot put a leash on them and walk them around the block, yet trees form a protective barrier about, say, a home or a neighborhood. They are actively concerned. They have personalities — certainly to the same extent that dogs do, yet of an entirely different nature. They respond to you. The trees in that (hill house) neighborhood then are particularly friendly, strong, and protective, and they will help renew your energies.

The hill house neighborhood is composed of a rather beneficial balance: No particular family of consciousness predominates. Instead, a love of woods and trees transcends such classifications. The area has brought together diverse kinds of people, united by love of nature, some airy spaces, and some privacy … The people are also achievers of one kind or another, and while [your goals may be different] you appreciate the fact that they are trying to do something with their lives. Many are aware of their limitations. Many dabble in the arts.

So, I said to Jane, not only are we stirring things up by moving out of the apartment house, but we’re entering a situation where we will be staying put while others move away. Obvious, but intriguing: We’ll be joining the present residents of the hill neighborhood in forming a newer psychic and psychological entity than the one that existed before we arrived. Yet the full picture of our moving should include not only the myriad probabilities growing out of our own actions, but all of the probable developments involving that house next door: Whatever happenings take place there — which we’ll help create — are bound to have their effects upon us.

(We’ve also discovered that several other professional people who live near the hill house maintain offices in the old near-downtown neighborhood surrounding the apartment house.)

TPS3 Session 721 (Deleted Portion) November 25, 1974 ctns muscles parents house Tues

[...] At book’s end Jane just laughed and said: “Well, it looks like we just moved our old neighborhood up here—or at least a version of it....”

(Certainly the house affair is a good demonstration of at least some of the elements contained within The “Unknown” Reality—But then, The “Unknown” Reality can just as well be translated in ordinary terms like houses and neighborhoods as any other way....)

SS Part One: Chapter 5: Session 524, April 20, 1970 subordinate coordinate angles points units

[...] There is an ever-so-minute alteration of gravity forces in the neighborhood of all of these points, even of the subordinate ones, and all the so-called physical laws to some extent or another will be found to have a wavering effect in these neighborhoods. [...]

Some people can sense such neighborhoods instinctively. [...]

UR2 *With Winged*, a Poem by Jane Roberts Winged swoop foreshadows swirl curled

Birds of curved dimensions
Have their neighborhood
Limited by ceiling’s
Weight of bone and blood.

TPS3 Deleted Session February 19, 1975 Foster house hill privacy formality

[...] You do not want to move into an overly friendly neighborhood. [...]

The private-type yards, the house on its own knoll, say clearly “We are not neighborhood barbecue people.” [...]

There are points to be considered also in the Levine affair, for our bemused Dr. Levine would cut out all of nature, you think, if he had the chance, and as Ruburt said, sterilize the neighborhood. [...]

[...] There are alliances and understandings in neighborhoods—signs for others to read. [...]

TPS5 Rob’s Dream Wednesday Morning, January 30, 1980 indeterminate brown brownish station slim

[...] Anyhow, he used a phrase that I remembered when I woke up: “I live in a brown-paper-bag part of town,” meaning a lower middle-class neighborhood; he implied that that was his station in life, and that he had no idea of trying to change it, or felt that he couldn’t. In the dream I wore a brown faded coat and perhaps a small matching hat. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 693 April 29, 1974 Markle estate Joseph house Sayre

[...] Driving through Sayre,1 Pennsylvania, one Sunday afternoon, Joseph noticed a house for sale in a neighborhood he knew — and remembered that it had belonged, in his memory, to a man of whom his mother had been fond. [...]

(Pause at 10:33.) The second house had no garage, and was not in as fashionable a neighborhood, but it had its own elegance. [...]

[...] My family lived in the neighborhood Seth describes from 1922 (when I was 3 years old) to 1931 (when I was 12), then moved to the opposite end of town. [...]

[...] Curbs or no, the neighborhood has changed remarkably little considering the number of years involved. [...]

TES8 From Session 334 April 12, 1967 Gallaghers Metropolitan spy bus federal

[...] There is a bus stop in front, and churches in the neighborhood. [...]

TES3 Session 95 October 7, 1964 Philip plane John compulsion entity

And incidentally, the events I mentioned in connection with Philip's neighborhood did occur indeed, as a check upon the newspapers might well show.

(“How about a clue as to those events in John’s neighborhood, in Williamsport?”)

[...] See page 58 for a brief resume of the material involving John Bradley’s neighborhood in Williamsport, PA. [...]

TES8 Impressions Given in Session 333 on April 10, 1967 Gallaghers constables antique combos hobnail

([Jane added:] Peg in this exact neighborhood for specific reason. [...]

TPS1 Session 367 (Deleted) October 1, 1967 overconscientious success Crowders unworthy spontaneous

[...] This is the Irish grandmother, the mother, and the neighborhood shouting: Jane, do not run. [...]

[...] For she flaunted the neighborhood and the Irish background physically in her youth, and paid, and Ruburt fought it intellectually, and feels he must pay.

[...] No one in his neighborhood did, you see. (Pause.) He denies himself then out of fear. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 740 February 26, 1975 infinities infinite Millers Corio finite

The odds against such a “coincidence” developing would be astronomical — except that the Millers had lived in a neighborhood close to the hill house several years ago (when the acquaintanceship with Louise Akins had been made), had moved out of state, then returned to buy the house next door to us. [...] Interesting, that Frank Corio had been instrumental in bringing the Millers back to their favorite neighborhood, when in a city the size of Elmira there are at any time a number of homes for sale in “desirable” neighborhoods, including “ours.”

[...] Why did Jane and I move into a neighborhood in which such a house connection could develop to begin with? [...]

TES4 Session 182 August 28, 1965 Bill hay kill fever mother

[...] Also, Jane confused the corner grocery in her neighborhood with the grocery in Bill’s neighborhood, which was located in the middle of a block. [...] Bill had looked up to the man running the grocery store in his neighborhood.

TMA Session Two August 11, 1980 Brenner rational deer Floyd magical

[...] You saw your old neighborhood (on June 10, 1980)1 the Brenner’s place, with animal and industrial waste all over the yard. [...]

[...] All of us kids in the neighborhood had been fascinated by the deer, which had been painted brown. [...]

[...] I exclaimed to Floyd Waterman that vandals had done the damage — young kids that I knew were causing trouble in the neighborhood. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 5: Session 525, April 22, 1970 coordinate emanations Coast Utah revamping

Briefly, in your own country, the West Coast, portions of the East Coast, Utah, the Great Lakes, the Chicago area, the Minneapolis area, and some other southwestern areas, are in those neighborhoods of excellent coordinate activity, for the reasons given. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 31, 1984 custard yolk Frank Trenton quavering

Alone, they carry within themselves the splendor of unknown knowledge, and they arise from the deep founts of Ruburt’s life, containing within themselves the neighborhood and world in which he grew, the power and vitality of the people he knew, the resourcefulness and energy that composed reality. [...]

TPS3 Session 730 (Deleted Portion, First Part) January 15, 1975 monkey Carol leash Larry class

(The next day Jane called the electric company to see if there had been a power failure, even momentarily, in our neighborhood. [...]

TES2 Session 63 June 17, 1964 antimatter perspective ball interval Philip

[...] John Bradley set to work drawing a map of his neighborhood in Williamsport. [...]

(A copy of the map John drew of his neighborhood will be found on the following page.)

[...] Each dot and x represents a house, the x’s representing families with children in the neighborhood. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 665, May 23, 1973 flood riots catastrophes region local

Urban renewal projects ripped up the homes of the poor and destroyed older established neighborhoods. [...] Through various manipulations, all underground, they were kept out of the “better” neighborhoods.

TPS5 Session 851 (Deleted Portion) May 7, 1979 overnight abstinence ve dissolve deleted

In this neighborhood (gesturing), Ruburt’s symptoms were a social statement also to the neighbors at large in the new environment: better than a note upon the door, that neither of you were to be bothered, but ignored. [...]

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