Results 321 to 340 of 1470 for stemmed:natur
Any action that affects the physical individual also has its reality within many other fields, and its effects and its nature are felt within them. [...] This climate is more than the result of the materials or subject matter or nature of which the work is composed. [...]
This again concerns the nature of action, and I will in our next session begin to discuss the emotions as they are related to, and part of, action. Ruburt’s momentary exhaustion this evening is a simple, natural result here of ordinary counterthrusts of emotional action and reaction.
[...] The physical universe is far more complicated than you know, and you understand little about its origins or even about its nature.
[...] You will find your own way through complicated mazes of reality according to your own intuitional nature. [...]
You have completely forgotten the chaos and unpredictable nature it presented to you before learning processes were channeled into specific directions. [...]
You must learn to differentiate between many forms that may appear in many ways similar enough, to seem to be of identical nature. [...]
[...] (Pause.) It is in one way the natural order of the material, but also your own development was my beginning point. [...]
[...] (Reincarnational relationships.) It is quite natural that others in your acquaintanceship who are experimenting should go through a stage in which it seems to them they are receiving information from me. [...]
The constant motion within them is caused by the constant perceptive nature of any consciousness, however minute in your terms. [...]
[...] Remember also in your terms that the seemingly independent perceived event and its nature is changed and altered by your own perception of it.
[...] Whatever the conditions, do not undervalue the nature of learning, or its importance—the nature, that is, of true learning. [...]
Neither of you had much experience of a particular nature in dealing with the medical aspects of the world. To some extent your own do-it-yourself attitudes kept you from such experience, and as long as Ruburt lacked it, and as long as you lacked it (with much more emphasis than I’d heard Jane use as Seth in a long time), you would both still have doubts about the nature of our own work as applied to such matters—and this goes beyond the confines of our work in ways I will try to clear later. [...]
[...] I think that my appreciation of wildlife has grown considerably since we’ve encountered so much trouble physically in our own lives: the sheer ability to move with nature’s grace and skill has gradually become very important, and to me the animals express this quality perfectly: the ‘coons, the deer, the dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, chipmunks; the birds, and yes, even the insects....)
[...] When you are most yourself, you have the clearest channels to the fountainhead of your being, for you are acting according to the nature, the unique nature, of yourself—and also stressing the great infinity of being from which your own uniqueness emerges. [...]
The individuality may be of a completely different nature than that with which you are acquainted. [...]
This still is to say that the divine psychological fabric forms all individuality, naturally, spontaneously, and that you cannot have one without the other.
The paraphernalia, arranged in neat cubbyholes, to you represented paraphernalia of a subjective nature that stood between your father and the use of his abilities. [...]
It is possible, of a telepathic nature, and at the same time that you see him.
[...] You predispose yourselves toward the construction of events of a particular nature, to which of course you then react.
[...] The child’s first steps are latent within the first flickering of the infant’s eyes, for the events follow as naturally as the opening of the petals of a flower.
It therefore provides itself with a large variety of environments in various reincarnations, with problems of various natures, and with diverse circumstances. [...]
[...] The explosive first emergence represented the first forceful emergence of the problem into physical terms, but as such was actually productive and of a healing nature—much more beneficial, say, than if such emergence had not occurred.
[...] The fear of natural forces was, therefore, initially extremely strong in them for the reasons given, and brought about a feeling of separation between man and those natural forces that nurtured him. [...]
An overly conscientious, restrictive mental and physical state evolved, in which the organism’s natural physical need for survival was in every way hampered. [...]
[...] In some, you see, the built-in controls caused so many blockages of energy in all directions that even their naturally high telepathic abilities suffered.
They were, therefore, subject to all of the ordinary human fears which were then exaggerated, since physically they could not respond even to nature with violence. [...]
[...] Ruburt was never athletically inclined, but always loved nature. The house and the grounds will allow you to pick up on old feelings that he had discarded, renewing to some extent a “fresh air” image that he once found natural.
(In tonight’s relatively brief session Seth discussed our house adventures in quite a personal way, yet also passed along some related concepts of a more general nature. [...]
[...] The area has brought together diverse kinds of people, united by love of nature, some airy spaces, and some privacy … The people are also achievers of one kind or another, and while [your goals may be different] you appreciate the fact that they are trying to do something with their lives. [...]
[...] They have personalities — certainly to the same extent that dogs do, yet of an entirely different nature. [...]
The personality however, tell him, lived according to his lights, possessed a primitive love of nature, and did, now, inspire others with heroism under the conditions chosen In the second existence mentioned, he was again a leader, but had learned the two-tongued nature of power, and allowed the Christians to win. [...]
As Nebene, while attracted by Ruburt, and in love with her, you considered her evil, and your attraction to her as a weakness on your part, a debasement: so now you find yourself in the position of helping Ruburt understand that his basic nature is good, that he is not leading people astray, as in that life you thought he was.
[...] The realization of Nebene would automatically lead you to question, to bring to your conscious attention characteristics that otherwise you may not have recognized; blocks to your creativity, and yet strong drives toward the nature of truth, from which your creativity also springs.
[...] The Ottoman Empire ended up stripped of its power then on purpose, where the deceiving nature of power was given to Christendom, and in this our friend saved his people from a probable future in which the unsavory aspects of power predominated for them.
Ruburt has always tried to adapt to your natural schedule. To some degree your own natural schedule is also the result of your own beliefs about your creativity. [...]
[...] In the material he wrote there was information applied to himself, incomplete, but I will put it in order; and it has to do with the nature of creativity and his beliefs.
[...] That work involved responsibility, discipline, material rewards, and also that it necessitated behavior that did not come naturally to him.
(Pause.) The Nature of Personal Reality1 is an excellent handbook, one that will enable people to manipulate in the world they know with greater effectiveness. It will not matter whether or not they understand deeper issues upon which the whole nature of physical reality itself depends. [...]
These basic units move toward organizations then of a selective nature. [...] Various kinds of significances are the result of the units’ individual natures. [...]
[...] (Long pause.) Their nature is the vitalizing force behind everything in your physical universe, and others as well. [...]
Because of the great organizing nature of these basic units, there are also psychological structures that are quite capable of holding their own identities while being aware of any given number of probable selves. [...]
[...] They are involved with the importance and the nature and reliability of revelationary material and as it is related to a literal true-and-false interpretation. [...]
The Sinful Self wants to be sure it is not lying, because it feels that according to its definitions it is naturally given to such behavior—being bad, sinful, et cetera. [...]
(8:30.) They actually represent very complex matters, and complex ones to explain, for in themselves they contain the seeds of material necessary for any understanding of the nature of reality and beliefs. [...]
[...] That kind of situation will soon be over, for it is a reaction —quite natural—on the first reopening of that door into past feelings. [...]
Your natural sense of enjoyment and pleasure will lead you back to your “work” naturally and easily. [...]
[...] “It’s the sort of thing I think is rooted in Sinful-Self stuff, on both of our parts—you’re not going to feel guilty about the gifts of nature unless those feelings have a pretty strong base in the psyche, somewhere.... [...]
You are meant to understand the nature of your inner self, and to manifest it outward. As this is done, the exterior circumstances should change for the better as the inner self becomes more aware of its own nature and capabilities. [...]
Knowing your reincarnational background, but not knowing the true nature of your present self, is useless. [...]
Twins, incidentally, almost always involve very deep, abiding psychic relationships of a strong, sometimes obsessive nature. [...]
Others of a more placid nature will take their problems one at a time. [...]
When you are discussing the nature of good and bad, you are on tricky ground indeed, for many — or most — of man’s atrocities to man have been committed in misguided pursuit of “the good.”
[...] In his grandiose, idealized version of reality, he saw that race “set in its proper place,” as natural master of mankind.1
[...] The Jews, for various reasons — and again, this is not the full story — the Jews acted as all of the victims of the world, both the Germans and the Jews basically agreeing upon “man’s nefarious nature.” [...]
You must realize that fanatics always deal with grandiose ideals, while at the same time they believe in man’s sinful nature, and the individual’s lack of power. [...]
When that nature grew out of the framework, he left it. [...] While he followed the framework, nothing could swerve him from it, and here (touching the photo) in this child’s picture, you already have the unswerving nature, the great spontaneity, looking for a structure that will allow it growth, and yet give the illusion of safety.
[...] The inflexibility of dogma conscientiously applied to daily action was experienced, and within it Ruburt tried to apply himself and to focus his deeply mystical nature.*
[...] He threw himself headlong into the Catholic reality, pursued it with great stubborn diligence, used it as a framework of conventionality in which he could allow his mystic nature to grow.
[...] Jane remembered little of what she’d said, yet now she felt the emotional impact of the material in her stomach — the reaction she often gets, she told me, when the information is of a personal or “charged” nature.