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TPS6 Copy of inspirational type material received Saturday, February 6 Mona Lisa canvas solving problems

[...] Consider art as a natural phenomena constructed by the psyche, a trans-species of perception and consciousness that changes, enlarges and expands life’s experiences and casts them in a different light, offering new opportunities for creating action and new solutions to problems by inserting new, original data. [...]

TES4 Session 171 July 21, 1965 Instream taped harsh extralong July

[...] It is natural that Ruburt was startled when he heard the way he sounds when he allows me to speak.

TES3 Session 120 January 11, 1965 fields chemicals mankind bravo excess

[...] I am concerned with getting material to you, but I am also concerned that we do not lose the basic friendly nature of our communications.

This is not to say that such surface reality is not vital and important, or that some information about its own nature cannot be gleaned from its study; but only a small amount can be so obtained. [...]

TES8 Session 346 June 14, 1967 peanuts overproduction sun symptoms apricot

When he felt he could not act following his uncompromising nature, he attempted to submit, you see. [...]

[...] They are now swinging to his aid, and you can now at least be thankful for their amazing nature, for the healthful turn will be ever more evident.

TES9 Session 451 November 25, 1968 center trance formulas pierces spirals

The mathematical material was in the nature of an experiment, and to this extent was a demonstration.

They are also in the nature of little tests on my part, for I can tell by his performance where his strong and weak points lie, and in what direction he needs my support.

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 916, May 14, 1980 cu units ee genetic repetition

Remember, again, the manifest [universe] emerges from a subjective reality, one that is implied in the very nature of your world itself. [...]

10:01 P.M. Near the close of Monday evening’s session, Seth had given us an insight into the nature of his own reality. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 17, 1973 salable schedule punch absolutes impulses

[...] He felt that with his natural spontaneity great discipline must be used, as given before. [...]

[...] I want him to continue with my book, and when he reaches the portions on point of power and natural hypnosis I will give him instructions so that both of you together spend five minutes a day at each exercise. [...]

NotP Chapter 7: Session 780, June 22, 1976 language implies psyche identity Cézanne

[...] In any case, Jane and I were safe and dry on our little hill this time — a far cry from our experiences in the great flood of 1972, as described in The Nature of Personal Reality. [...]

It is easy for you to see how the cells of the body form it — that is, you understand at least the cooperative nature of the cell’s activities. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 1, 1978 Jastrow Carter Hebb cosmetics Sadat

[...] For example, they became part of the species’ natural aging processes, as per your psychologist’s article. [...]

[...] So to some extent many people write for an acceptance of their individuality—even if that includes severe problems—and you both must indeed be struck by the vitality and uniqueness of human nature. [...]

TES8 Session 349 June 28, 1967 Joanie lettuce Gilbert Bill cigarette

(Jane pointed to Joanie.) Our friend here should stay away from lettuce… (I asked why.) There is oversimulation, reacting upon her system… that does not enable her to correctly perceive the nature of her own experiences… Too much stimulation without understanding.

TPS1 Deleted Session April 15, 1969 buyers intelligence infinite subconscious perfect

[...] I know my major premise is based on the eternal truths of life, and I know, feel, and believe that my subconscious mind responds according to the nature of my conscious mind thinking.

TES2 Session 49 April 29, 1964 Jim Tennant Inquisition Ruth Lundgren

Nevertheless in his case an excess, fervent nature has always been in existence, and even now his enthusiasms are extremely fervent, and although a humorous exterior personality now shows its face, nevertheless the extremely authoritative and sometimes too rigid nature holds the personality presently in bounds.

The personality has endeavored to right old wrongs, and has succeeded to a great degree, but at the risk of sacrificing inner spontaneity, and even at the risk of losing the very authoritative aspects of his nature, so that there is still a tendency to follow rather than to lead; simply because in the period of the Inquisition he was in a place of authority, he led; and he led men into atrocities committed in the fine name of principle and religion. [...]

[...] In the light trance state, the inner self is free from the camouflage nature of your plane, and the truly humorous aspect is this: Only by freeing yourself from your own camouflage universe can you see it clearly, understand it for what it is, and actually learn to use it for mankind’s best advantage.

TES2 Session 79 August 12, 1964 property price expectations veteran minimum

[...] Theoretically the laws governing the psychological energy structures could be worked out mathematically, but until it is realized that energy is basically mental and psychological in nature and origin, little can be done.

Here I suggest a brief break, as the nature of the material requires it.

[...] The nature of the material to follow will reveal the subject of our discussion at break. [...]

TES7 Session 297 October 26, 1966 Topper journey anticipatory Bernard fear

[...] Now, it is possible but difficult to catch your own consciousness in the act of its own natural perception, before impressions become crystallized in physical terms. [...]

[...] Some of your dreams tell you far more about the nature of reality than the most vivid physical experience.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 5, 1984 Jeff talent Karder poets fix

Other personal beliefs held by both of you to some extent or another, with the usual cultural connotations, stressed a false humility over the rightful natural pride of ability. [...]

[...] You also had many excellent beliefs going with you also, so that you did indeed use your abilities and express your natures. [...]

TES9 Session 486 June 9, 1969 passageways Pietra guests Ernie drugs

[...] There is as I mentioned some natural sympathy between you.

The receptivity is of a creative nature, you understand as if you were clearing land so that a primitive airplane could land, or setting a beacon in a window. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 22, 1973 relaxation parents laxness father mother

[...] If he dances or cleans the apartment, then his natural impulses are being physically directed in those fashions. [...]

[...] There are reasons set by you because of the nature of your purpose, so that your best work will come later in your lives. [...]

TES9 Session 425 July 31, 1968 Boston stabbed Van warmth neurobiological

[...] (No real pause.) In other dimensions, or if you prefer at other stages of development, the multidimensional personality is aware of its prime identity, and is also aware simultaneously of personality offshoots that it has sent into many realities, into probable systems, as it pursues all of the probable acts and creations inherent in its nature.

[...] These, incidentally, can help you understand the true nature of time. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 4, 1984 devotedness panic moaning sniffles ham

Remind him that all his nature does indeed work to his benefit, and that signs of creative alterations and feeling begin to surface, like tiny shoots.

TPS1 Session 598 November 24, 1971 Sumari Rob guilds chant speakers

[...] In their own way, and according to their capacity and purpose, they change and alter the nature of the universe, sometimes by being born within your historical time, and sometimes by trying to reach those who are within your historical time. They are far closer in your terms because of their natural affinity than they are, for example, sometimes even to other portions of their own entity, as you might be closer to a strong friend than you are to certain members of your own family, though they may be of your own blood. [...]

[...] It is simply their nature.

Now, I will also have some things to say concerning the nature of the two “personalities,” in quotes, for whom our friend spoke last night. [...]

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