Results 241 to 260 of 497 for stemmed:maintain

TPS1 Session 370 (Deleted) October 9, 1967 conscientious Nancy mother demand overly

He did arouse himself for battle yesterday (at my parents’, especially noticing the poor condition of my father), and this was effective, but this state of battle should not be maintained as a daily thing. [...]

NotP Chapter 11: Session 800, April 4, 1977 downtrodden nourishment psyche stance chords

(10:40.) Now, briefly: The overall stance of the species is largely maintained by the waking-sleeping patterns that you mentioned recently. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 853, May 14, 1979 feminine male creativity women marketplace

[...] When the [Biblical] passages were written, the species had come to various states of order, achieving certain powers and organizations, and it wanted to maintain the status quo. [...]

TES1 Session 34 March 11, 1964 fluent outer camouflage plane error

[...] Otherwise you would have a willy-nilly chaotic arrangement, with the personality incapable of maintaining any discipline as far as his own chemical and electronic components were concerned.

[...] It takes a peculiar set of abilities and interests for such work to be even partially successful or even accepted by the personalities involved; and for many personalities it would be difficult to maintain discipline and balance, while allowing for the necessary freedom that is necessarily involved. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 21, 1983 Fred Georgia Lorrie doughnut swelling

[...] (In Mass Events, for instance.) If people were not sick they would not need doctors (quietly amused), and since many people are unaware consciously of their own motives, then the doctors and the patients are often in league with each other, helping to maintain the dis-ease. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 23, 1981 granary Debbie bookstore July gifts

[...] There will also be days when it is quite obvious that the framework provides only for your own inconvenience and discomfort—but the fact that it is a framework, created and maintained, is important. [...]

TES7 Session 318 February 8, 1967 Muriel Zeh poetic clairvoyant subconscious

[...] But it purposefully distorted the idea image so grotesquely that it knew it could not be maintained. [...]

TES9 Session 491 July 2, 1969 race system abrupt clay violent

[...] The beauties within it are often the result of violent changes, of strong energy, used to change pattern and form, and yet maintain a definite stability. [...]

TPS1 Session 373 (Deleted) October 18, 1967 defiance talent commercial Taurus paintings

What you want is not a perfection which is rigid, but the ever-balancing action of spontaneous motion, a balance precariously maintained for a moment through ever-approaching and receding imbalances that result in objects.

NotP Chapter 9: Session 790, January 3, 1977 kitten Willy psychological awe dream

[...] You will recall them more easily, and as you do you will be able to maintain a sense of continuity between the waking and dream states.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 834, February 5, 1979 mosaics painting shared cults paranoia

[...] You move in and out of probable selfhoods, while at the same time — usually with the greatest of ease — you maintain an identity of yourself. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 522, April 8, 1970 dimensional actors roles three pretend

[...] Other realities have entirely different systems, but all personalities have inner senses that are attributes of consciousness, and through these inner senses communications are maintained about which the normally conscious self knows little. [...]

TES3 Session 126 January 27, 1965 electric psychoelectric system codes brain

All of these influences have a part in the formation of the physical individual, and his existence is dependent upon a balance being maintained. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 5, 1977 firewalker fire bulb flames Framework

Ruburt will shortly feel more and more energetic, and even be provided with greater wealth of creative material, as the energy that has been used to maintain symptoms is automatically freed, transformed into those vital areas of his interest.

TPS2 Session 670 (Deleted Portion) June 13, 1973 brakes mobility recommendations acquiesced freely

[...] You wanted what you thought of as adequate discipline maintained, and in other areas as well. [...]

TES4 Session 186 September 8, 1965 stamps depicted test tavern diverted

[...] The improvement has maintained itself, and soon now the season will be over. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 5 enzymes plane saucers Rob mental

[...] Even the mental enzymes themselves are interchangeable, as far as the principle behind them is concerned, though for practical purposes they maintain separate and distinct qualities in their materializations in one plane.

The inner senses are actually the channels through which the entire composition of any plane is appreciated and maintained. [...]

TES6 Session 258 May 11, 1966 playground Ryan impressions todon mas

[...] The primary personality must therefore deal with a much larger number of perceptions, while still maintaining its identity. It manipulates in a larger number of dimensions, until it is able you see to handle many, not just one, of its own egos at any given “time”—and you may put time in quotes—while still maintaining its own inner stability and individuality. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 1: Session 512, January 27, 1970 nail identify outer onion dimensions

The “outer ego” and the inner ego operate together, the one to enable you to manipulate in the world that you know, the other to bring you those delicate inner perceptions without which physical existence could not be maintained.

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 937, November 19, 1981 Floyd raccoon chimney genetic coon

[...] An adverse physical situation, such as an illness, may turn into “a frightening dream,” yet in all such cases the necessary standards of self-integrity are maintained.

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