Results 881 to 900 of 1825 for stemmed:jane

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 940, February 3, 1982 center homey doorstep prepackaged stand

[...] Jane’s vocal difficulties have been minimal, but her handwriting hasn’t been too steady as she answered mail and worked on some poetry. [...]

[...] As we waited for the session Jane gave me two very long letters she had received yesterday. [...]

Reluctantly, I agreed with Jane that she’d better not answer the letters. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: June 24, 1984 canker chemotherapy lemon nirvana philosophies

[...] Donna came in to take Jane’s temp: 98.8. I didn’t tell Jane, but a couple of times I’d actually fallen asleep for very brief periods while Seth spoke — something I’d never done before. [...]

(Jane, too, was doing better today. [...]

(I read the last paragraph to Jane. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 27, 1971 attitudes de ne ra vacation

[...] At suppertime, Seth spoke to Jane rather harshly as she worked in the kitchen. [...] Jane shed a few tears when she came to the studio to tell me that she had heard from Seth late this afternoon. [...]

(I asked Jane why she was allowing this material to come through now, but she didn’t know. [...] I grimly promised Jane that there were going to be changes; and this was to not at all minimize my own role in this problem—it was merely my stated vehement desire that this madness come to an end, that I was ready for a change, and demanded one.)

[...] At 9:11, as Jane and I sat talking and waiting, I wrote the following lines in Sumari:

TES1 Session 20 January 29, 1964 camouflage outer neurotics senses inner

[...] Jane said she felt Seth wanted this material to be very clear to us, and so was proceeding step by step. [...] Indeed, Jane delivered this material with many pauses. [...] Jane resumed dictating at 9:36.)

[...] As far as Jane’s or Ruburt’s subconscious is concerned, I make contact with you through both of your subconsciousnesses (Jane’s pronunciation); but through that larger portion which actually exists between planes, which is the property of the mind, not the brain, and which deals with the inner senses. [...]

[...] Try as we would, Jane and I could not recall what I had said at last break to bring on Seth’s outburst concerning mediums, etc. [...] Jane said that she definitely did not think he meant that. [...]

TES8 Session 341 May 15, 1967 Crosson thermal welm Massachusetts condensed

(A letter Jane received Tuesday, May 16, may or may not be referred to in the above last session paragraph. [...] Reverend Crosson did not refer to the WELM program, of course, but in his letter offers Jane an opportunity to lecture to a group on ESP in Massachusetts, which is the same type of activity. It develops he also writes book reviews for the Garrett publication, Parapsychology, which recently carried a review of Jane’s book. Jane feels Crosson would have given the book a better review, and an entirely legitimate one, than it did receive. [...]

[...] Jane’s voice had been stronger than usual. [...]

[...] Jane’s pace had been faster, her eyes open often, her voice average. [...]

TES9 Session 448 November 13, 1968 Mischa dog astral succeed image

[...] Jane left trance easily. [...] The apartment was quite cold tonight because of a strong wind that had blown all day, after a 14-inch snowfall yesterday; but Jane said that as Seth she was not cold, in fact comfortable for the first time today, etc.

(This data was quite unexpected by us, although this afternoon I had mentioned Mischa to Jane in passing, remarking on a similarity of pose struck by our cat Willy as he stood in the studio, intently listening to a sound outside. I hadn’t intended that any remark of mine about the dog lead to this kind of data, nor did Jane interpret it that way. [...]

[...] Jane had him when we met in 1953.

TES1 Session 24 February 10, 1964 clock duration psychological invention inner

[...] Seth’s material had reminded Jane that several times in the past she’d had the experience of hearing music when none was to be heard—that is, no radios were playing within range, etc. Jane has very acute hearing, but was still sure the music came from within. [...] Jane resumed at 11:07.)

[...] Jane’s voice had been normal, and her pacing slowed to its usual rate. [...] Jane resumed at 11:35.)

[...] As usual Jane began to get the jitters. [...]

TES1 Session 25 February 12, 1964 duality phonograph recorder plane camera

[...] I announced the time aloud, we made a few comments on how the session was going, then Jane shut off the recorder. [...] When Jane felt Seth coming on again, she turned on the recorder, I announced the time, and Jane began to dictate once more. [...]

(This was our first attempt at recording Jane’s voice during a session. We knew little about operating the recorder yet, although the night before Jane had successfully recorded a hypnosis session in which she had helped me with my back trouble.

[...] Jane turned off the recorder, not wishing to speak into it until her voice had “returned” to her. [...] When Jane began dictating again, for the first time her voice became somewhat louder and heavier. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 649, March 19, 1973 Grace Poverty Disintegration diagrams Wealth

(11:06 p.m. Seth was gone before I finished writing, after referring to some other work that Jane and I are doing on our own. Jane said she was tired now.)

(Drawing in the air, Seth-Jane finished the list, then told me that I was to place a second one, with its own heading, opposite the first. [...]

[...] I asked Jane if anything had bothered her, since the house wasn’t exactly quiet tonight. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 24, 1981 Sinful troublesome intensified Speaker church

(Jane spent one of her worst nights yet last evening: “It was pretty shitty.” [...]

[...] This morning in bed Jane had thrashed and whimpered almost constantly while both sleeping and waking, unable to get comfortable. [...]

(“I don’t want another session,” Jane said. [...]

TES7 Session 289 September 28, 1966 caffeine projection Bernard intensities emotional

(Jane began speaking in trance while sitting down, in an average voice with pauses. [...]

[...] Jane had been dissociated as usual. [...]

(Jane resumed, still with pauses, her eyes opening at times, at 9:39.)

UR1 Appendix 4: (For Session 685) sidepools neurological bypass Saratoga linear

(As she often has following recent sessions, after the 685th session Jane discovered herself delivering Seth material in the sleep state. [...] Jane:)

(Within 15 minutes of finishing her statement, Jane spontaneously began writing a second, longer one. [...]

(Now here, Jane told me later, she began moving into a different, hard-to-define, “strange” state of altered awareness. [...]

TPS1 Session 382 (Deleted) November 27, 1967 Psycho Cybernetics table compassionate divan

[...] Jane began speaking in trance while sitting on the divan. [...]

[...] (Jane stretched out on the divan.) You will have sufficient control over energy to make very successful projections. [...]

[...] It will be recalled it is borrowed from Ruth Klebert, one of Jane’s ESP students. [...]

TES7 Session 293 October 12, 1966 energy October converting maturation demand

(Jane took a long pause, her eyes closed. [...] Three couples were involved on October 7—Jane and I, the Gallaghers, and Marilyn and Don Wilbur.

[...] Jane was out as usual. [...] On Saturday October 8 Jane and I saw Linda’s day-old baby girl, Eileen Elizabeth, at the hospital near Tunkhannock, PA. [...]

(Jane said she had no idea of what Seth would talk about this evening, as she lay her glasses on the table at 9 PM. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 645, March 5, 1973 core bridge beliefs invisible sensual

(After supper Jane began to show signs of going into an altered state of consciousness. [...]

[...] Jane said she preferred to hold the session. [...]

[...] He became especially beautiful, Jane told me; when she stroked him his fur felt marvelously smooth and alive. [...]

TPS3 Session 701 (Deleted Portion) June 3, 1974 teeth tooth Teleprompter dentist filmed

(At last break I’d asked Jane if Seth could say a few words about why my front tooth was bothering me. [...] I had asked the pendulum about it today, but didn’t tell Jane what I had learned. [...]

(After the session I told Jane that my pendulum had told me that my tooth was bothering me because I was worried about her teeth these weeks. [...]

(Jane is now showing signs of change in her legs, which we are most pleased about. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 909, April 21, 1980 genetic deformities doodle gifted liabilities

[...] As Seth, Jane had started delivering the session at 9:05 P.M. on Monday, April 21, 1980.)

[...] “Do you want to say something about the little out-of-body Jane had this noon?”

Jane’s consciousness had left her sleeping body in the bedroom and traveled to her writing room at the back of the house. [...]

TES2 Session 83 August 31, 1964 libido Freud Jung cooperation advocating

(Before tonight’s session I mentioned to Jane that I hoped Seth would discuss the August 12-15 date he gave for Miss Callahan, and would mention Bill’s report on his predictions. Jane had no idea of the subject matter for the session, although she expected the session to be short. [...]

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] Jane resumed in the same manner at 9:35.)

(Here Seth refers to the fact that Jane has been made Assistant Director at the art gallery. [...] Her duties have been changed somewhat, and will include lecturing to the children’s classes on art history; Jane likes to teach, and many sessions ago Seth said this ability was a carry-over from a previous life, and was so far not being used in this life.)

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 889, December 17, 1979 units waves cu particles operate

(On December 13 Jane came up with her best title yet for the book of poetry she’s putting together: If We Live Again: Love’s Lives and Probable Selves. She’s writing some excellent new poems for the book, besides working on God of Jane. [...]

3. Earlier this evening I’d wondered to Jane why we keep dosing ourselves with the endless barrage of bad news the TV networks offer us as we eat supper each day. [...] I further told Jane that our history reflects our stubborn refusal to modify to any significant degree our great reliance upon Framework-1 manipulations, even though I grant that there are many complicated reasons for such long-term mass behavior.

I also felt that my question grew out of Jane’s and my own recent efforts to improve our habitual thinking patterns, to draw from Framework 2 more of those elements that will help us create the daily results we really want. As an aid, I use a set of resolutions Seth gave us last January 1—although, oddly, Jane doesn’t pay that much attention to them. [...]

UR2 Appendix 23: (For Session 724) Warren histories elite primitive gurus

[...] Thirteen of us had gathered in our living room for one of the weekly get-togethers that Jane and I enjoy so much. Some of those present were members of Jane’s ESP class; all had heard Seth speak at one time or another.

[...] When our conversation began to range over psychic phenomena, leadership, history, and language,1 Jane went into trance; then Seth came through strongly. This unexpected kind of session rarely develops these days, but, as Jane said later, the subjects under discussion were “emotionally charged” for her — and for others present, too, I might add. [...]

(A group of us — Alex, Warren,2 and others — had come over to Jane and Rob’s for a casual get-together, and also to talk about that week’s class, which seemed to be one of the “milestone” classes that happen occasionally.3 During the conversation, Alex said that the rise of literacy in the world would spread Seth’s ideas on a scale that had never previously been possible. [...]

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