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TES3 Session 90 September 21, 1964 twin Loriza meditation Ida sneezing

(Jane delivered the above paragraph quite forcefully, facing me with one foot up on a chair. [...] It might be added here that at the time of the visit of Jane’s father, on the night in question Jane had, as she was explaining some of the Seth material to her father and Midge, felt definite emotional “nudges” from Seth to hold a session, whereas upon the occasion of our visit with Bill and Ida in Rochester, she had not. [...] Neither of us seriously considered holding a session for Jane’s father and Midge, due to the turbulent circumstances.)

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] Jane resumed in a normal voice at 10:45.)

(Jane and I have not yet resumed the study of psychological time, although frequently as we are drifting off to sleep we will have brief experiences. [...]

TES7 Session 330 March 27, 1967 Pat sitter Norelli lbj sweaters

(During that session Jane achieved outstanding voice effects, a very deep trance, and a projection to the Boston classroom of Pat’s special high-school class. [...] Jane regards the session in many ways as one of the best yet, and wanted Seth to discuss the session this evening.

(This session was also a short one, primarily because Jane still had her cold. [...]

(And at this time Jane’s voice was at its best—very loud and strong and powerful. [...]

TES1 Session 5 December 9, 1963 peach fence Gratis Arcturus playgrounds

(“Can you tell us something about the significance of playgrounds for Jane?”)

(“When will Jane’s book on idea construction be finished?”)

(“According to Jane, the senses create the physical world. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 623, October 25, 1972 Coué ductless pancreas adrenals Emile

(Just before 9:45 Jane told me I could have material from Seth on the glasses idea, or on his book. [...] “It’s funny,” Jane said, “but I know that the next [fifth] chapter is there. [...]

(This afternoon Jane began to experience strong feelings of relaxation. [...]

(Jane said she didn’t want to postpone the session even though she felt “so great”— so much like just taking it easy. [...]

TES3 Session 103 November 2, 1964 chest peaks wine unscheduled indulgence

(Jane now took a rather long pause as she paced about. The effect Seth referred to, Jane told me later, was the one seen by Bill Macdonnel during Sunday’s unscheduled session—the opaque white eyes superimposed upon Jane’s closed eyelids.)

[...] In this one Seth for the first time mentioned that Jane should work full time at her writing. [...] Since leaving the gallery and buckling down to work, Jane had received many very favorable letters from publishers. [...] This improvement has seemed to blossom like magic, and we feel that the time when Jane begins to sell her work regularly will soon arrive.)

(As soon as Jane returned home from doing her errands and mentioned that she still “felt funny”, I suspected that we would see something like a repetition of her adventure of January 10, 1964, Volume 1, page 83. On page 89, in the 100th session, Seth had stated that Jane could allow herself more freedom now, and since she had mentioned the feeling of what she calls ecstasy to me this noon, I thought she was indeed doing more than usual. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 1: Session 883, October 1, 1979 divine progeny inflationary unimaginable sleepwalkers

(Last Saturday night, Jane and I presided over a “class” reminiscent of the weekly ESP classes we used to hold in our downtown apartments before we moved to the hill house, just outside Elmira, in 1975. [...] Seth came through again and again, as he’d often done in class, and Jane thoroughly enjoyed herself. [...]

Almost three weeks ago I wrote in the Preface for Dreams that we were waiting to receive the first published copies of Jane’s Emir’s Education in the Proper Use of Magical Powers. [...] Eleanor Friede, Jane’s editor at Delacorte Press, has done a fine job of supervising the illustration and production of a handsome little volume. [...]

This evening it was obvious that Jane really wanted to have the session, because she told me she was ready for it early. [...] She started out speaking for Seth very quietly, but her delivery soon became much more intent—then often louder and impassioned: Jane used many more gestures than usual, staring wide-eyed at me, leaning forward again and again in her rocker, crossing and uncrossing her legs. [...]

TES2 Session 44 April 15, 1964 laws space camouflage universe durability

(At 8:40 PM Jane lay down for a brief rest, while I sat quietly in an attempt to use psychological time. I experienced nothing untoward; Jane however got the thought of dream locations taking up no space. [...]

(Jane tapped on my desk for emphasis. [...] Also throughout these first few pages, I believe I experienced quite a few instances of telepathy; I would catch a phrase for instance just before Jane uttered the same words.)

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] Jane resumed dictating in her slow and deliberate manner at 10:06.)

UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

[...] Seth proceeded to deliver a block of material for Jane and me, which is deleted from this record. [...] Then Jane told me that Seth could “continue forever” — whereupon he returned to touch upon Jane’s and my reincarnational “history” from another angle.)

(Last Wednesday night’s scheduled session wasn’t held, giving Jane some rest the day after class. [...] When I write “on her own,” I not only mean that Seth didn’t come through, but that Jane wasn’t aware of his presence even though she didn’t give voice to it.

(Yesterday’s “Jane” session seemed to run itself, to take place outside of time as we usually think of that quality. [...] We estimate, then, that in a slightly altered state of consciousness Jane gave impressions for something like nine hours out of the actual ten and a half involved.

UR2 Section 6: Session 738 February 19, 1975 hill Foster house Avenue privacy

[...] I said before the session that if we got house material I really wanted good answers, that I’d stay out of it as much as possible. …” Jane went into the kitchen, looking for matches. [...] [However, Jane and I freely admit that on occasion we’ve made the wrong choice in deciding to ignore what Seth had to say; in retrospect we’ve seen that he gave out very valid material.]

[...] My realization that Jane wasn’t drawn to the place that much had something to do with my decision, although she was willing to make the purchase — but still, I deliberately passed up the opportunity to spend the later years of my life in the main environment I’d known between the ages of 3 and 12. [...] Jane agreed, and we made conscious decisions to go elsewhere.

(Today Jane and I spent several discouraging hours driving through and around Elmira, inspecting homes that were for sale. [...]

TES8 ESP Class Session February 8, 1968 Lydia Kluft Indian Connie Arc

[...] Jane came out of trance. The last lines above referred to a discussion Jane and I had earlier in the day.

[...] At break Lydia commented that she thought Jane’s delivery as Seth sounded Germanic. She also said that when speaking as Seth, Jane tended to use the same gestures and facial wrinkles shown in the portrait I have painted of Seth.

(Jane suggested that I sit in on and record this session for the regularly-scheduled ESP class she held on Thursday evening, February 8, 1968. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 730 January 15, 1975 fetus dolphins soul selfhood astrology

(Not only that: Jane now had several other channels of data available from Seth. [...] Jane got up and walked around the living room, where we were holding the session. [...]

(As break neared its end, Jane said that Seth was going to give the material available through one of the other channels open from him tonight. [...] Jane was especially happy that today she had found interesting correlations with part of her adventure through a friend [Mary] who is also a class member.

(As we lay in bed after last Monday’s session, Jane told me: “I’ve got it — from Seth, I think: A really complete astrological chart would have to include not only the time of your birth, but that of your death.” [...]

TES4 Session 178 August 16, 1965 waking brogue beneficial traffic routes

(It will be remembered that in the 140th session Seth suggested Jane avoid psychological time for a while, after she had unwittingly gone too far, too fast. A week later Jane resumed psy-time on a reduced time basis. [...]

(Since Seth began discoursing on dream suggestion and health in the 172nd session, both Jane and I have been experimenting with these ideas. Jane has had quite a few interesting dreams since then, as a result of her suggestions.)

(The above passage refers to tests Jane uses on herself. [...] Jane has not really extended herself in such tests, mostly due to a lack of time. [...]

TES2 Session 82 August 27, 1964 Provincetown cottage keg Gary Larry

(Jane, one foot on a chair, pointed emphatically at me. [...] Now Jane laughed as she continued.)

(The only comment I had to make on the above material during break was that Jane would have but a limited time in which to start bringing in money from writing, since our bank account would not last forever. Jane resumed in a determined voice, staring at me, at 9:10.)

(This morning while I was at work, John Bradley stopped by briefly while on a hurried business trip to give Jane some information relating to a prediction of a narcotics scandal that Seth had predicted for Elmira in the 63rd session, of June 17. [...]

TMA Session Two August 11, 1980 Brenner rational deer Floyd magical

(“Well,” Jane said at 8:40, “I’m about as comfortable as I can get, so I might as well begin. [...] Jane has also been “walking” twice daily, using her wheeled typing table as a support — though we skipped this evening’s sojourn in lieu of TV watching. [...]

(9:56 P.M. As soon as she was out of trance I told Jane the session was an excellent one. [...] Jane often feels the same way, though I don’t think she has so much lately, judging from certain remarks she’s made. [...]

[...] That the house had long been sold, that my parents had died in the early 1970s, and that Jane and I had been married for 26 years and lived in Elmira, New York, were irrelevant in the dream. Jane and my parents were not in it, nor were any members of the Brenner family.

TES3 Session 133 February 17, 1965 frog seat burned electrical pond

(During sessions now, Jane sits in our rocker across from my writing table. [...] At times also, Jane sits with her feet propped up on this seat while dictating. [...] I had wondered at times about the seat becoming too hot, but had taken it for granted that Jane automatically lowered her feet when it became too warm. [...]

[...] Jane was fully dissociated, she said. [...] Jane has also had clairvoyant dreams involving Miss Callahan.

(The day after the last session Jane realized that she had burned herself on the back of her right leg, just above the heel. [...]

TPS5 Session 878 (Deleted Portion) September 10, 1979 disapproval taxes stomach approve springboard

[...] “Were you uncomfortable?” Jane asked as soon as she came out of trance. [...]

(“Do you want to wait for a minute, and get something on it?” Jane asked. [...]

(“Well, taxes come up this week,” Jane told me, “and every time they do your stomach starts up. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 9: May 30, 1984 Joe Margaret gifts epilepsy dire

(At the close of yesterday’s session I wrote that I visited Joe Bumbalo after leaving Jane at 7:00 p.m. While I was up in his room, 522, Margaret went down to say hello to Jane. [...]

(4:49 p.m. Joe discussed his fears with me last night when I visited him, but I didn’t get a chance to tell Jane about them until I saw her in 330 this afternoon. In other words, she picked up Joe’s fears herself, unless Margaret might have referred to them when she visited Jane last night after I’d left.

(Last night Jane was extremely uncomfortable lying on her back; the bedsore on her left hip bothered her endlessly, she said. [...]

UR1 Appendix 11: (For Session 698) Wonderworks intersection chameleon objectification levels

(The heading The Wonderworks first came to Jane as she sat at her desk last Friday morning, May 17. [...] I’d say that some of them are classics of their kind; Jane’s own symbolism is beautifully illustrative of the way dreams can offer insights and solutions to very real physical challenges. [...]

(Jane wrote an intuitive dissertation on the wonderworks idea as soon as she received the title; this took up two single-spaced typewritten pages. [...]

(We also see creative connections between the way Jane produced The Wonderworks this month, and the book outline for The Way Toward Health last March, as described in Appendix 7. She conceived and delivered the latter while in a dissociated state also. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 638, February 7, 1973 lsd conscience oversoul nirvana Rooney

(Because of his particular disposition, Rooney had furnished ideal companionship for our other cat, Willy, who is several years older, and Jane and I had often speculated about the special relationship between the two. [...] Rooney, incidentally, can be seen in a photograph with Jane on the jacket of The Seth Material, hard cover edition.

[...] Actually, once Jane began speaking for Seth the session went very well indeed, and lasted until midnight. [...] At day’s end Jane and I were exhausted.

(Seth had already given the heading for Chapter Ten, but as we sat for the session now I reminded Jane of her questions about group souls, as described at the end of the 637th session. [...] Jane’s delivery was comparatively fast to begin with.)

UR1 Section 1: Session 685 February 25, 1974 Preface network selectivity desultorily ostensibly

(I discussed with Jane the questions I’d thought of when Seth had commented, above, on… how limiting previous concepts of psychology have been.”: As a discipline, why was psychology so narrowly developed? Why hadn’t it continued expanding until it encompassed ideas like those Jane was delivering tonight, for instance? [...]

(After we talked for a few more minutes, Jane said, “I’ve got the feeling you’re going to get answers to your questions about psychology — but they’ll be presented as the Preface to this book. [...] Making a joke, I asked Jane what was coming up next in the session. [...]

(When Jane lay down for a nap late this afternoon she had quite an unusual experience. [...]

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