Results 321 to 340 of 394 for stemmed:goe

SS Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 550, September 28, 1970 hate hatred sausage cheek evil

[...] If you vividly concern yourself with the injustices you feel have been done you, then you attract more such experience, and if this goes on, then it will be mirrored in your next existence. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 716 October 30, 1974 station drift home program focus

[...] Seductive goddesses will follow him wherever he goes.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 829, March 22, 1978 Christ resurrection ascension Gospels Luke

In evolution man’s nature is amoral, and anything goes for survival’s sake. [...]

TES6 Session 244 March 23, 1966 Peggy locations photograph envelope switch

[...] Whatever the case may be, it apparently makes no difference in the results as far as time goes, or previous visual contact. [...]

TES2 Session 79 August 12, 1964 property price expectations veteran minimum

[...] It goes without saying that your expectations have been transformed into reality, and the house now would not be practical, unless of course your own expectations changed drastically.

UR2 Section 5: Session 724 December 4, 1974 counterparts personage races century personhood

[...] The soul, or this greater personage, does not simply send out an old self in new clothes time and time again (humorously), but each time a new, freshly-minted self that then develops and goes its own way. [...]

TES6 Session 259 May 16, 1966 pigment object Fox white shape

[...] The effect is like an inkblot, except that the quality and texture of the paint is much superior as far as charm goes; this particular hand-ground pigment, which I make myself by heating a certain Italian earth color, has a texture like fine cement or roughened stone. [...]

TES3 Session 99 October 21, 1964 cellar vessel Tubbs furnace collaborate

[...] As an actor in a drama goes along with certain acts and gestures that make the play necessary, while at the same time he realizes that the play is a play, he must still focus his attention upon the lines spoken, and use the props available.

TES6 Session 249 April 6, 1966 ribbon quasars card Artistic bow

(This process goes on all the time at Artistic, as it does at most such greeting card firms.)

TES6 Session 266 June 9, 1966 eagle moose bending object tag

[...] The results of the experiment were quite unusual, and Seth goes into the mechanisms involved.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 10, 1982 chair scared crying leaned tv

[...] That leaves but one alternative, and my thought and fear is that if Jane goes into the hospital again, the sessions are over—for good. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 27, 1971 attitudes de ne ra vacation

[...] He goes inward then with great applied focus, but held the body in such tight reins that he denied it both energy and attention.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 920, October 6, 1980 magical Iran schizophrenia approach debased

[...] Jane’s difficulties certainly inspired them, but their creativity also goes beyond our own needs. [...]

[...] Seth hardly mentions the individual involved, however, but instead goes into the subject of mental illness in more inclusive terms. [...]

TES5 Session 218 December 15, 1965 Priestley Peggy Dunne San seminar

[...] But because Priestley stopped with time three, you would have to pick up Dunne’s, until Dunne himself finally goes wrong.

[...] Priestley is more correct in depth however, though Dunne goes further, only to peter out. [...]

An unusual attachment of aides goes with the group which she accompanies.

TSM Chapter Fifteen Pietra probable selves Rob injections

[...] A portion of the self can and does experience events in an entirely different fashion [than the ego does] and this portion goes off on a different tangent. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 10, 1970 flute Louise music tale wink

(To Valerie and Vanessa.) I will have more to say to our Greeks here as time goes by. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 688 March 6, 1974 cu dolphins holes cell neurological

[...] Time not only goes backward and forward, but inward and outward. [...]

TES5 Session 200 October 20, 1965 olive Rico Puerto car cafeteria

[...] He goes to his room and tries to contact us. [...]

TSM Chapter Six Dr Instream Osis psychologist Rob

[...] It goes without saying that all of this cannot happen overnight, but we shall begin. [...]

TES2 Session 58 June 1, 1964 outer ego plane passionate shrink

[...] I will never cease to be amused with Ruburt’s little tricks, such as watching the minutes, and I would not at all be surprised, Joseph, to find that he continues in the same hilarious fashion as times goes by. [...]

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