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SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 526, May 4, 1970 soul entity eternity clumps motionlessness

(10:43.) Such an eternity would be dead indeed. In many ways the soul is an incipient god, and later in this book we will discuss the “god concept.” For now, however, we will simply be concerned with the entity or soul, the larger self that whispers even now in the hidden recesses of each reader’s experience. I hope in this book not only to assure you of the eternal validity of your soul or entity, but to help you sense its vital reality within yourself. First of all, however, you must have some idea of your own psychological and psychic structure. When you understand to some extent who and what you are, then I can explain more clearly who and what I am. I hope to acquaint you with those deeply creative aspects of your own being, so that you can use these to extend and expand your entire experience.

With the little background given so far, we can at least begin to discuss the subject of this book: The eternal validity of the soul. Even when we are exploring other issues, we will be trying to illustrate the multidimensional aspect of this inner self. There are many misconceptions connected with it, and first of all we shall try to dismiss these.

It is energy concentrated to a degree quite unbelievable to you. It contains potentials unlimited, but it must work out its own identity and form its own worlds. It carries within it the burden of all being. Within it are personality potentials beyond your comprehension. Remember, this is your own soul or entity I am speaking of, as well as soul or entity in general. You are one manifestation of your own soul. How many of you would want to limit your reality, your entire reality, to the experience you now know? You do this when you imagine that your present self is your entire personality, or insist that your identity be maintained unchanged through an endless eternity.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 21, 1969 violence curse justification honor Presbyterian

[...] You see within yourselves the spirit of eternal vitality, and you honor it and you treat yourselves in that manner as gods. [...] And you honor each other individual also, because in him is the spark of eternal vitality. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 28, 1984 keyholes honeycombs meadows golden buzzing

the meadows of eternity.

UR1 A Verse From *Summer Is Winter* by Jane Roberts immature flutters ascend tomorrow flicker

[...] so bright!
For we are the spark that flutters in space,
Consuming an eternity of a moment’s grace,
For today is tomorrow, and present,
Nothing exists, and everything will

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 590, August 9, 1971 pope populace reign Caprina churchman

In many ways this is a cozy concept, though to some it can be quite frightening with its connotations of eternal damnation. [...] You are not separated from the animals and the rest of existence by virtue of possessing an eternal inner consciousness. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 646, March 7, 1973 death brilliance unconditionally Twelve verdict

In the entire fabric of your existence, this life is a brilliant, eternally unique and precious portion, but only a portion, from which you emerge with joy and understanding whether you die tomorrow or in years to come. [...]

Life and death are but two faces of your eternal, ever-changing existence, however. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 585, May 12, 1971 drama internal religion outward religious

[...] He will emerge as an eternal hero in the external religious drama, as the inner self is the eternal hero of the interior religious drama.

DEaVF1 Essay 10 Wednesday, June 23, 1982 song essay sing cupboards Sumari

[...] When she read it to me I knew at once that it would go here, for a few words she certainly sang of the basic theme of these essays—of the sublime, immortal consciounesses of the earth and All That Is, of that loving redemption that consciousness always makes possible somehow, somewhere, in the eternal private world of each of us, and that each of us always seeks:

NotP Chapter 11: Session 800, April 4, 1977 downtrodden nourishment psyche stance chords

[...] You will not “glimpse eternal life” by attempting to deny the life that you have now — for that life is your own unique path, and provides its own clues for you to follow.

You cannot find your psyche by thinking of it as a separate thing, like a fine jewel in an eternal closet. [...]

TSM Chapter Eighteen thread agony God gestalt yearning

[...] You must honor yourselves and see within yourselves the spirit of eternal vitality. [...] And you must honor each other individual also, because in him is the spark of eternal vitality.

“If you remember what I said about the way in which the universe expands, that it has nothing to do with space, then you may perhaps dimly perceive the existence of a psychic pyramid of interrelated, ever-expanding consciousness that creates, simultaneously and instantaneously, universes and individuals that are given—through the gifts of personal perspective—duration, psychic comprehension, intelligence, and eternal validity.

[...] … The assassin of Dr. King believes that he has blotted out a living consciousness for all eternity. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 523, April 13, 1970 environment script semicolon pall subjugations

[...] By the end of our book, however, I hope you will realize the eternal validity of your own consciousness, and the impermanence of those physical aspects of your environment, and of your universe, that now seem so secure. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 3: Session 518, March 18, 1970 pupil conference writers play childhood

Now, each whole self, or multidimensional personality, has its own purposes, missions, and creative endeavors that are initial and basic parts of itself and that determine those qualities that make it eternally valid and eternally seeking. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session April 15, 1969 buyers intelligence infinite subconscious perfect

[...] I know my major premise is based on the eternal truths of life, and I know, feel, and believe that my subconscious mind responds according to the nature of my conscious mind thinking.

SDPC Epilogue — A Personal Evaluation interior apport flavor provided alertness

[...] Seth’s own book, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, will be presented using the session format, however, so that the entire flavor of the sessions can be appreciated.

UR1 Section 1: Session 684 February 20, 1974 units fluctuates poised blink selectivity

[...] There is indeed an expanding universe, and it is formed in the eternal present. [...]

And singing are eternal.

TES9 Session 510 January 19 1970 Simmons Tomoski chapter Hartley Pete

The next chapter will deal with the eternal validity of dreams as gateways into these other realities, and as open areas through which the inner self glimpses the many facets of its experience, and communicates with other levels of its reality.

This is the title for our book (Smile:)Seth Speaks: (colon) the Eternal Validity of the Soul. I am using the term soul, for it will have instant meaning to most readers. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 559, November 9, 1970 evolutionary entranced embedded multidimensional catalogue

[...] All probable materializations of life and consciousness have their day, and create those conditions within which they can flourish; and their day, in your terms, is eternal.

SS Part One: Chapter 1: Session 513, February 5, 1970 warp linear infrequently blotted grammatically

[...] The entity is the overall identity of which his personality is one manifestation — an independent and eternally valid portion. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 568, February 22, 1971 Speakers devil evil soul religions

[...] He is, in other words, a superlative hallucination As mentioned earlier, those who believe in a hell and assign themselves to it through their belief can indeed experience one, but certainly in nothing like eternal terms. [...]

[...] They have not understood the eternal validity of the soul, however, in terms of its exquisite invulnerability, nor been able to hold a feeling for its unique character. [...]

NotP Chapter 6: Session 774, May 3, 1976 nest love identify selfhood explore

[...] Though love’s expression brilliantly illuminates its instant, at the same time that momentary brilliance contains within it an intensity that defies time, and is somehow eternal.

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