Results 981 to 1000 of 1043 for stemmed:energi

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 619, October 9, 1972 beliefs imagination child punishment parents

[...] Cushioned with these beliefs the child can be safe and satisfy its own curiosity, develop its abilities, and throw its full energy in clearly stated areas of activity.

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 804, May 9, 1977 senility biological alien defense social

1. Photosynthesis is the imperfectly understood process by which the green chlorophyll in plants uses the energy of sunlight to manufacture carbohydrates from water and carbon dioxide. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 821, February 20, 1978 dna epidemics myths disasters Christ

[...] Your myths have given great energy to the outsideness of things.

TES5 Session 203 October 28, 1965 Peg Rhine Rico Puerto Duke

[...] She has strong subconscious energies, and she has a goal, and you are in the way.

TPS5 Deleted Session August 12, 1979 groin Protestants moral parochial money

[...] Her energy was still up. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 8 breathes Rob dishes Who admit

[...] The part of himself that did ‘teach’ him to see still guides his movements, still moves the muscles of his eyes, still becomes conscious despite him when he sleeps, still breathes for him without thanks or recognition and still carries on his task of transforming energy from an inner reality into an outer one. [...]

TES5 Session 225 January 19, 1966 Colucci Negro Dr dentist Madison

[...] The energy that composes them is not the same, and the past is constantly altered. [...]

TES6 Session 241 March 14, 1966 grave holly Ezra Gottesman leaf

[...] It is formed partially by abilities inherent within all personalities, psychic abilities, and it is composed of energy. [...]

TMA Session Four August 18, 1980 Gus glass magical assumptions door

[...] It is the directed force of value fulfillment.2 In other terms it is of course the energy of All That Is. [...]

TPS1 Session 597 (Deleted) November 22, 1971 Mattie tone Midge Del Sumari

[...] The energy went out of him with her passing. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 621, October 16, 1972 willpower beliefs examine imagination dissect

[...] To me, Jane’s very deep trance had seemed to be quite impervious, her delivery fueled by a driving energy. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 710 October 7, 1974 demons journey objectified City travel

[...] This simply means that there is not enough energy connected with the idea to propel it outward into the world of physical experience as an objective mass-experienced event.

TES4 Session 179 August 18, 1965 test noise envelope Traffic Instream

[...] This is very temporary, and already he is beginning to find new reserves of energy. [...]

TES8 Session 414 June 5, 1969 Kennedy Senator nation ideals poison

(After Seth withdrew, she said, the energy was still around her and she didn’t know how to get out of it. [...]

TES5 Session 211 November 24, 1965 clock Bill gilt features facial

My own answer is that I am an energy personality essence, momentarily in contact with your physical system, and that I am allowed to operate through Ruburt.

TES5 Session 237 March 2, 1966 print handprint Myhalyk ink steeple

(Seth enjoys calling himself an energy personality essence.)

TES2 Session 69 July 8, 1964 apparition constructions water temperature cool

[...] Their validity is dependent upon the individual’s ability to receive inner data, to translate inner data, to manipulate energy, and to construct it onto the material field.

TES9 Session 449 November 18, 1968 integers Roger zero math minus

[...] She had said a little previously that she felt “up” today, or full of energy, light and active.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 17, 1970 Rachel accident Ned Dennis hunting

I want you to realize, above all, the energy that is in each of you; the individual entity and the uniqueness. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 702 June 10, 1974 spin electrons technology biofeedback science

[...] The vehicle of so-called space travel is mental and psychic mobility, in terms of psychic transformation of energy …”

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