Results 361 to 380 of 690 for stemmed:difficulti

TPS4 Deleted Session May 17, 1978 Neuman locomotion Seven legal resilient

[...] More, however, on some days he will feel actively like walking, and then he should do so, and even in a day when he does have difficulty, there will almost certainly be some periods when he will feel the same urge. [...]

TES3 Session 94 October 5, 1964 vessel leaking lad Loren pajamas

[...] The results of another kind of investigation may be given to the intellect, which may then be able to register the facts involved, but only with some difficulty since the intellect is bound and determined to study facts in the light of so-called cause and effect, which appears so logical to the intellect, since it deals so often with appearances registered by the outer senses, then trying to interpret them into some kind of order.

[...] On the childlike area of the subconscious you believe your mother mainly responsible for family difficulties. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 6, 1979 foreign Crowder money Prentice Ariston

[...] The worst part of the whole thing was that I developed urinary difficulties during the malaise: urination became very painful indeed, and I had a strong sense of blockage and impairment at times. [...]

Whenever you cut off your painting, you have difficulties—and that also involves this internal provincial concept of the male image, for you get upset about your painting because it does not bring in money, when a male’s pursuit should. [...]

TES1 Session 29 February 26, 1964 plane Callahan Miss Watts camouflage

[...] There is a period of adjustment after leaving any plane, although your plane involves the most difficulty since the camouflage pattern is unusually rigid.

There are so many planes that it is impossible to list them, and difficulty arises from your need to categorize in terms of words. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session December 15, 1980 overlook backgrounds sander disclaimer love

[...] This makes you dwell upon any difficulties, so that any blemishes are overly emphasized, any accomplishments taken for granted, and you are left with a sense of disapproval. [...]

TES8 Session 376 October 30, 1967 table sitters field sensitive Sheryl

(Concerning Jane’s difficulty in getting the ESP class members to succeed in moving the large living room table, in the Tuesday night class. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 18, 1972 Susskind negotiating congratulations show excuse

[...] But the difficulties involved made it unlikely that we would bother to try this.)

TPS4 Deleted Session July 3, 1978 particles quark Hoyle neutron faster

[...] Within that experience, however, there is full freedom, and regardless of any ideas Ruburt might have had, the body can right itself in a moment—regardless of how long, in your terms, it has been in difficulty. [...]

TES8 Session 416 June 12, 1968 doctor fireside actor woman role

[...] Since the egotistical knowledge of the woman does not include this data, there are of course difficulties here also. [...]

TES6 Session 278 August 8, 1966 Leonard postmark stamp geometrical postage

A business representative is a good idea, for his relationships will be tinged otherwise with these difficulties. [...]

Part of Ruburt’s difficulty is based upon precognitive knowledge.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 16, 1981 Sinful science mechanistic tainted outcomes

[...] Your kind of consciousness, relatively speaking, involves some intrinsic difficulties, along with spectacular potentials. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 5 Sunday, April 18, 1982 claim integrity gland published rewrote

[...] I felt that I could handle my particular kind of difficulty alone. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 897, January 21, 1980 Billy David divine model weather

[...] I thought her own physical difficulties must play a strong role here, although she didn’t say so. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 19, 1978 critical powerlessness bodybuilding determined solve

[...] Both of you have a tendency to concentrate upon the ills of the world—and so that applies also to the mail, for you remember the letters of those who are in difficulty far more than other letters—and Ruburt thinks that he is simply one more person with a problem that seemingly cannot be solved. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 9, 1982 Hal fireworks Rusty therapy treatment

It took Ruburt some time to establish a certain kind of “equilibrium” for this evening’s session, but there will be no future difficulties in that direction. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session July 19, 1972 Nebene intercourse purchased car pride

The difficulty showed itself in Ruburt in keeping with the style of life that you were both accustomed to. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 556, October 26, 1970 anima animus characteristics sex aggressive

[...] Some, for example, find it far easier to develop as one sex or the other, and will need more opportunities for experience as the sex with which they experience difficulty.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 820, February 13, 1978 Framework technique art monotony vaster

(Her comments fit in well with Seth’s closing statement about the difficulty of translation; otherwise, we couldn’t find a reason for her reactions in the session material itself. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 21, 1978 effort promote desires impulses letting

[...] And only when someone begins to doubt those impulses and their validity do difficulties arise.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 2, 1984 Carla crying Marie murderer nurses

[...] As long as she was there, I asked Carla to get someone to clean out Jane’s ears, for she’d been having difficulty hearing again lately.

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