Results 1 to 20 of 52 for stemmed:deterior

TES2 Session 60 June 8, 1964 matter permanent properties deterioration growth

Matter is continually created, but no particular physical object is in itself continuous. Change in a particular physical object is not change as you conceive it. There is not, for example, one particular physical object that deteriorates with age. There are instead continuous, for now I will say continuous creations, of psychic energy into a physical pattern that appears to hold a more or less rigid appearance. This appearance appears, that is, this physical object appears to change and to age, but the material does neither. It does not exist long enough to do either, for one thing. There is an infinite number or series of creations of matter. The ability of the individual creator of any particular physical form to use psychic energy to control and manipulate causes the outer appearance of deterioration and aging of matter.

Matter itself does not age or deteriorate. This may throw you, but I will prove my case. I will also prove it even in so far as the so-called aging of rock formations and other archeological events are concerned. Matter is created directly from energy on a subconscious level.

Again, growth and deterioration are what I will call apparencies. They are, in other words, only apparent properties of physical material. Physical material has in actuality two main properties. It is spontaneous and instantaneous.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 627, November 13, 1972 beliefs unexamined assess coughing power

[...] The actual physical deterioration then does indeed follow. The deterioration however does not occur first, but after.

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 13, 1984 Karina Lynn electrons Russian falter

[...] Her latest-present is beginning to show signs of a deterioration. She wants a turning-off point from which to construct other realities, so it is not so much that the latest-present is deteriorating as much as the fact that she is purposely letting her attention wander, and allowing the latest-presents (with the hyphen) to diminish in strength and vitality. [...]

TES8 Session 347 June 19, 1967 cues recovery vacation swelling reversal

[...] The mental condition you see has not deteriorated since its improvement. [...]

The cue points began to break up of themselves, and your anticipated activities will further aid in their deterioration. [...]

TES8 Session 364 September 13, 1967 hopelessness marriage peanut trap reliable

The case is not yet hopeless, though it is deteriorating. [...]

[...] Look for subtle signs of improvement rather than further signs of deterioration.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 630, December 11, 1972 flesh soul clay Sierra living

The “house of clay” does not immediately deteriorate when you leave it. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 650, March 22, 1973 senility hemisphere diagram wealthy picturesque

[...] Here, though, wealth and a white skin are not only bad, but obvious symptoms of moral deterioration. [...]

Many believe that it is a time of spiritual and/or physical deterioration, an era in which all those hard-won attributes of maturity vanish, and the reasoning faculties disappear like grains of sand held too long by the thinking hands of the mind.

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 9, 1984 inherit genetic raveled Wilson yesterday

[...] Many people believe fervently that with approaching age they will meet a steady, disastrous deterioration in which the senses and the mind will be dull, and the body, stricken with disease, will lose all of its vigor and agility. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 18, 1984 fund swifter stick cavernous Newman

His eyes are not deteriorating. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 1, 1973 Adventures Eleanor Rich writer Tam

[...] Before all of this, as the very first symptoms began, before the ESP book, he was already deeply frightened by the novel rejections, the Playboy rejections after they raised his hopes, the poetry book acceptance that fell through with Continental, and what he felt to be your joint deteriorating relationship.

[...] It was for those reasons that his improvement deteriorated.

Ruburt’s condition deteriorated after the meeting with Eleanor. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 10, 1984 dejected trinkets play zest queries

Those beliefs paint a dire picture, in which any given situation is bound to deteriorate. [...]

TES1 Session 9 December 18, 1963 fragments dancing Beach images board

These fragments existed for a longer period, had solidity and did not deteriorate, because you gave them continued inflation. [...]

Looking back, you can say that this effect was therapeutic, but if you had subconsciously accepted the images it would have marked the beginning of a severe deterioration for you both personally and creatively. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 7, 1984 older segregation population nutrients diet

Faced with that kind of a projected future, no wonder many adolescents prefer to die before catching sight of the very first hint of deterioration — the first wrinkle or touch of gray in the hair. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 804, May 9, 1977 senility biological alien defense social

[...] Nor did I merely wish he would change just so that I could avoid the pain I felt watching him deteriorate. [...]

[...] But either way (whether senility arises through aging or infection), beliefs would come first, helping the whole body maintain its healthy performance well into old age, or encouraging it to deteriorate unnecessarily.

TPS5 Deleted Session July 16, 1979 evidence hornets absence creativity thrives

[...] In your society people have been taught in many areas that change can only lead to a deterioration, and this seems to have a scientific justification. [...]

TES3 Session 99 October 21, 1964 cellar vessel Tubbs furnace collaborate

Ruburt did anticipate with some correctness part of this evening’s subject matter, having to do with apparent deterioration of the quality of matter itself, that composes the physical body. Since you know now that all physical matter is constantly coming into formation, that it is formed by atoms and molecules so instantaneously, and that these atoms and molecules that give form to matter continually appear and disappear, so swiftly that the physical form that they compose appears permanent, then you must realize that there is no reason why physical forms should deteriorate as far as the atoms and molecules that compose them are concerned.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 859, June 6, 1979 impulses Heroics Freudian overweight murderous

[...] But many people fear that any change is detrimental, since they have been taught, after all, that left alone their bodies or their minds or their relationships are bound to deteriorate. [...]

TPS2 Session 627 (Deleted Portion) November 13, 1972 cold symptoms sinus antibodies autobiography

[...] Because he did not understand the nature of his beliefs however the improvement, while lasting for some time, deteriorated. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session March 19, 1979 child healer lamb Bob Enquirer

[...] It would deteriorate with age.

TPS5 Deleted Session October 25, 1978 pendulum teeth soothe Kosok responds

(The article about the psychologist creating his own reality, featuring his own mental deterioration, is in the latest issue of Human Nature magazine—November 1978. [...]

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